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    posted a message on Is Mean Streets the worst set designed Set?

    A few cards shouldn't define a set. Now that Reno is gone Kazakus in general isn't really a reasonable value, for the expense of highlander deck (except for the value it gets when combined with Raza and DK Anduin).

    The problem (imo) with Mean Streets and  WotOG tho, is that it seems like too much of the set was dedicated to just a few archetypes (ones that cross into multiple classes like Jade and Kazakus, and even C'thun and N'zoth decks). This new set seems like it at least attempts to provide MANY more vectors for deck construction, and the general decks possibilities aren't quite as spelled out as those previous sets. 

    Power, Balance, and fun are all important parts of good set design. But to me, the best set design isn't as linear as those sets, it provides cards that can be used in different ways in different decks (the onus is on the players to figure out clever ways to use them). Master Oakheart, in my opinion is one of the most interesting cards ever printed, because it can be used in so many ways for so many different combos. I have already toyed around with 4-5 different ideas, a few of them really successful. Last night, I imagined a whirlwind warrior using Oakheart to pull frothing berserker, Acolyte of pain and Wild  Pyromancer, and a whirlwind (and/or blood razor) to draw 2-3 cards, and generate a frothing at 18/2 stats or 24/1 stats... Prolly not very good idea ;) But this is the fun part of set like this. 

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    posted a message on What is Your BOLD Prediction for the most overlooked card of Kobolds & Catacombs?

    kingsbane x 3, Cavern shiny fisher x 2, and a few other deathrattles your choice. seems really easy.

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    posted a message on Recruit Mechanic

    Bear in mind in needs to be sussed out what turns out to be good, and I'm not claiming fore-knowledge.  But for example, you might want to give up on Ysera's  end of turn ability, if you are playing an inner fire divine spirit deck, with 4x 12 health dragons, 2x dragonhatchers, 1x y'sharg an plenty of resurrect style cards (again.. not saying this is great deck idea, just that combo decks don't use the same system of evaluation as we see in current tempo meta, i.e. it's not 2/4 + 12/12 = x type of formula).  

    The thing people keep saying about this card (Dragonhatcher) which is.... "Why not play Y'sharg for one more mana..." Misses the point. Why not play 3x Y'sharg mechanic in one deck and triple the chances of cheating a specific win condition out.  When you play ysharg, sure expect the twisting nether, when you play dragon hatcher the following turn, it's that much more likely they will not be able to clear both minions again. The problem with Y'sharg is that there is only one, so its unreliable for any 2 turn combo, or that you draw it or get it. But if you can meat wagon or barnes out 3 minions that can bring a 12 health creature... well combo becomes more reliable. for all intensive purposes dragon hatcher could be a 1/1 and still be great at what it can do. 

    Not that this is perfect analogy, but i remember the days when people begged for a viable pirate deck, and as it happened, all it takes is one or two new cards can take a crap deck and make it tier 1. None of us really know if any recruit card can affect that dramatic of a shift for any existing  or new deck. But we do know Barnes and Y'sharg are good cards and have seen plenty of play and all the new recruit cards have something these cards don't.. you can put 2 of them in your deck, not just one. 



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    posted a message on New Warrior Weapon - Bladed Gauntlet

    If Fatigue/armor/CW is viable it will likely counter DK Anduin but will be hard countered by Exodia mage. Current fatigue warrior (tier 3 or 4 deck) crushes DK Anduin if DK comes in mid to late game. Current Fatigue warrior has it's biggest issue against Midrange Hunter and some of the  tempo decks (mostly Rogue).

    Regardless, fatigue and CW are pretty different, and fatigue requires an even more extensive draw engine then CW i'm not sure many cards in the new set really actually advance it that much. If you want to stay afloat current tools like shield slam and execute are way better then the new weapon and board clear.

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    posted a message on Recruit Mechanic

    These recruit cards do not seem boring to me. The theme of the set seems to be deck construction. Recruit is like a type of Kelesth, or Reno Jackson, in that you have to construct your entire deck around the build. But more importantly (and considerably more interesting), the combo isn't all wrapped up in the one card, but instead you have to figure out the combo. 

    like meat wagon -> dragonhatcher -> Deathwing
    or Call to arms for divine shield minions -> blood knight

    Not saying these combos will be good, but totally fun thing to experiment with. In a month or two don't; be surprised if a couple really powerful combos get figured out and we are all complaining that recruit is way to good. 


    Posted in: General Discussion
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