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    posted a message on What full golden deck to craft?

    My 2 cents, but you shouldn't craft all goldens of a deck you haven't even played yet, much less become proficient at. Most decklists vary over time, so I'd just craft goldens of power cards and fill in the gaps as you commit to a particular list (and become proficient with it). Power cards would include stuff like Knife Juggler and one Ironbeak Owl for Aggro, Sludge Belchers for Control, and then maybe things every deck in that class will use (SI:7 Agent and Eviscerate for Rogue, Shielded Minibot for Paladin, Keeper of the Grove for Druid, Death's Bite and Cruel Taskmaster for Warrior, Eaglehorn Bow and Savannah Highmane for Hunter, etc.).

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Rate the username of the player above you!
    Quote from c0nvictOR jump

    =)) my battle net username was taken , so needed to improvise on " Convict " =)

    Yeah jump spelling is way worse than random nr =) Peace . out

     you used a "0" and an "O" in the same username... 4/10 bro. How could you?! :P

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on I'm an aggro player.

    Here's how I view the aggro aspect of hearthstone:

    1. It needs to exist. Without it, the meta would be much staler as you could run a deck designed to counter say combo decks or control decks, without having to worry about being rofl-stomped by aggro. This is especially true in tournaments where you have to win with all your decks, and why you don't see like a druid with 2x Big Game Hunter and 2x Naturalize. Sure it may wreck some control decks and eat handlock alive, but hunter would fry it in no time.

    2. Hearthstone unfortunately is designed in such a way that aggro is encouraged heavily. Aggro cards are just cheaper. Aside from a few cards (Millhouse Manastorm, King Mukla, Leeroy Jenkins, Shadow Bomber, Enhance-o-Mechano and Fel Reaver), most aggro cards are cheap (Rare, Common or Basic). It's also worth noting that those cards aren't considered auto-includes (much less good) in ANY viable deck archetype, with only Leeroy having a regular spot in Hunter. Taking a look at good control/combo/midrange decks, there are many Epics and Legendaries that are usually auto-includes, I'm looking at cards like Preparation, Quartermaster, Ancient of War, Cabal Shadow Priest, Doomsayer, Molten Giant, Ice Block, Sylvanas Windrunner, Dr. Boom and Tirion Fordring. This means that new players/players with low budgets will gravitate to aggro decks simply because it's a literal impossibility for them run a competitive non-aggro deck.

    3. Aggro is really easy to hard counter, the only reason no one does it is because those decks usually struggle against non-aggro decks due to not being able to deal with big threats or present any threats of their own. Because of that, people usually only have a few anti-aggro techs such as Antique Healbot. With full on face aggro, your win condition is literally your opponent not running and/or drawing their answers before they die. So when you feel like you could not have won a match because of your draws (in a aggro/non-aggro matchup), remember that if answers were in your deck they could just as easily say the same thing. They have positive winrates only if their opponents don't draw answers more than they do, hence they usually go for face since each turn on is alive is another turn to draw an answer and flip the game into their favor.

    Also, this game is not nearly as saturated with hunter as it was a couple seasons ago. Attached is an analysis of 50 games yesterday as I was goofing off grinding towards a golden warlock (was playing between 15 and 10). As you an see, only 7 out of 50 games were against hunters. Don't bother mentioning that I lost most of them, Warlock generally is unfavored vs. hunter.

    Is Aggro too prevalent? Maybe, but that's the fault of the game, not the archetype.

    My two cents.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on [S14] berserkci's legend rank oil rogue

    Really enjoying this deck, a nice change from more removal based Oil Rogue lists. :)

    Posted in: [S14] berserkci's legend rank oil rogue
  • 2

    posted a message on Fatigue Priest
    Quote from pro_toon »

    The idea of the deck is cool, but im wondering why  Deathlord isn't in the deck (great against agro and speeds up the fatigue). and i really miss  Thoughtsteal ,the card that gives priest draw without drawing. i would also change Sludge Belcher because of the bad synergie with Resurrect . hope you will reply

    I was testing the deck without deathlords since it can really hurt the control MU if it pulls out something big. Right now I'm testing -1 Cabal -1 Resurrect +2 Deathlords, will update this list if I decide to stick with that.

    Thoughtsteal is great, except that it can be completely useless by clogging your hand with cards you will never use, which isn't good vs. slow decks since you will often be at 8+ cards, and it's useless vs. aggro as you don't have time to draw or play what you draw.

    I think that sludge belcher is too good by itself to drop, even tho it's not great with resurrect. Especially if I drop down to just one copy of resurrect. I think that between the other minions in the deck, the odds are in my favor to get something good. :)

    Posted in: Fatigue Priest
  • 15

    posted a message on Weekly Design Competition #19 - [Ended]

    I noticed the game is lacking good midgame dragons, so here's one that hopefully fits the theme:

    Flavor text: "They'll never admit it, but Crimson Drakes are really generous with buffs."

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on COMBO-WOMBO-FACE-LOCK

    Except that it doesn't have charge, so the faceless copy will have summoning sickness.

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Arena Disgust

    You're not being bullied, and honestly I don't know what you're looking for here.

    Sympathy? BS happens, which I admit sucks. Just yesterday I had implosion roll a 2, 7 times in a row. I've been wrecked 0-3 in arena when I had 4 fire elementals in the deck cuz I got matched against a rogue, hunter and warlock that rushed me down.

    Tips? That's what I (and others) are trying to give.

    If you're going to just complain about RNG, and want others to join in with you, I will just lock the thread as nothing constructive will come out of it.

    No one's trying to bully you, we're honestly trying to help you move on to what's next. But if you want to focus on solely the negatives of admittedly bad luck, this thread will be viewed as a cesspool and I will lock it down.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Arena Disgust

    He was not being insulting, he was asking for you to self-evaluate. There are MANY players who overestimate their own ability, and fail to see their own misplays. Without videos/extensive photo records of the matches, it's impossible to prove if you actually made all the right plays or not.

    With that in mind, you aren't going to make people want to help you if you rant on when they ask you to look in a mirror. Heck, even top-tier players make misplays and have to reanalyze their games to see if they made the right plays or not.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Arena Disgust

    Due to the random nature of arena, some times everything will line up against you. Sometimes you won't draw a playable minion until turn 5 even with an absurdly good deck. Sometimes your opponent will draft an insane deck and draw insanely well. The attached picture happened to me the other day (my opponent played a perfect tempo mage deck in arena). Sometimes you will get a decent draft good for 4-5 wins, but you'll get matched early on with people who have 12 win decklists but are only on game 2 so the game just matches 2 1-0 players together and you get ROFLstomped.

    The only way I can avoid tilt when crap like that happens is to just remember the times the stars aligned for me. Take screenshots/videos of games you had no business winning, and just look at them when RNG beats you to a pulp. Remember that karma is a bit like Trade Prince Gallywix: She provides the beatings and demands you pay up! It happens to even the best of us.

    I'll leave you with some life advice that's relevant even here: "The master has failed more than the novice has even tried." If you're willing to learn and improve your game, then just push through your rage and don't quit, and you'll do better (as long as you actually stop if you tilt, to give yourself time to cool down).

    Posted in: The Arena
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