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    posted a message on Warsong Commander Nerf Incoming

    I'm not too upset about seeing patron warrior nurfed. It could be annoying to play against and sometimes if you couldn't tell early if it was patron or control warrior you couldn't play against it properly to give yourself a good chance to win. On the other hand I liked having a relatively inexpensive warrior deck that was viable instead of control warrior being the only viable warrior deck. It is a tough balancing act. You want to have inexpensive and viable decks so that new players don't feel like they have no chance without spending a bunch of $ on packs or dusting absolutely everything they aren't using in a deck currently. On the other hand you still want people to feel like there is a reason to want more packs for more cards otherwise you won't keep people interested.

    I'd say the card is pretty much unplayable now as it is paying 1 attack and 1 health in stats for a useless effect. I also expect that this will make patron warrior significantly weaker and might not be viable in the meta at all. I would have preferred the change that a lot of other people suggested of making the charge function more like the Southsea Deckhand where if you attack and use up the last durability on your weapon the deckhand looses charge. That would eliminate the ridiculous OTK from huge pumped Frothing Berserkers and even tone down the Patrons a bit as you couldn't use inner rage on them without loosing charge. You could use it on them after the attack to spawn another Patron and make them a 5/2 for next turn but couldn't swing with them for 5 damage. That would limit both the face damage of the combo and some of the board clear potential. I think that would tone down the worst aspects of the deck with out killing it off completely.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Easy fix to Patron Warrior
    Quote from Shissan jump
    Quote from Shissan jump

    I think I need to stop playing my minions, so I won't have to worry about a Frothing with 29 attack...

    Interestingly, wasn't this why they nerfed Unleash the Hounds? I believe one of the reasons cited for its nerf was because the best way to counter it was to not play minions, and the dev team agreed that a card whose counter was not playing the game was bad for the game.

    I was not playing Hearthstone when Unleash the Hounds was nerfed. What did Blizzard change on the card to nerf it?

    They increased its mana cost from 2 to 3.

    It was actually changed several times. Initially it was +1 attack and charge for all beasts. Then they changed it to the current mechanic but played with it's mana a fair bit. It started off at 4, got dropped to 2 and then changed to 3 where it is now.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Just lost 10th brawl in a row

    I've always viewed the turn one coin/portal as a high risk play with potential for high reward. Getting a 1-3 mana drop you can play on turn one isn't bad and gives you tempo over your opponent because they may or may not get a similar 1-3 mana drop on their turn two. To me the really high reward possibility is getting a 4 or 5 mana drop that you can play on turn 2. One of my losses this week was exactly that. Turn 1 coin/portal. Turn two Feugen. Not a particularly good legendary but absolutely brutal as a turn two play. Even a simple pit fighter or spectral knight would be brutal to face on turn two. At best your opponent probably has a 3/4 three drop or something along those lines. If you hit that you are in a really good spot. If you miss or get a poor 1 drop you've pretty much wasted your coin.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on Just lost 10th brawl in a row

    This brawl is random with an extra helping of random. 10 losses in a row is unlikely but with the number of people doing this it is probably fairly likely that someone or even multiple people really have been that unlucky and lost 10 times in a row just due to random. Simple things like some doing Coin portal on turn one and getting a 5 drop that gets discounted to 2 mana can pretty much win the game right there. It doesn't even need to be a particularly good 5 drop just because it will be so far ahead of the curve on turn two and you probably have a hand full of portals so all you can do is pray for a random answer.

    I've both won and lost a games to just complete random. I lost badly when I played a Violet Teacher and flooded the board with tokens from portals only to have my opponent drop a Mekgineer Thermaplugg and turn all those tokens into Leper Gnomes. That crappy legendary that no one plays was probably the best card he could have had at that point. Even better than your typical board clears. I had no chance to survive even just the amount of death rattle damage that resulted from him being played.

    On the other hand I won a game easily because I was playing a mage and randomed into Acidmaw. Hunter opponent had two creatures on the board. I dropped Acidmaw and pinged one creature killing it and ran my hungry crab into the other clearing his board. The back breaking thing was the follow up I had for that. I had a MCT to steal something if he managed to flood the board with 4+ minions. I also had a Knife juggler + Silver Hand Knight which also summons a squire and Recombobulator to use on the Knight to upgrade him to a bigger body. With Acidmaw out my HP killed anything it hit and the same for the Knife juggler procs. His only hope was that he had one of his random hunter spells in his hand and it was a damage spell or an Explosive trap to kill off Acidmaw. He didn't and conceded after I wiped his board again while flooding mine. My Knight even recombobulated into a Doom guard. I did not win that game because I somehow played better. I won simply because I completely randomly got a totally broken and OP hand. Acidmaw for a mage + Knife juggler and a bunch of procs is ridiculous.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on New Pirate card. Fanmade! My first card !!!

    I agree. Completely OP and broken card. One less attack on the initial minion for the ability to mind control anything instead of a really weak creature is not a big loss on the body for a huge increase in power on the ability. As it is the Blood Prize is as much a down side for the person you stole the card from as it is for you playing the card. If you play it on curve they've got wait at least 3 turns to play the prize and have a chance to get their minion back, if you haven't suicided it by then and the prize is doing damage to them each turn. I think that at most you can make the prize 6 mana so that the person can take their creature back, if they want it, immediately on their turn. Even then you've come out pretty well ahead. Not only have you "frozen" the minion for a turn but you've also made them spend just as much mana as you did to avoid having you keep them minion and you've got the 3/5 body on the board. They've basically gotten nothing for that 6 mana as they are just back where they were. Not to mention you could get benefit from minion while you control it. Anything from a knife juggler throwing things at him to a Rag hitting him for 8 when he's yours at the end of turn. For the Prize to really be a downside for you I think the cost of it needs to be even lower than 6. Yes mind control is a 10 mana card but that is you getting to choose to take your opponents card not taking your own back. Not to mention you steal something with charge and you can suicide it and they never get the chance to take it back or you can do the Priest games of bouncing it back to your hand so you can replay it and keep it or transform it into another minion so they can't take it back etc.

    I do think somewhere around 2 or 3 mana is about right for the prize. You've given up 4-5 points worth of stats which is ~2 mana for the ability to take control of ANY minion until the original owner wants to spend roughly the same amount to take it back. That would make it a viable tech card as you'd have to steal something you can get some value off of rather than just making it a win to steal anything from your opponent because they either let you keep it or spend a bunch and loose tempo to get it back.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Obtaining the Galaxy Gifts Card Back & 3 Free Packs, Deck Spotlight: Budget Friendly Decks, Card Design Competition #25

    Genymotion doesn't include the play store automatically so you have to download some app store to get hearthstone. It could be the google apps store or amazon app store. Either works.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Even Pirates can be Champions, Galaxy Gifts Card Back Now Available

    Interesting. I can't think of anything remotely pirate related from the argent tournament in WoW. This may end up being tied to some sort of tournament, like AT, but I don't think it will be specifically tied to it.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Change Arena cost or improve rewards?
    Quote from fdaojsdaio jump

    They need to change the arena rewards in general. Its just retarded somestimes if you are hyper lucky you can get enough gold for another arena with already 5 wins. Then at 7 wins you get like 100 gold and a fucking common card blizzard seriously need to change that.

     Except those are both literally impossible. At 5 wins the absolute best you can do is 120g and at 7 wins the worst you can do is 150g but the best is only 180g.


    I wouldn't be opposed to them removing commons from the rewards completely. The odds of someone needing a common card are pretty low and even if they did need it at that time they'd still end up getting it from a pack sooner rather than later so it's effectively only 5 dust which is really bad. The Golden common from 10 wins + is better because it's at least worth 50 dust and saves you quite a bit more vs actually crafting it and the odds of you already having it or getting it from a pack are much lower.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Deathwing in Arena: The best single card?

    I think deathwing's all or nothing gamble is much better in arena than constructed. You are much more likely to get into situations where both players are top decking and if that is the case deathwing is pretty much the best top deck you could get. There are still plenty of cards I'd rather have in my draft than deathwing but he is at least viable in the arena imo where as in constructed it's not really viable. Sure some decks play him for fun or because it's one of the few legendaries they have but it really isn't a viable card.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Can't choose between Classic or GvG packs in arena?

    I'm sure blizzard will do this sooner or later but they want to make sure they make a good long term decision and not just a quick fix. With only two types of packs it wouldn't be hard to have a popup that asks you which one you want but that doesn't scale too well to 5, 10 or more different types of packs years from now. On top of that how is someone supposed to know what the right choice is at that point? Do they let you view your collection or give you some sort of statistics so you can see which type is likely to be most beneficial to you?

    Tokens/tickets/etc is another option but that has issues as have been mentioned. Yeah you could temporarily disable tokens after a new expansion comes out or add a new type of token that includes the new expansions packs or do a token wipe before the expansion comes out. There are options but none of them really seem ideal.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What's the point in ancient watcher.

    When taunted up it's particularly nasty as Silencing it removes the taunt but now means that it can attack. It can also have a "soft" taunt in a handlock deck. Good players know that handlocks run shadowflame so leaving am ancient watcher on the board is just asking for it to get shadowflamed and wipe your board so you have to consider killing it even if you have to trade poorly because it's better than having your entire board wiped. In that way it can be a good card for a handlock even if they don't have any enablers in hand.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Teach a Man to Fish #2: Continuing the Quest

    I don't think I've had it in a draft to play with it but it only requires two minions on the board to be an 8/8 for 8 which isn't bad for a big minion.

    Recombobulator is okay but to take advantage of it you really want minions that have a strong battle cry and a weak body or potentially something like a giant where you can be pretty sure that it will "heal" a wounded minion by replacing it with a similar minion. i don't really see any good targets for it in your deck so I'd go giant.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on What are useless cards that you would DE?
    Quote from Paly_Noob »
    Quote from kpb »
    Quote from Paly_Noob »
    Quote from Bezedrine »

    If you want dust, just play more Arena. You're going to crank out gold and dust every run.

    Even if you regularly go 0-3/1-3?

    Even if you do poorly you are getting fairly close to breaking even on value. The biggest time you lose out is when you get a random common card instead of gold/dust. To really come out well ahead on dust you need to do probably need to get up to 5 wins.


    Yep, and as someone who has never gotten over 3 wins, Arena doesn't seem worth it.

    I haven't done particularly well at arena runs so far but I'm still plugging away at them slowly. I figure the minor losses are worth it if I can get up to at least 3 or 4 win average. Not going to go infinite or make a ton of gold/dust that way but still coming out ahead on value (pack + more than 50g value in gold/dust/card)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on What are useless cards that you would DE?
    Quote from Paly_Noob »
    Quote from Bezedrine »

    If you want dust, just play more Arena. You're going to crank out gold and dust every run.

    Even if you regularly go 0-3/1-3?

    Even if you do poorly you are getting fairly close to breaking even on value. The biggest time you lose out is when you get a random common card instead of gold/dust. To really come out well ahead on dust you need to do probably need to get up to 5 wins.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Rebalance Nat Pagle

    Even with the enforcer he'd still be a bad combo because it's draw at the start of your turn. A 7 mana combo just to draw 1 card at the start of your turn is still pretty bad. Your opponent still gets a turn to kill them and if they can't kill a 0/4 on turn 7/8 you are probably going to win anyway.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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