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    good to hear

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    i personally think loot horder is extremely garbage, 9 times out of 10 it will just die to a hero power, whereas gnomish also sticks on board. one could argue that loot horder forces out a hero power on turn 2, but generally against most decks they will likely hero power on turn 2 regardless of loot horder being there or not.


    i would probably use a novice engineer over loothorder, the instant gratification is really nice. FoK is too good to replace, its there over a second blade flurry to balance out the AoE in the deck.

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    malygos miracle is an entirely different deck altogether, this deck has a much more reliable win condition

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    i have already gone into intense detail as to why i ommited cold blood from my deck, both in the guide and into further detail in response to a previous post on this forum. 

    cold blood sucks against a developed board from your opponent. if you want to climb ladder you need to balance your success against every single matchup. cold blood sucks against a variety of aggro decks, and its only good when you are already winning.

    there is a reason why 80% ++ of players now only run one conceal. exactly the same reason as cold blood. it sucks when your opponent has an established board. this means that if your opponent has multiple smaller minions or a large minion like ragnaros or ancient of war, what does conceal do for you? absolutely nothing. it is completely dead in your hand. i want cards in my deck that are good when i am in a losing position as well as i am in a winning condition. this is the key to consistency within a deck.

    if you are relying on conceal for your gadgetzan you are probably not a very experienced rogue player, and i say this in the nicest way possible. conceal is not needed at all to win. its nice when you have it yes, and you can do some cute things with it. but overall, gadgetzan + prep + x spell is sufficient card draw, especially since you will likely waste a big card from your opponent, or it has a high chance of surviving that turn. if you rely on conceal to win then its not a good habit to get into, and i reccomend you try to rectify that. again, i have explained every single question you have brought up in my guide, as well as in the previous comments, please take the time to look before asking something that is already answered! people have been pming me silly questions and its frankly getting a bit irksome.

    i dont wait for conceal. i will probably save my gadgetzan for later until i have 2 spells to use with it. prep + x spell, or if i can use the gadgetzan combined with the spells i have to clear board.

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    posted a message on 25 Legend Ultimate Miracle Rogue Guide!

    Glad to hear! 

    hm, its very situational, based on your hand really. turn 2 coin > edwin isnt that bad of a play, think of it as a azure drake on turn 2, however coin is a valuable resource in miracle rogue, but it does put a fair bit of pressure on the opponent.

    Against zoo, just try your best to make a giant edwin and the game is won. literally over. in the early game if you can drop it. most variants of zoo dont run owl, so they either have to start ramming all their monsters into it, sacrifice a doomguard to suicide into it, or soulfire and -2 in terms of cardadvantage, you also force them to be more careful about tapping which is great, as their life will start getting chunked away.

    keeping him until mid/late game when you have conceal isnt a bad idea, as a concealed 10/10++ usually spells game for your opponent the next turn.

    Other than that, there should be great opportunities for you to recognize then to drop edwin, usually i never make him past 6/6 unless against a few decks, or i know they dont have/used their spot removal already.

    Another strong play is turn 3 > coin > poison > edwin. this usually clears the board and presents a 6/6 threat which is great, or backstab > coin > edwin is another one. just get creative! 

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    Personally i prefer the gnomish, they both accomplish the same thing, only difference is for two mana you gain an additional 4 stats, which isnt bad at all. If you are using the cold blood variant i would especially use gnomish, as its a minion that usually sticks so you can cold blood it, whereas with novice you cannot.

    That being said they are both solid options, both are in the deck for the same purpose, cycling, so i would only run one of the two, but in a board control heavy playstyle you have to adopt when using my version, gnomish is superior.

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    posted a message on 25 Legend Ultimate Miracle Rogue Guide!

    thanks for the positive feedback :)

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    Its really hard to say, you should just know when to use it, if you have a poison or spellpower and it will clear their board, as an extra draw mechanism with gadgetzan, or if it guarantees you board control. its pretty obvious usually when to use it. Two is for sure not needed, unless you run assasin blade then it could be allright, its just a dead card later on, i dont know how having two wins you games :s, maybe against zoo, but oftentimes its just a more expensive and crappier fan of knives that doesnt replace itself.

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    No problem, it would be my pleasure.

    1. Cold blood -  The only time i find myself low on finishing damage is against warrior with an abundance of armour, apart from that although yeah extra damage is always great right? i dont really find myself missing this card much at all. The difference probably lies in our general playstyle with the deck, i aim to prioritize board control over everything else, why add the second sap if we dont aim to control the board right! Minions ALWAYS > spells to the face, yeah that one eviscerate does 4 damage to the face, sweet! however if an azure drake sticks on the board its an eviscerate every turn, even better right? this is why as a rogue with such efficient removal its a great idea to control the board, once you do, lacking damage shouldnt be a problem you are facing.

    This is why handlocks are generally cunts to vs, as controlling the board vs them is a nightmare frankly. Yep the only thing i would miss about cold blood is that its a nifty 1 mana spell that you can use with gadgetzan, but apart from that i think card draw is sufficient with the other cheap 2 mana spells in the deck. or prep! ;).

    The way i think of it is, the other decks with high amounts of burst can only manage maybe 14-16, that being, druid classic FoN / Roar combo, and mage, fireball lance lance frost bolt. We have 18 burst for 8 mana, from leeroy alone, possibly 22 with an eviscerate mixed in. and thats not including the minions already in play, or a weopon, thats a ludicris amount of burst, and if you only have to do a MAX of 12 damage to the face to ensure lethal range? sounds pretty good to me.

    2. gnomish inventor - To a certain extent, yeah i agree with you, 2-4 isnt the most terrifying thing in the world, your right, it has no taunt, no charge, its beauty lies in its battlecry, its a free card. think of it as a more expensive shiv, that can take out usually 2 of your monsters, and im assuming you meaning its bad against aggro. You are correct, it ISNT good against aggro. its far too slow, HOWEVER, it doesnt mean it doesnt have its uses against aggro. the thing about most aggro decks is that 2 is the magic number. SO many minions in aggro decks run rampant with 2 or less health exluding buffs from argus or shattered sun, knife juggler/flame imp/shattered sun/sorcerers apprentice/wolfrider whatever it may be. thats why si 7 and backstab is so damn broken against them. with gnomish having 2 attack and 4 health, it usually takes out 2 of their 2 hp minions, again assuming no buffs, as most of the 2 health minions rarely go past 3 attack. I wont bullshit, im not running around for joy if i draw it against an aggro deck, but its not like the end of the world, it is in the deck for a reason! cycling is always a huge plus, and against decks that ARENT aggro, you will quickly realise that 2-4 is a pain in the ass to deal with, especially since your opponent knows you already got value out of its draw mechanism, and will be hesistant to waste too many card on it.

    3. Deadly Poison - I never keep this card against aggro. you cant play this until turn 3, and then, you cannot summon a monster that turn, unless you have coin of course, turn 2, play hero power, turn 3 play poison, 2 mana left, what can you do with that :( shiv will most likely not take out any minions, and you obviously dont want to waste an eviscerate on common 3 drops such as harvest golem or shattered sun or wolfrider. I find that against aggro decks maintaining a monster on board is KEY in your survival, and thus i really like to play a minion on turn 3, i think it is of extreme importance. Aside from that damage to the face is bad, but you have some leeway in doing so, and dont get me wrong there are FAR worse cards in the deck than poison against aggro, but id prefer to mulligan for that backstab/si/farseer. Also, most zoo builds adopted the 'sticky' minion build, which is usually in the form of divine shield, and i tell ya poison sucks dick against them. and almost every card in the aggro paladin deck has 1 hp, so whats poison going to do for ya?

    4. Farseer - Yep, this card is one of the MvP's! my mulligan strats should only place this in tier one against aggro decks, if not then there has been some small mistake i will rectify. You are correct, generally si 7 and backstab is better against aggro, auctioneer better against slower decks, but what if you dont get those cards? what if you get a bunch of garbage like saps or preps against aggro? your in for a world of hurt, of course i agree those cards are more optimal against certain decks, but i dont like to chance things too much, and im perfectly content with my farseer ^^, the way i play is, i almost ALWAYS play a minion on turn three, yes even an si7 without battlecry, if you think of it like that, then farseer is better than si7 as it has an added bonus of a heal. So i think keeping one 3 drop is nice. Without cold bloods, this decks burst potential is limited, its because of this that we prioritize board control above ALL else. playing a 3 drop is paramount in maintaining that. Minions on board = more damage! 

    5. Shadowstep - Dont get me wrong, its not like i randomly waste it on a whim, i try my hardest to save for that leeroy of course, however, against aggro i usually just use these babies for the heal / si 7 plays / cleef. I just wanted to stress the versatility of this card, and how much correct creative use of this card can change games, as so many rogue players i just watch let this card rot in their hand until leeroy, which i think is pretty silly. Against aggro decks (zoo/paladin are themain ones) you rarely finish them off with a leeroy finish. most times i just win through sheer board control, and them running out of steam, while my plays just expand and expand in terms of versatility and power. Shadowstepping is a key play and should not be underestimated, against druids its of paramount importance we stay above 14, and against other aggro decks just pure hp is always extremely appreciated. shadowstep is 1 mana for 3 heal, thats really great, again, its not like its my favourite play, and i do of course save my shadowsteps as MUCH as possible, since again, our burst potential is limited, but against aggro, i do freely shadowstep, as you can generate some absurd advantage with it. I will even shadowstep one of my minions after i attack a minion to heal it against most aggro decks.

    Again you absolutely correct, but thats only against slower decks, against aggro decks board control is your top priority! so shadowstep can be a fundamental tool in ensuring that :)

    I cant stress this enough that this deck relies on board control even moreso than other rogue variants for the win! A eviscerate is a one time 4 damage, but a monster that sticks is a constant source of eviscerate or frost bolts

    Hope this helps, il be checking this frequently, so if i didnt answer something to your satisfaction, or you have more questions i am here baby

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    posted a message on 25 Legend Ultimate Miracle Rogue Guide!

    thank you sir

    personally I think its garbage, i assume its for the aggro matchups, havent found the need for it at all, id much prefer gnomish, i personally think you actually have an edge against most aggro decks, if you mulligan accordingly, so i havent seen the need to put it in.

    Posted in: 25 Legend Ultimate Miracle Rogue Guide!
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