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    posted a message on SirSalty's Even Pirate Rogue

    I think the points u make a good, but with a deck like this once u lose board you normally lose the game. It's only decent vs very specific aggro decks and in those situations having a card that isnt "really a card" might just mean you lose board. And against most decks it's just a completely dead card.

    Posted in: SirSalty's Even Pirate Rogue
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    posted a message on New Legendary Card Reveal - Hakkar, the Soulflayer

    They altered the text of this mechanic recently. The reason "cast when drawn" is in bold is because that means it casts and draws a card.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Back to Hearthstone! What should I focus on?

    In case you didn't know, you now get a legendary guaranteed in the first 10 packs of each expansion you open (in my experience it averages to the 5th pack but not sure if this is accurate). So open packs from each expansion until you get the first legendary.

    Besides from that check Hs replay and similar sites people suggested. In my opinion a decent number of the better decks have a higher skill cap compared to before, and overall players have definitely improved since 2 years ago. So although you could get pretty far by grinding a deck and learning it through experience, if you want to hit high ranks you should probably watch streamers play the deck or find matches from tournaments.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [US] Looking to join a competitive esports team!

    Most people won't sponsor a streamer or invite then to a pro team unless they are atleast a decently sized channel already.

    Unfortunately hearthstone is crazy competitive right now both in streaming and e sports. Even someone like myself who can reliably get top 1000 legend and often higher wouldn't find a team.

    If you really want this you got to be consistent and work really hard to climb. Even if you only become a dumpster legend player, if you have a good attitude towards streaming and devote the time you'll hopefully grow and meet your dreams. In the meantime try to focus on twitch and become better at the game  naturally as you play it. I wish you the best of luck! 

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on Hey, do you like the meta?

    TL;DR I'm not a fan of the meta. Classes are balanced and the meta is less of a game of "rock, paper, scissors". However the gameplan of most decks is very boring (build a big, sticky board) and the mechanics are very boring. Basically there is a severe imbalance of deck archatypes and viability.

    Yeah I really am not a fan of this meta. In terms of classes things are definitely more balanced, however as op stated deck archatypes seems imbalanced and the general mechanics that most decks interact with seem bland.

    Pre-nerf was definitely worse with classes unbalanced with several decks just dominating. It was also a very "rock, paper, scissors" meta and the game was decided most of the time on the matchup rather than any "skill". This meta is less of a "rock, paper, scissors" meta which is good as you want to win the games that you "should win" because it allows analysis of the meta and counterplay (however you don't want the game predecided before it starts and there should be a very specific gameplan for the underdog deck to execute that will win it the game some of the time).

    So in the sense of all classes playable (which is great for alot of the fan base which dedicate themselves to a couple of classes and have favourite classes they want to play) and the matchup situation is looking okay, is great! However rush and echo are quite boring mechanics, atleast when limited to very flavourless minions. Alot of the gameplay now is develop a big unkillable board (either by giving all your tokens soul of the forest, playing deathrattle minions, or being able to repeatedly refill the board). Token druid, Control/cube warlock, taunt druid, odd paladin, spiteful druid, even miracle rogue relies alot on spiders summoning for a board. And the only other decks which really see play is decks with alot of removal (taunt warrior, even warlock, control mage). Sure theres a touch of baku rogue and burn mage, but two very limited decks that struggle against decks historically they should do well against show how aggro and tempo decks really aren't in a great spot.

    I will concede that malygos druid and shudderwock shaman are decks that don't fit the description (even shaman and spell hunter also, however they are still very board based decks and don't have very many cool mechanics). So that is a plus for sure. However they are quite expensive for the average player to craft and not really "true combo" decks (atleast the current more viable shudderwock shaman).


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Tess Greymane is Not Disenchantable for Full Value, Clearly a Mistake, Right? [UPDATE]

    I'm a high legend player myself and know quite a few people who play quest druid at a high level and have been doing fairly well with it (although most people started switching to malygos druid now). Quest druid is certainly more competetive than burgle rogue (it may not necessarily be stronger, but it is great at countering specific decks and metas). Jungle Giants is recieving quite a big nerf as faceless manipulator no longer procs the quest. The deck already runs very few efficient quest activators and although you want to save faceless for the combo in slower matchups, you often want to play one to activate the quest against faster midrange/tempo matchups.


    I'd just thought I'd bring it up because people seem to be forgetting that the fine balancing of this somewhat competetive (albeit fringe) deck got completely screwed over by changes to mechanics of the game which is effectively a direct nerf to the card Jungle Giants. It may not be as impactful as the other two nerfs, however it seems equally unfair to players who invested in this deck (which is far more expensive than the other decks btw) that they just get completely screwed over by blizzard.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on DarK's Even Shaman [Top 100]

    Isn't this Sjow's decklist card for card?

    Posted in: DarK's Even Shaman [Top 100]
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    posted a message on Does it really just need skill to hit Legend?

    And for those saying "luck" is required for getting legend, it is not.

    Luck can help you go on a big winstreak and hit legend faster. However all that matters to consistently hit legend is skill.


    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Does it really just need skill to hit Legend?

    Although probably considered "skill", knowledge and understanding of the meta is key.

    You should be able to hit legend purely by netdecking a tier one deck and knowing its matchups, however it will take alot of time to grind unless you know when it is fine to play it and what tech cards to include.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on (w/guide) Vex Crow Tempo Mage

    Copying a deck is a completely different situation from making a video and then advertising it in the comment section of where you took it from without giving any credit.

    And regardless I only saw Trump's deck after I made my own. Two good players can make 2 very similar decks without having to plagirise one another ^^

    Posted in: (w/guide) Vex Crow Tempo Mage
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