• 2

    posted a message on Twig of the World Tree

    No but it is useless late game, and is VERY oozable then. Think about it, opponent has this around turn 9 or 10, they are planning on dumping their hand and using the last charge to gain 10 mana, you can just destroy it with an ooze and they basically lose a Kun.

    Posted in: Twig of the World Tree
  • 3

    posted a message on Ultimate Keleseth

    To all you people playing this to climb, this deck is meant for fun. Obviously if you want fast climbs play tier 1 netdecks off Vicious Syndicate such as Tempo Rogue, Murloc pally, or Raza priest. If you want to have fun and occasionally win, you can try decks like these.

    Posted in: Ultimate Keleseth
  • 2

    posted a message on Where'd all the people whining about PRIESTONE PRIESTONE PRIESTONE go???
    Quote from moonsorrow999 >>

    People were too scared to admit the nerfs were actually good. In fact, they were amazing. Pirate warrior is no longer the go-to aggro deck as things stand and Jade Druid isn't quite as good. Things are shaken up and it seems like most classes have a few good archetypes and all classes are easily playable. Nobody would ever say well done Blizzard or anything though, it's always complain and cry and whine. Most people don't get this game.

     Waaaah. Cry and whine!! Cry and whine!! My deck with high winrate isn't broken BabyRage. AND OF COURSE you aren't biased, the guy with the fucking highlander link in his signature. God I can't believe how ignorant some of the people on this forum are. They are probably the same people who only visit the echo chamber news sites that tell them what they want to hear.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on The priest problem post nerf
    Quote from SkilledOne >>
    Quote from Matrix801 >>
    Quote from SkilledOne >>

    Whoever voted ''no'' here is either a Priest player or trolling. Razakus has a good matchup against everything (and I mean it) in the meta except Quest Mage. The deck has answers to everything: Aggro, Midrange, other Control decks, starvation in Africa and the situation between North Korea and USA. Multiple cards in that deck need a nerf, not Fiery War Axe or Hex lmao.

     Voted no and I play mid hunter.  Poor Highlander has the card they need to beat me in the deck but never seems to have it in hand, sniff, tear.
     You sound like the only one to me lol, I play some sort of Aggro Hunter and I swing back and forth from rank 2-4 only because of the disgusting amount of priests I run into, and they regularly have Lash, dragonfire, priest of the feast to reno themselves etc. Also see Raza turn 5 and/or Kazakus turn 4 about 70% of the time. The reason why Priest supposedly has poor stats on the ladder is because people in rank 10-25 are probably piloting the deck poorly (which I find really hard to believe but ok) so they lose to all kind of aggro and midrange. In rank 5-Legend, based on personal experience (60-80 games a day), priest is top dog. To hell with stats guys, the big ranks are where the meta matters.
     Also what they fail to realize is that since so many people at the shittier ranks are playing priest, and playing against themselves, it muddies the data. Hunter isn't a counter if they draw visions into spirit lash and have dragonfire, and priest of the feast to always heal, and odds are they have SOMETHING to stabilize. How people are winning vs priest with hunter I will never understand unless they are playing the world's most unlucky people. I had a top 100 legend player tell me that in his high legend matches yesterday, TWELVE straight priests had Raza on 5 and DK anduin on 8. The odds of that happening are mathematically impossible, yet it did. Again a deck that is unbeatable when it draws well, just well not even perfectly, and is non-interactive, IS NOT FUN OR HEALTHY FOR THE GAME!! Really wish the morons on here would understand that.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on The priest problem post nerf

    In this thread:  People citing FACTS based on ACTUAL DATA collected from the CURRENT META vs. people citing small sample sizes and thier own inability to design a counter deck if they are facing it a lot.  

    PS - Vicious Syndicate is not the only source of meta data out there.  Try to keep up.

     It is the most reliable, and you and any decent player should know that. I could start creating videos showing how many priests I face and you people who worship the class would still flame me.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on The priest problem post nerf


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 7

    posted a message on Where'd all the people whining about PRIESTONE PRIESTONE PRIESTONE go???

    What damn ladder are you playing on? NA it is literally Priest Priest Priest. Razakus has run wild, I haven't seen a jade druid in two days. I've seen more control warlocks than druids. All I face is basically Razakus priests anymore.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on The priest problem post nerf

    Since the Vicious Syndicate meta report post nerf has not been released, I created this thread to get the general experience other players are having on ladder. Having spoken to several legend players, and others around my current rank (10), there is a consensus that close to half of the matches are against priest, and more specifically Razakus priest. With the decline of jade druid they were supposed to see an uptick in winrate, but from my experience they are overpowered. The deck simply has too many answers, and the only response I am seeing from other players right now is "beat them before they draw answers." Basically it feels like a non-interactive deck. Blizzard always said they wanted more interaction in matches, but with the way Razakus plays, you are playing vs their draw. They have more answers than anyone in the game.

    Also on average priest is supposed to have Raza on 5 and DK anduin on 8 only 48% of the time, but I am seeing numbers way above that. There are many decks I have no shot vs priest with, where at least vs other decks it seems the winrate is at least 40%. Considering in today's matches I faced priests in 5 out of 6 games, all Razakus, and yesterday 9 out of 20 matches were priest, with 8 being Razakus. Will Blizzard look to nerf some of the power of this deck? Or will they claim the winrate should even out based on draw? I tried the deck myself, and while not fun, was able to muster a ~70% winrate from 14-11. The deck plays itself, you draw answers or you don't. I don't think that is very fun to play against, and most other players I consult with agree. A meta is more fun when it is diverse.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Otafear's Freeze WOMP Shaman

    Yea people need to understand not every deck is designed to be tier 1 climb to legend. Some decks are made to be fun and able to occasionally win. I would say completely idiotic decks that can't win are stupid, but some like this that can win a few when you don't care about rank are cool sometimes.

    Posted in: Otafear's Freeze WOMP Shaman
  • -6

    posted a message on Synergy Picks in the Arena are Being Removed

    You are right about arena going downhill since it was moved to standard, sadly the fanboys at Hearthpwn will downvote anything that challenges their strong belief system. There are still classes that have almost no shot and overpowered classes. The only "good" thing it did was lower the power level of mage slightly, though tell that to opponents of DK Jaina.

    Posted in: News
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