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    posted a message on Druid is virtually unbeatable and this needs to be changed fast
    Quote from BlackHebrew >>
    Quote from restinbeast >>

    It's kind of amazing me right now that so many people are focused on Jade Druid. 

    I just climbed to legend using Priest and Paladin all the way up to mid rank 2 at which point I just could not break through the wall of Aggro Druids (at least without losing my sanity). So like a sniveling coward I switch to Aggro Druid - a deck I have very little familiarity with. I won 75% of games at high rank and was able to concede early when they were not working. I achieved legend from mid rank 2 within a hour or so. THIS DECK IS TOO EASY TO PILOT AND WAY TOO POWERFUL!

    Nerfing innervate is the only way out I can see. The meta is garbage at the moment. 



    So you had to resort to an OP, broken ass deck just to get to hit legend. Awesome accomplishment bro.
     Lol did I say it was an awesome accomplishment? I have reached legend many times in many metas. I was pointing out how broken druid is atm you salty weirdo. 
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    posted a message on Druid is virtually unbeatable and this needs to be changed fast

    That dynamic is making the meta truly broken at the moment but even when control decks return I am worried about the power level of aggro druid. I cannot believe they printed druid of the swarm and crypt lord. Innervating them out is just too powerful. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Druid is virtually unbeatable and this needs to be changed fast

    It's kind of amazing me right now that so many people are focused on Jade Druid. 

    I just climbed to legend using Priest and Paladin all the way up to mid rank 2 at which point I just could not break through the wall of Aggro Druids (at least without losing my sanity). So like a sniveling coward I switch to Aggro Druid - a deck I have very little familiarity with. I won 75% of games at high rank and was able to concede early when they were not working. I achieved legend from mid rank 2 within a hour or so. THIS DECK IS TOO EASY TO PILOT AND WAY TOO POWERFUL!

    Nerfing innervate is the only way out I can see. The meta is garbage at the moment. 



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    posted a message on End of Season Anxiety and Frustration

    I usually get Legend about 50% of seasons. My biggest recommendation would be to remind yourself that if you don't get it this month, you will get it next month. Also, most of my Legend climbs end with a spectacular win streak (10 games + sometimes). Just remind yourself that at any time you can hit one of those. 

    All that being said, as someone else mentioned, you need to have a higher winrate than 51%. I don't know how people get legend with a winrate like that. I would go insane. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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