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    posted a message on Hydra Lord, maybe OP (Fan Creation)

    I think it would be really interesting if you made the body like a 2/8 that summons two of the heads and the heads all have taunt. That way you have to punch your way through this wall of heads to get at the beast


    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Is There Any Reasonable Explanation for All the Bad Behavior & BM?

    I am sorry but I don't see how this behavior is that bad. A turn is at most what 3 minutes? If they take there entire time goofing around and spamming at you just concede, or mute them, or minimize the game and watch YouTube till its your turn again. The only behavior that is really that bad is repeated roping. 

    You said hello and they didn't isn't really being toxic. They don't owe you a response and possibly they are afk or looking at another window and don't even see the emote. 

    Also some people spam the emotes because they are fun. That is what they are their for, something to mess around and be interactive with. If you are offended by it just always mute the enemy emotes at the beginning of the game. 

    Also I think the idea that no one in the community is combating this problem out of fear of community backlash is ludicrous. The truth is that the problem just isn't actually that bad. 

    Finally the only thing I could see them adding, and I would be for it, would be an option to have your opponents emotes always toggled to silenced so that you don't have to do it every game if you are distracted by them. They already don't have any type of general or in game chat out of fears of toxicity but yet people still complain. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Secret Achieve


    Posted in: Secret Achieve
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    posted a message on thinking of crafting deathwing

    I was thinking about my answer before and I wanted to add something. The reason I was saying not to craft Deathwing isn't that he is bad and he won't ever rotate out like people said. My reason for not crafting him has more to do with the current meta/Ungoro set. Deathwing is good but not a must have in order to make any deck work. Any of the decks that run him can run other cards. On the other hand the quest decks have to have the quests and midrange paladin really needs the paladin legendaries. So I guess my question is would you rather have Deathwing over being able to try out an entire other deck? If the answer is yes then by all means craft him but if you like trying out the different quest decks then I would hold off. It really depends on what you want to play. Crafting Deathwing just means really going all in on Taunt Warrior. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Rope time

    Ben Brode hates you specifically. Just you. /s

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on What's wrong with those guys?

    I always accept friend requests. If they are salty then its funny and sometimes they legitimately want to say well done and talk about the match. I often send friend requests in the arena if a match was particularly close or exciting. People are usually really friendly. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Arena feels so unbalanced right now
    Quote from MrPerfect01 >>
    Quote from orange77penguin >>
    Quote from Brooknt >>
    Quote from orange77penguin >>

    Arena is fine. Proof? The top arena players are still the top arena players. Ratsmah, Hafu, Kripp, ADWCTA,Merps, etc are still all consistently hitting 7+ wins. This means its the player base that hasn't adapted not that the meta is unbalanced. The main thing is that Arena has changed from primarily a tempo game to a value game. It changes how you need to draft and how you play your removals. Also we have the most taunts in arena ever so you can't expect to rush your opponent down with minions.

    If the april stats come out and the top 100 arena players averages have shifted down considerably then I will be proved wrong but I don't think they will. 

    It's not we can't hit high wins consistently, it just too many swings. I don't feel good when I win with those broken cards. These are on the level beyond Faceless Summoner. Arena in this patch is all about the quality of your deck, decision making isn't matter anymore. I feel sorry for them when they loose to the triple blazecaller 
     I mean I get what your saying but I feel like decision making has gone up not down. The cards are all so strong now that its a lot more about choosing what piece to use when as opposed to curvestone where it was more about just making sure you play your curve. Its not necessarily a game losing play to just pass a turn now and that feels great. I hated it when the game was did I pull a 1,2,3 drop ok I win. Meteor seems to be the main complaint people have and you can play around it if you just always assume they have one and be pleasantly surprised when they don't. That being said I agree that Meteor is too strong, especially with the high Epic offering rate. 
     I disagree that Arena decision making has gone up,  I think it has drastically decreased.  Now it is hope to draft power cards then play power cards over and over.   In the past, people used to have to make interesting decisions about how to use pretty blah cards, only when you reached high wins did you face powerhouse decks.   Now powerhouse decks are found at any record.
    For example, take my last arena match at 3-1.  The game ended with my opponent having drawn only 12 cards.  In the game he played 3x Fireballs and 1x Firelands Portal.  The 1 Firelands portal killed my monster, the 3x Fireballs went face.  Some very tough decision making for my opponent that game.  It was basically draw Fireball (x3), play Fireball (x3)   
     That just sounds like a really lucky run on the part of the mage to me. There is no way the mage has enough fireballs for that to be consistent through multiple games. I guess I should back off though and say this isn't my favorite arena ever. That was probably during LoE arena meta. I guess my final point is I like the Ungoro meta much better than the 7.2 threat and response meta that existed after the offering changes but before Ungoro. The terrible Epics would just drag your deck down. And something does need to be done about mage. The high offering rate of spells just gives mage so much of an advantage. Rogue and Mage are on top because they have the best spells for sure. 
    Posted in: The Arena
  • 0

    posted a message on thinking of crafting deathwing

    I would say not to unless your really dust rich or have nothing else you would even consider crafting. It does help the taunt warrior list and it can be grabbed out with The Curator but it isn't necessary and you only use it in maybe 5-10 percent of games. I would say substitute one whirlwind and sleep with the fishes for Deathwing and a shield block in that list. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Arena feels so unbalanced right now
    Quote from Brooknt >>
    Quote from orange77penguin >>

    Arena is fine. Proof? The top arena players are still the top arena players. Ratsmah, Hafu, Kripp, ADWCTA,Merps, etc are still all consistently hitting 7+ wins. This means its the player base that hasn't adapted not that the meta is unbalanced. The main thing is that Arena has changed from primarily a tempo game to a value game. It changes how you need to draft and how you play your removals. Also we have the most taunts in arena ever so you can't expect to rush your opponent down with minions.

    If the april stats come out and the top 100 arena players averages have shifted down considerably then I will be proved wrong but I don't think they will. 

    It's not we can't hit high wins consistently, it just too many swings. I don't feel good when I win with those broken cards. These are on the level beyond Faceless Summoner. Arena in this patch is all about the quality of your deck, decision making isn't matter anymore. I feel sorry for them when they loose to the triple blazecaller 
     I mean I get what your saying but I feel like decision making has gone up not down. The cards are all so strong now that its a lot more about choosing what piece to use when as opposed to curvestone where it was more about just making sure you play your curve. Its not necessarily a game losing play to just pass a turn now and that feels great. I hated it when the game was did I pull a 1,2,3 drop ok I win. Meteor seems to be the main complaint people have and you can play around it if you just always assume they have one and be pleasantly surprised when they don't. That being said I agree that Meteor is too strong, especially with the high Epic offering rate. 
    Posted in: The Arena
  • 1

    posted a message on Can someone help me with Taunt Warrior ?
    Quote from Salamanderi >>

    It is hard to say about card swaps when I don't know what class are you facing lots of in your rank but when I was testing Quest Warrior it seemed to me like Shield Blocks and Shield Slams were highly unnecessary.

    You want to get good taunts to block damage not face when they cannot even go face. And with some random spells in your pocket you only postpone your quest. Against control you want to get that quest done as soon as possible and against aggro you want those taunts and area removal. What good have Shield Slam and Shield Block done for you?

    Also it is good that you understood to make some changes, everyone and their mother seem to be playing those 2 infamous Quest Warrior decks without any single card swap and they do tremendous amount of misplays as well.


     I like running one shield slam for early game removal but your right it is not as good in taunt warrior as in other warrior lists due to giving up your armor up hero power half way through. And as far as shield block, one can be good to combo with shield slam for a possible late game clear but definitely not two. I like Alley Armorsmith for late game armor better anyway. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 8

    posted a message on Taunt warrior is bad for the game

    Also the counter to the Sulfuras Hero Power is the same as the counter to old school Ragnaros. Just flood and watch the 8 damage hit your 1/1 and laugh. And just bait out their brawls by putting out enough to be threatening while keeping most of your stuff in your hand. Put them in a lose-lose situation. If they brawl they uses up their solid removal, if they don't your existing board clears there board and starts hurting them. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on meta is worse than before

    It seems like most of the posts are actually defending the meta and I agree the meta seems really fresh and healthy. Yes the first four days or so everyone was playing Quest Rogue like it was Pokemon Go but now that people have invented counters the meta has diversified and its seen a lot less. The best advise I can give to dealing with this meta. Use Dirty Rat. Its so good against so many decks right now. Quest Rogue - Pull their pieces out and get a 2/6 taunt against their 1/1s.  Quest Mage - Rip out Antonidas and laugh. Elemental Shaman - Almost everything either has a strong battlecry or is a small elemental they need for their chain. Probably weakest against Pirate Rogue but even there its a strong taunt and your unlikely to get punished as they don't run hardly any "big" minions. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Is Ozruk a safe dust?

    Dust the golden one unless your in love with his animation. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Can someone help me with Taunt Warrior ?

    Dirty Rat is great against Quest Rogue. Always mulligan for it and try to pull one of their pieces out so they get slowed down on completing the quest. Often you can kill them before they finish it or the turn they finish it. I run two Dirty Rats specifically to mess with quest rogue. They can also mess up elemental synergy if you pull their only cheap elemental or an elemental with a strong battlecry. Best thing I have done with a Dirty Rat though was pull Antonidas out of a Quest Mage hand and Shield Slam it to death on like turn 7. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on It would be nice a single removal for paladin
    Quote from siritanusik >>

    well nobody runs eye for an eye,but you have 84% of getting one from hydrologist,not guaranteed,but it's the best way and it is so satisfying when you just hit end turn constantly;)

     Makes sense. Sorry I hadn't thought about hydrologist. 
    Posted in: Paladin
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