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    posted a message on Emperor Thaurissan Heroic Guide

    I used a similar deck with Lightwell and Crazed Alchemist

    Posted in: Emperor Thaurissan Heroic Guide
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    posted a message on "Arms" Warrior (Aggro)

    I lost against this deck around Rank 9 so wanted to ask if anyone has hit legend with this deck?

    Posted in: "Arms" Warrior (Aggro)
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    posted a message on I m bad in arena

    Spend more time on each turn. Talk out loud to yourself about every move that is possible. It is sometime harder to do. I myself don't do it most of the time but when I start talking to myself I do see that my game improves a lot.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on What could I expect to do with this deck?

    Here is what I see when I saw your deck.

    You have 3 - 1 Mana cards out of which Undertaker is Bad, you have some deathrattle but not enough to make it work. So 1/3 of your turn 1 may be bad.

    You have 9 - 2 mana cards Weblord is bad, Egg is bad (because I don't see any activators), and summoner is bad. So 1/3 or your turn 2 may be bad. 

    You have 3 playable 3 drops - which is less. Not a huge problem as your can play a 2 drop on turn 3 but see above your 1/3 of your 2 drops are not that great. Also frost nova is not a card.

    You have 4 - 4 drops that is just OK but 2 more 4 drops may have been good.

    Turn 5 is your strongest one, You have 4 five drops which is the number we want. Kodo is situational but Turn 5 looks strong.

    You have no late game/big guys. You lack a finisher.

    This is just my conclusion, I could be wrong but this is what I think. This deck is not strong at all and will struggle to make it to 3 wins in the hands of an averagely skilled player in the current meta. You will often draw dead and situational cards such as Frost Nova, Egg, Undertaker, Cone of Cold and lose tempo early on. One of the only way to cement your early game would be to have the coin and play Mana Wyrm on turn 1. You also face the issue that 12 cards in your deck are 2 mana or less and without any card draw in this deck you will sometime end up having an empty hand. Fortunately you have Arcane Intellect but AI will make you lose tempo. Anyway this deck is a Midrange deck that is very draw depended. You can be stuck with a bad hand and situational cards sometime which in this fast GvG meta will make you lose game. This deck would have been able to get 3-4 wins in the previous meta but the way things are now it will struggle to get 3 wins. Assuming your skill level is average. There are players who can anticipate what the opponent will play and make this deck work but they also will struggle to get past 4 wins.


    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Unstable Portal OP in arena

    I played it myself once in Arena yesterday got a Bloodsail Raider which I can play for 0 mana. So basically it replaced itself with a 2 drop. Equal value but the potential is there.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Min Maxing your Time Investment in Hearthstone - Arena vs Constructed

    We all know Arena has gotten harder because of various reasons. People saving gold for GvG, WoW expansion etc. I am not an Arena newbie (600 wins) but am still facing some stiff competition.

    Yesterday I went 4:3 in Arena with a Mage deck and I got the following rewards.

    • 1 Pack
    • 55 Gold
    • 1 Freezing Trap

    Going 4:3 meant that I had to play 7 games. Each game of Arena averages around 12-15 minutes for me. Which means I spent around 90 minutes on the run.

    Balancing the rewards with the Arena purchase it looks like I bought a pack for 95 gold and got 5 dust. So total profit for 90 minutes of work = 5 gold + 5 dust

    So I went back to constructed and started playing my Fast-Go to the Face Hunter deck (playing ranked). Average time for each game was 6-8 minutes and I am on an 80% winrate at level 13. Which means I can win approximately 9 games in 90 minutes which gives me a profit of 30 gold. (10 gold per 3 wins) which is better than 5 gold + 5 dust.


    For people like me who have limited time in the evening assuming you will average around 4 wins in arena (this week at least) do you think it is more profitable to play constructed. I don't need to play Ranked I can just play Casual just for the gold. I have most common and rare cards and am only missing some core legendaries, so I keep getting cards that need to be dusted. Which is why packs are not worth for me at the moment.

    What are your calculations? When Arena is less profitable then constructed strictly in terms of time investment assuming various variables? One more variable I didn't consider in my time investment was that it does take some time to draft an Arena deck too.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Why did Arena get so hard?
    Quote from Angusiasty »

    I remember when I had a decent rogue in arena and on my 3:2 game I faced druid with 2 copies of Cenarius XD

    I used to draft Rogue tempo decks in Arena but I feel like they are no longer viable. I  have to switch to value plays and avoid Rogue.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Steamwheedle Sniper


    Posted in: Steamwheedle Sniper
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    posted a message on Steamwheedle Sniper

    Not sure. What about Warrior giving their minions Armor?

    Posted in: Steamwheedle Sniper
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    posted a message on New meta ---- SMART-HUNTER !!

    This is a fun deck. I have been able to climb to Rank 13 from Rank 18 without losing a single game. Yes 100% win rate at the moment. I do not have a second Flare so I have substituted Misdirection for it which is working out great. Nobody expects a Misdirect and since you are going face most of the time the enemy has enough minions to misdirect.


    Playing this deck feels very similar to playing the "Destroy"  which was popular couple of months ago.

    Posted in: New meta ---- SMART-HUNTER !!
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