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    posted a message on Dr Boom. One of the top 5 best non class legendary right now?

    For me, it's just good.

    1- Sylvanas, Rag, Tirion, Grommash, Alex, Jaraxxus, Loatheb, Vol'jin
    2-Cairne, Dr. Boom, Troggzor, TBK, Harrison Jones, Sneed's, Gallywyx
    3-Cenarius, Ysera, Thalnos, Baron Geddon, Malorne
    4-Random crap that might be good but not even close to the ones above

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Is it just me or does rogue suck?

    My warrior laughs on the all-ins from turn 1. I don't think rogues are weak though.
    I prefer to play a ragnaros rogue over a 30-card-draw one.

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Thank you blizzard for this broken class

    Lol, the Huntard deck originally came up to beat the (back then) FoTM handlocks. It's a bad matchup, why ur whining about it?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Nuba]GvG MechRattle Paladin

    I stick with the original decklist, LoH is a too strong card for paladin unless you're running aggro. Take out your opponent's lethal damage and draw 3 cards for the next turn? That's huge. If it were a minion like Ancient of Lore, would be easily a 2-slotter.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on What's with this crying about hunter being OP?

    Hunter isnt OP. It's stronger than other decks atm because it builds tempo too early in the game. Undertaker plays a major part in this. One of the most awkward things in the design of the game is to nerf the buzzard and introduce Undertaker and Webspinner as cost 1 cards. Things would be very different if the mana cost and stats of these cards were different.

    Hunter have the highest win ratio against anything that draws off the curve, that's undoubted. When the classical huntard deck draws off the curve, it gets spanked 60/40 to full control warriors (gorehowl), 70/30 standard control warriors (baron/no BGH) and gets raped by zombie priest. However, even drawing off the curve, it will still have a strong stand against druids and warlocks due to the amount of direct damage, when facing paladin it's all about the RNG of his draw and the best player will often win in the shaman matchup. (Remember, this is considernig that the hunter did draw off the curve)

    Now, let's take for an example, a Warrior Control playing off the curve vs hunter. If you don't draw Fiery war axe, you're dead. If you have 4 big minions in your hand by turn 2, you're dead. If you don't draw brawl when the hunter overextend (Because most players will overextend a lot), you're dead. The fact that leads ppl to believe that hunter is brainless is because a lot of players often overextend a lot and their opponents doesn't really have an answer to that, either because they didnt do good trades to full card value (Which is key) or they were drawing off the curve. It's not a brainless deck. But it can be brainless as long as your opponent can't stand against it.

    I don't like the Hunter design at all. It's different in many ways than the Face Druid, because Face Druid has to trade and doesn't throw up 6/7 stats on turn 2 (UT+Webspinner+Mad Scientist). It's also different than the Zoo because the Zoo is originally a control mid-range deck. Most of my easy wins vs zoo are against players that just go face regardless of what I do. The Bursty Shaman always been like that, and trust me, it's not as bursty as it once was nowadays. But none of them will play with such high win rates when drawing off the curve as Hunter does. Doesn't matter if you didn't get a Undertaker or Webspinner, as long as the Hunters get a turn 2-3 (sometimes only 3) play they still have a high win ratio. Savana Highmane craps on Doomguard's value in many ways. Hunter also is the class that mostly benefitted from Naxxramas with Priest racing second and Warrior third.

    It's not about being a brainless deck, because aggressive decks get more punished by misplays than control decks, but if played brainless, it's less likely to have a huge hit on your win ratio. Experienced players will outplay the newer ones with mastery, and that may be the cause of your lack of wins. It's all about saving that owl to silence a Belcher instead of a 1/7 Northshire cleric or a 3/3 armorsmith, building a strong board to save your Kill Commands to hit face and don't ever let your opponent comeback.

    Posted in: Hunter
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    posted a message on Project Mid-range Paladin

    Mid-range Paladin GvG
    Export to BBCode Export to Cockatrice Export to MarkDown Export to Html Clone this deck
    Minion (22) Ability (5) Weapon (3)
    Loading Collection

    The idea here is to build up tempo and a strong board while keeping its control through wipes and weapons. Later on heals and big guys will help you win alongside Paladin's hero power.

    Possible Changes in near future: Less early threats and more card draws.
    Will give it a go as soon as GvG comes out.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Help me decide (please!)

    Golden King Krush is DE 100% of the time. I'd DE the non-gold one as well.
    Nat Pagle is also DE'ble. It doesn't belong to this game anymore after the nerf :P If it just had a better body, though...
    Onyxia is also pointless to play. There are so much better choices. And she gives your opponent a whole turn to prepare. Statwise, it's an insane card, of course, but in reality it turns to be unviable. I'd DE as well.

    Hogger in other hand is very good in heavy control decks because of it's ability. His body sucks, but could be worse; But summoning a 2/2 taunt every turn will always give your opponent trouble, specially when they're out of removals. Some Warrior Control and most Ramp Druid decks use it.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [Nuba]GvG Take on Ramp Druid

    Unless it's Iron Juggernaut! :P
    I like the idea, i'm not sure I would use 2 golems tho. Would also consider taking off Cenarius, never been a big fan of it, but gl

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on Upcoming balance change (Flare, Gadzetzan, Soulfire)

    Fair enough balances IMO, i start to think that Blizzard is getting things straight. But i don't feel Soulfire will hit zoo that hard. Zoo is all about bringing up a lot of minions. Soulfires doesn't really win games early on when the nerf hits it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on I got amazed by new cards released!

    Fix: Revealed**** :P

    Damn, at first I thought this expansion would fill up the game with a lot of bad cards. Card by card we had deceptions and excitements. But those 36 new cards revealed, MAN! Some of these has a direct impact in how the meta is going to flow! Also, the balances:


    • Soulfire now costs 1 (up from 0)
      • Soulfire, along with fast and powerful minions, allowed Warlock rush decks to get ahead on the board and stay ahead. We’ve upped Soulfire’s mana cost by 1 to slow down the Warlock rush deck just a bit and allow more players time to react and interact against the Warlock.
    • Gadgetzan Auctioneer now costs 6 (up from 5)
      • Gadgetzan Auctioneer’s ability allows for a player to potentially draw many cards for little cost. Card draw and card advantage are important to the game—overall, games are less interesting when a player draws their entire deck. This change brings Gadgetzan Auctioneer’s cost more in line with its power level.
    • Flare now costs 2 (up from 1)
      • Flare allowed the Hunter an advantage versus decks that revolve around Secrets, while also allowing the Hunter to draw a card for little cost. We want to encourage a variety of decks in Hearthstone. With this change, Flare will continue to be useful against decks playing Secrets, but will be weaker against other decks

    Now i'm really excited for it. My personal favorites from those 36 are Tree of Life, Arcane Nullifier X-21, Kezan Mystic, Vitality Totem, Mechanical Yeti, Seal of Light, and Crush.

    What is yours?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Paladin is not garbage!

    There is no worse class. All classes can have different decks (Usually tempo or control) and are effective. But Paladin sits on an awkward spot not because it's bad, but it became more inconsistent than it already was after Naxx and it's tons of deathrattle minions taking out value from our board wipes.

    Control Paladin is a pain for any deck to deal with unless you're playing aggro with near perfect draw or Control Priest. Big taunts and heals is the main reason of this, control paladin is all about stalling the game and then killing your opponent. It's problems are:

    1-Too many deathrattle in the meta, which screws Paladin because it's a naturally slow class
    2-Paladin always plays out of the curve, which shows us how Paladin's early game is weak. It's only curve is pretty much Truesilver Champion and Sludge Belcher. Even Warrior and Handlocks have a curve to deal with the opponent threats, while Paladin doesnt. This will be fixed in GvG though.
    3-Too many tech cards compose a Paladin Deck, aggro or control. So usually it's easy to play around it's removals.

    It's not bad on control and not bad in aggro, but they're certainly not the best as well. That's why people whine so much. Coghammer will be a MVP in the new meta, i'm almost sure of that. You can watch any good Paladin streamers as you can, and you see them struggling with the aspects i've pointed. ATM it's a very reactive deck and too much reaction is never good. (Who played Priest before Zombie Chow and Dark Cultist? I'm not saying that nobody ever did, but was it as strong as it is now?)

    Also, there's a lot of non-sense cards in the Paladin's collection. Most blessing are arena cards. Secrets are a joke, including Avenge. Paladin also didn't benefit from Naxx at all excluding Belcher. It was strong before Naxx.

    I understand how you feel, but i really feel that you're also overreacting to newbies complaining too much about paladin supposedly being too weak.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Bolvar Fordragon

    I don't feel this card is any close to Tirion Fordring in terms of value because it needs 1 turn to have an impact. It is a big let down as many people felt because it's VERY situational and may require some play to build him, which isnt good most of the time (VanCleef is a good example, even though you can just cast rogue spells face and slam it into the board, you end up with card disadvantage most of the time, needless to say that for a long time Miracles didnt even run VanCleef)

    Scenarios where Bolvar would be viable:

    -Tempodin with mech cards to give you Spare Parts and make him stealthed. This would look like current Nuba's version with spare parts and much card draw (But not even close to Miracles) to build a strong tempo and use Bolvar as finisher

    -Control Paladin in fatigue wars, which could be useful in tournaments because when you and your opponent has roughly 5-8 cards left IT IS a win condition, because most removals are already spent.

    -Shockadin would be the worst user of Bolvar's text because you mostly want to inflict damage quickly and this deck already needs to be low on cards in order to trigger Divine Favor consistently and have better (and faster) finishers like Arcane golems buffed, Leeroy or anything with Blessing of Kings/Might.

    It's a tech card, not consistent, but with potential. I don't think it will see much ladder play unless the meta becomes VERY slow, but it surely is viable in tournaments. You should also remember that if it gets silenced you can still Coghammer it to make an annoying Morgu'shan Warden with divine shield or even Blessing of Kings if 2nd Consecration/TrueSilver Champion ever were taken out of a pally's deck.

    I expected much more, like a good early/mid help to pallys, which is the real struggle in the class, but it's not as useless as people think it is.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on How important will Silence become in GvG?

    I think Silence got more valuable after Naxx, but i don't really think people will run more than 1-4 silences after GvG. The thing is: How valuable will be silencing a minion that you could simply kill doing a good trade? You can always play around tricky deathrattles, like killing Sylvanas without anything on board or drop your valuable minions after.

    Silence is always valuable, but sometimes trading is just better cost-wise in deckbuilding. Hard removals will also play big part in order to distribute silences on your targets! It all depends on the flow of the game and how RNG gave you and your opponent's cards.

    Is a second owl more worth than Armorsmith, or taking out the curve, something like Cairne and Gorehowl?
    Will a second silence be better than Dark Cultist/2nd Northshire Cleric or anything that a priest needs more?

    There is enough silence this way, and the devs made it this way because MUCH silence is un-fun

    Posted in: General Discussion
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