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    posted a message on Which one do you hate more?

    Priest is the worst ever. I don't even lose that often to them. They are just incredibly annoying because they heal up their stuff and take yours. 

    Huntard is a close second. I don't care about the aggro. But it's the fact that have a counter to almost every situation on top of being able to go for your face at the same time. There are some decks that just can't beat hunter. They can beat aggro, but not Hunter. I find that frusterating.

    Zoo doesn't bother me in the slightest. It's just aggro. You can counter aggro. The only non-hunter aggro deck I hate are murlocs. Again, just incredibly annoying to face.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Ogre Ninja

    If I'm going to play a minion against Emperor Cobra at all, I would much rather play one with stealth than one it can pick off before I can do anything with it.  Or is Ancient of War also a bad minion? I mean it dies to Emperor Cobra and get stolen by Sylvanas as well - and it has a higher cost.


    Quote from burningskies »

    The point is there won't be many situations where every outcome is positive.

    Do you know what that means? It means the RNG will be a negative factor as well in most cases. And if you want to go there, a card like Ancient of War doesn't have the chance to randomly attack the wrong enemy.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Dunemaul Shaman
    Quote from Mrd11 »

    Why "abandoning"? Dust devil is not viable in the current meta; that doesnt mean that blizzard should buff it till it gets used in every shaman deck, nor it means that they cant make a "better" version of it in the future. Take the Leper gnome case for instance, it was a dead card for the whole vanilla hearthstone period, but when naxx arrived, it suddenly got better, without blizzard abandoning or buffing it, just adapting some mechanics to let some cards be played when they werent in the past. Imagine there is a new card that heals you/ draws cards/ increase hp of your minions for every overload you have, suddenly dust devil is miles better than the new 3/2. They dont need to buff any card, and by not doing that  it doesnt mean that they are "abandoning" them.

    Well Leper Gnome wasn't completely dead. It still had it's uses. But I digress.

    The point is Zap-o-matic is just a better version of a bad card. They are replacing it without actually replacing it. I mean it's ok. But it fills a role in Shaman that was had before, albeit not viably. It hardly makes Shaman that much better in the new meta. My point is the card itself doesn't add much. And that's the best we've seen so far for the class? It's honestly depressing.

    Quote from Mrd11 »

    Furthermore, try to chill a little, we havent seen even the half of GvG cards, so really any expectations you may have need to be lowered accordingly.

    Forgive me for being unimpressed. But if the best new card a Shaman gets is basically a bit better version of an obsolete one, then how else am I supposed to think? New meta Shaman is going to suck in comparison to the other classes. That's the impression I get when I see what new Shaman got, which is basically nothing of much consequence. What makes you think the other Shaman cards won't be just as much of a letdown? We are seeing a trend here.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Ogre Ninja
    Quote from Earthgaia »

    Solid but not great card. Best when played on-curve (where its stats more or less guarantee that it will get a kill and/or hit on face and survive).

    sol·id  (sld)adj. sol·id·er, sol·id·est

    "8. Sound; reliable: solid facts."
    "10. Upstanding and dependable"


    [ran-duh m]
    "Unpredictable in an amusing way:"
    Not exactly reliable in in capacity at all actually.

    When every outcome is positive, you get a reliably positive outcome - even if you don't know which one you're getting.

    So when you randomly attack that Emperor Cobra or Sylvanas Windrunner instead, is that a good outcome? The point is there won't be many situations where every outcome is positive.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Dr. Boom discussion
    Quote from Sitrax »

    Psh its not a straight upgrade to War Golem! It gives your friendly hunter pals some Unleash the Hounds synergy!

    I can't tell if you are joking or not, but Boom Bot will hit a random enemy when it dies so that could easily backfire on the hunter.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Dunemaul Shaman
    Quote from RukiMotomiya »

    "So the best card Shaman is getting is a 2 drop that is fairly vulnerable to dying and makes an already bad Shaman card completely obsolete"

    Dust Devil was already obsolete by, well, basically most any other 1/2 drop. Also, Ancestor's Call isn't bad, it just needs appropriate big monsters to function. (Which means it might not shine until further expansions)

    Fair point about Dust Devil, but does it help that Blizzard is more or less abandoning the card for the Zap-o-matic? That's the best new Shaman card we have seen and it is still basically just a better version of a bad card. It's good. But not great. Yet it's the best new thing? Sorry for being extremely underwhelmed. And the rest of the new shaman cards we have seen are really dicey.

    And Ancestor's Call is bad. Sorry, but it is. The RNG means you must have minimal minions in hand in order to utilize it best. But what really kills the card is, in addition to that, it's an acceleration card that helps accelerate your opponent as well. People are trying really hard to theorycraft around it. It's just not viable. And if you have to wait until some made up future expansion beyond GvG for it to be viable, then that means the card is bad now and will continue to be bad concerning GvG. I mean I certainly haven't seen anything in GvG that helps with its viability. It's beyond silly to rely on some random thing in the future from some expansion that hasn't been announced yet to say a card might (not even guaranteed but might) be good then.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Dunemaul Shaman

    Decent stats for a 4 cost, especially with windfury. But it is an overload (so it still ultimately costs 5 mana despite it being able to be played a turn early) and it won't attack what you say. The advantage is it could get through taunts and stuff, but even then it has a decent chance to die hitting the wrong target. 4 health isn't exactly swimming in survivability. You do attack twice, so you get an extra crack at it. But the card simply isn't reliable. Potentially a high reward but extremely risky. To me, you would be better off giving another card with comparable stats (like Chillwind Yeti) windfury than using this. It's unreliable.

    Shaman is getting screwed in GvG. This card is interesting, but completely unreliable for a 4 drop. Ancestor's Call is probably the worst card in the expansion thus far. Whirling Zap-o-matic is decent, but even that is only good not great. And that's your best new card? The 2 health makes it vulnerable to trades and removal. And at the same time, it's telling you that Blizzard basically replaced Dust Devil instead of fixing it so you still have that as a useless card. So the best card Shaman is getting is a 2 drop that is fairly vulnerable to dying and makes an already bad Shaman card completely obsolete? This class got screwed.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Ogre Ninja

    Interesting how it might get past Taunts and Stealth, but even then, it's a random chance. And even if it does, it still might not attack the wrong enemy you are looking for. Decent stats for a 5 cost but not a very reliable card. It's fascinating but I don't think it's very good overall.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Dr. Boom discussion
    Quote from HygiliakDude »
    Quote from Zl0C »

    this card is slightly too good for its cost, there must be something to it

    in World of Warcraft : The Burning Crusade, netherstorm zone quest have the player kill Dr. Boom using his own bombs

    the warning might not just simply flavor text


    I am 100% sure that the boom bots can explode when they appear, damaging either you, Dr. Boom or some other friendly minion

    Not so. Boom Bot specifically says it hurts a random enemy.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Voting Smarter for better Knowledge of the New Meta.
    Quote from ShadowOfFate »

    A fair point, made better by the fact that Brode recently announced all cards will be revealed before the release anyway. That development pretty much mitigates my thread. Because now we will see them all early anyway whether or not they weren't voted for. This really diminishes the importance of voting in the first place, which is probably a good thing. It could still benefit us to know certain things earlier, but honestly it's so minor now that I don't think it's worth worrying about anymore. To be honest, I'm kind of relieved. Now I don't have to lose sleep over it.

    Oh really? That makes your thread even more amazing because you pissed off all these people and in the end it was for nothing. That's outstanding. Having said that, I do think there is some merit in the discussion for those of us who are mature enough to handle it. It seems many people mistook the thread as a personal attack on the way they vote. And it is absolutely hilarious when they throw a fit for no reason. I am an agent of chaos and conniptions. Anyway, the point is I think the discussion is still interesting and thought provoking even if there is no longer much actual practicality to it.

    Quote from ShadowOfFate »
    Lol. Yeah, you are clearly very fair unbiased towards Hunter. The worst part is you almost had me with the actual argument until you made your bias clear.

    Wait, seriously? Lol. I just made a bunch of BS up in about 10 minutes. I do have a better analyses on the way, though.

    Quote from ShadowOfFate »
    just because we know it is beast hunter doesn't mean we have a handle on how it might work or the actual viability of it. That legendary beast would likely tell us a lot. So it's that versus the non-mech side of Druid. But then again, Hunter has one less known new card. So I really I think it's about a draw knowledge wise. Not that it even matters anymore with all cards getting revealed early anyway.


    To be honest, I am curious about Druid because I like the class a lot better. But I'm trying not to be biased towards classes. Maybe I went just a tad too much the other way? Not to the point where I really cared which card was revealed because I think they both will tell us a lot. But maybe it affected my choice? As for the vote, the Druid card is winning but barely. I honestly think it wouldn't matter (even if the votes still mattered) because we will learn a lot about either class whatever gets chosen.

    Well the Hunter card won. (Dammit!) I don't think we actually learned that much about Beast Hunter. Sure, we know another potential beast that might work in that beast deck. But we pretty much had already figured that out before the vote. The details of the card didn't turn out to be extraordinary. I don't think we know that much more from just one card. But I still have no idea what that Druid card would have done, let alone what potential mechanics it would have employed. My anti-hunter bias aside, I do think the Druid card would have told us more.

    To be honest I think Gahz'rilla is good but not great. It's a dangerous card, but a little slow in most cases. Personally, I think it's not as good in hunter. It would probably be amazing in Warrior, Mage, or even potentially in Paladin with the buffs. But Hunter? If I had to make a choice, I might actually prefer King Krush because of the charge. It acts faster and hunter is pretty good at getting most opponents down to low hp by turn 9. I think the biggest redeeming quality of the hydra is it's cost being a couple cheaper so you can play it a bit earlier. 7 mana is a very friendly cost for a 6/9 which doubles attack every time it gets damaged. And if you were lucky enough to get it through Call Pet in some sort of beast deck, it could be devastating. But the chances of that aren't high. Don't get me wrong, it's a dangerous card. But a little slow for a non-deathrattle for the Hunter's game.


    As for the new vote, I think the Rouge is a fairly obvious choice. We already know several mage cards. We passed on Rouge twice and know almost nothing about the class. Even if hey will get revealed early, I really do think this particular vote is a little more important considering how little we know about the Rouge.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Coghammer
    Quote from Mautrin »
    Off topic: Can we please have a "Spoiler" or whatever its called for quoted posts. That shit gets ridiculous. lol

    Edit: This quote isn't that bad actually, so now I don't feel quite so awful, but my off-topic note still stands.

    You can delete some of the earlier quotes and leave just the part(s) you directly reply to. That cuts down on much of the extra fluff. If you are feeling particularly dinkish, you can even replace some of the words you quote to suit your agenda.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on 10th agro in a row.

    The fact this thread exists is hilarious. I don't like aggro, either. But really? There's no need to cry about it. If you see tons of aggro play an anti-aggro deck.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Coghammer
    Quote from Tehstool »
    Quote from burningskies»
    Quote from Tehstool»
    Quote from DaPiper»

    I guess I'll be running 2 oozes in my decks wen these new cards get out

    Yep. I'm going to be running harrison in most of my decks after the expansion.

    This weapon's main calling card is the randomized divine shield taunt you get on equipping it. It's pretty weak otherwise. You can counter it with those cards if you want, but you won't stop the main benefit of the card. I guess the 3 durability might be decent for Harrison if they don't attack, but meh. Better of saving it for a better weapon.

    This weapon isn't the main reason. I just feel like weapons are going to be a lot more prevalent, and playing a 5/4 that draws 1-3+ cards AND destroys a weapon is pretty good.

    Fair enough. For the record, I agree with you that weapons will be more prevalent. To be honest, I am regretting deconstructing my Harrison. I got him twice if you can believe it. Scrapped him twice for the dust to craft some "real" legendaries. Might come to regret that soon.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Ancestor's Call

    You all are trying very hard to make this card work. But it's just not that good. Maybe casual for Shaman players intrigued by the mechanic. That's about all you'll get out of it. IMO, this has been the worst card revealed so far.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Thoughtsteal still viable in "serious" decks after GvG nerf?

    Everyone and their mothers will be running mech decks anyway once the new expansion comes out. If anything, the odds that the cards you steal will have synergy with your deck will go up, not down.

    Posted in: Priest
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