• 17

    posted a message on Theorycrafting Livestreams Recap with Decklists


    i am not a huge fan of "pre-release-events" like this

    i would rather like to see streamers playing with the new cards + funny deckbuilding ground-rules instead of streamers trying to "solve" the meta. all what it does is shorten the fun of the new expansion ladder experience atleast thats what i experienced since they do this sort of events. ofc streamers always will have an influence on the current meta and it just takes hours within a new expansion until many people will "copy" their decks but now every non-streamer can just sit and watch how streamers try to "solve" the meta days in advance.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - King Phaoris

    on turn10 it might be just too slow/rng-heavy because sometimes you need taunt or other keyword to survive and any battlecry minions is kinda useless but if you can somehow cheat him out few turns earlier it might be worth a try. in history 10 drops only saw play when they did something to control the board or help to hide behind taunt minions.

    Posted in: News
  • 32

    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - King Phaoris

    curious if King Phaoris + Prismatic Lens might work.

    Prismatic Lens -> drawing a secret + King Phaoris -> swapping mana costs
    Play 1 mana Phaoris and summon a 10 drop 


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    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - King Phaoris

    nzoth was only a thing because you can build your deck around certain deathrattle minions who have some usefull deathrattles (cairne, thalnos, loot hoarder) or taunt (tirion fordring, sludge belcher). phaoris  is full rng and much worse because you need to have spells in your hand while nzoth does not care about your hand cards and you can dump your deathrattle minions early on.

    many people will die vs midrange/aggro because they get 0 taunt/rush/charge minions to defend.

    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on Mysterious Big Paladin (rank5 to Legend 65%+)

    i played 121 games overall to reach legend. wr was between 60-75% depending on the day and meta i was facing.

    maybe your meta looks different than mine while i was climbing to legend or you just make some different plays or bad rng via duel! / prismatic lens. there are different version of big paladin @hsreplay with 50%+ winrate and several thousand of games tracked -> the deck is good enough to climb ranks

    ps:  i made this deck to have fun and not to break the meta. reaching legend was a welcomed side effect but most people i know are playing the deck because it is fun and not to reach legend the fastest way


    Posted in: Mysterious Big Paladin (rank5 to Legend 65%+)
  • -1

    posted a message on Rise of Shadows Developer Q&A - All Answers

    changing Elysiana would be stupid... ban the card for competitive play but don't change a card for everyone only because some competitive players "love" to grind out games as warrior

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    posted a message on Mysterious Big Paladin (rank5 to Legend 65%+)

    Damaged Stegetron + Kangor's Endless Army or just other big rush minions like the new 9/9 rush neutral or Big Bad Archmage or the 3/8 Gilneas rush/divine shield minion. depends on the meta you are faicng if you need more taunts or rush minions or value generating minions.

    Posted in: Mysterious Big Paladin (rank5 to Legend 65%+)
  • 0

    posted a message on Mysterious Big Paladin

    tunnel blaster is for sure a good sideboard card. i am atm 32-16 @ rank 600 legend with my latest version and hardly face aggro/token/swarm decks. 2 consec + weapons do the job for me but if you face more aggressive metas go for anti aggro cards just like tunnel blaster or witchwood grizzly :)

    Posted in: Paladin
  • 4

    posted a message on Mysterious Big Paladin (rank5 to Legend 65%+)

    Big Bad Archmage generates more value over time but are dead draws until turn10. mountain giants can be 0 mana via prismatic lens  on turn4 and if you draw them during the game they will most likely be playable  from turn5 onwards while other expensive cards need 7+ mana. giants win more duels especially after the rise of some controlish decks who run giants themself. giants kill elysiana / giants, the 4/8 lifelink elemental from big shaman and few other big minions where as Big Bad Archmag e might just die during the Duel! without giving value. 

    Mountian giant is in the end less risky and can be played more frequently  in comparsion to big bad archmage which leads to more ocmebacks vs aggro/midrange due to  lightforged blessings lifelink on mountain giant or  going for lethal vs control few turns sooner.

    Posted in: Mysterious Big Paladin (rank5 to Legend 65%+)
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    posted a message on Mysterious Big Paladin (rank5 to Legend 65%+)

    khadgar mages are a taff matchup, one of the only ones were you need a slightly different decklist to force a win faster. just including 1-2 shrink rays would help a lot.

    Posted in: Mysterious Big Paladin (rank5 to Legend 65%+)
  • 2

    posted a message on Mysterious Big Paladin (rank5 to Legend 65%+)

    good changes if you face atm more meta decks. i am already running a different version since days due my different meta @ legend , but maybe i should change the decklist above. big bad archmage is just too slow from hand in most of the games and therfor I play mountain giants who have great synergy with prismatic lens + lightforged blessing and handsize-discount due to unplayable hand-spells :)

    Posted in: Mysterious Big Paladin (rank5 to Legend 65%+)
  • 2

    posted a message on Mysterious Big Paladin (rank5 to Legend 65%+)

    funny that you made that change :) 

    i made a reddit post yesterday - > https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveHS/comments/bdkjpq/big_duel_paladin_rank5_to_legend/ and the special decklist v3.0 in my hearthpwn post above is a mountian giant variant but i did not want to change the whole decklist without playing more games. you made the right call to change those minions

    Posted in: Mysterious Big Paladin (rank5 to Legend 65%+)
  • 0

    posted a message on Mysterious Big Paladin
    Quote from Wolfric >>

    i feel the 2x batterhead are too much and i woudl add second flash of light. 2x redemtion also too much ?

     In my opinion 2x Batterhead, Tirion and Shirvallah are the core set of minions, the rest is flavor/meta depending. Batterhead kills 99% of all rouge/token/zoolock minions which are 75% of my meta. 2x redemption are not necesarry but there are hardly good 1 drop spells atm for paladin and we need secrets + cheap spells for mysterious blade / prismatic lens and redmeption works rly great with Zilliax/Tirion vs aggro/midrange. 1x Redemption + 1x hidden wisdom will work as well if you face many aggro decks who play 3+ cards during a turn

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Mysterious Big Paladin (rank5 to Legend 65%+)

    100% agree but it rly depends o nhte meta you are facing. i upgraded the list few minutes ago. running again consecration and i swapped elysiana out even though i like her but i face 50% rogues @ rank2 and the rest are token druids. elysiana was rly good vs warrior but they disappeared from my current meta.


    in the end the deck theme is flexible enough to swap out few minions/spells depending on the decks you are facing :) it does not break the meta but it is fun to play and there is always hope via duel! to hit the jackpot if the game seems lost.

    Posted in: Mysterious Big Paladin (rank5 to Legend 65%+)
  • 0

    posted a message on Mysterious Big Paladin

    due to the recent swift in the meta ( less warriors, more rogues / token druid, hunter , zoolock ) I had to make some changes and reinclude Concecration to deal with tokens / Lackey spread. Archivist Elysiana is not needed anymore because there are hardly any control decks around who can become dangerous for us. we just overrun everything with big minions + clear the board with conceration / Batterhead or weapons.

    atm playing at rank2 ( 18-7 , 72% wr)

    original decklist: 

    updated decklist v 1.0:

    updated decklist v 2.0: ( current version)


    Mysterious Big Paladin (rank5 to Legend 65%+)
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    Posted in: Paladin
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