• 0

    posted a message on New expansion my ass

    Personally ranked is all about efficient grinding imo(not a fan of it though).I've never been to legend but have been to rank 9 a few times I mostly stop at 10 or 15 as it is not rewarding(no overall benefit/reward).I play a lot of arena though for the variance it offers think a priest no 2 drops 3 or 4 3 drops and 2 abominations 5 wins ez in ranked you cannot do that.(I get 5 to 7 wins mostly and like 1/3 of runs are like 9 to 10 wins....its rewarding.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 33

    posted a message on New Shaman Card Revealed: Drakkari Defender

    Potion of madness,divine spirit,divinespirt,inner fire....Headshot

    Edit:Ty for the up votes 😃

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Warrior Card Revealed: Animated Berserker

    It needs a cooler name imo something like Pain Dealer or Pain Bringer...Suggest other names if you can think of some?

    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on New Card Reveal: Ticking Abomination

    Hey guys ,my opinion of this card is that it is really op.4 mana 4,5 chill wind yeti is weaker than this and this card synergises perfectly with shadoword death and fireball and as an added bonus also wipes your board amazing!!!Team 7 spent  months designing this card and it's like so so cool omg.It is also a rare card that is amazing and should've been a legendary imo.I would be excited to get this card(s) out of packs.




    But on a serious note,some people invest time others money and you release cards such as these like seriously running out of ideas much?And please do not talk of synergy with N'zoth like don't just dont

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on What're you playing in wild right now?

    Freeze mage

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Anyone got any good non-quest priest decks to play?

    I have played a similar inner fire deck with strangle thorn tiger kinda like miracle rogue.also used onyx bishops and blademasters ,one copy of power word tentacles

    Posted in: Priest
  • 1

    posted a message on New Card Revealed: Tol'vir Stoneshaper

    Midrange will be back folks to shit on control and aggro midrange shaman elemental legend in 1 second lul

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Dissenchant golden King Krush?

    Disenchant and craft golden rag or Sylvania to get full dust refund +card before next expansion.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • -7

    posted a message on New Card Revealed: Clutchmother Zavas

    It's a much weaker Edwin even without stealth mechanic(conceal).blast crystal ,shadow word death,hacks,polysheep,.. will destroy this card(F2P player here). Its a cool concept but I think felhound will see more play than this.

    Posted in: News
  • 6

    posted a message on Streamer Showdown ft. Kripparrian, Disguised Toast, and Ben Brode

    Kripp is a guy who is likeable because of his bluntness/saltiness .Twitch chat often likes to troll him for that when he rages a little bit(which is natural for a human being,like he plays enough hearthstone in a day that I play in a week).Well say you built a full board and opponent topdecks a flamestrike,abyssal,deathwing and this happens to you all the time(abyssal...) and 20000 people are watching it and having fun what do you expect?.Just like the person for what he is for the love of god.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    Now I am a F2P constructed player(have reached rank 11 I don't play a lot).I was playing inner fire otk priest with strangle thorn tiger,kabal talon priest injured blade master and a lot of draw mechanics.In Jan 2017 it was a breeze plying from rank 20 to rank 15(like insane winstreak).Now I am at rank 15 4 star and got rekt by shaman(aggro).I Teched against it (ooze,bruiser).Slowed it down but still got rekt(can you think of a 4/10 taunt getting owned on turn 4 well that's what happened(lava burst,flame tongue).Aggro shaman already had good cards now they run pirates and jade like wtf(I have played shaman before but don't find the archetype interesting anymore).The whole day I am stuck at rank 15 even after like 10 games like seriously blizzard.Reactive cards(pain,death,auchenai circle) are outclassed by board vomit(proactive cards) now with very few comeback mechanics how do you intend to make the game "fun and interactive".When priest (healing class) cannot out heal damage or remove board multiple times(atmost 2 times).Even with pyromancer ,it is hard for me to clear board.Meanhile at blizzard HQ(hmm how about we print 1 mana 3/3 with windfury,charge,Cant be targeted by spells,deathrattle summon another 3/3).4 mana 7/7,patches,small time buccaneer,thing from below ,1 mana 2/2 , upgrade weapon(pirate synergy),jade lightning(more burn to face) like FCVK U.I thought this game was balanced (atleast a little bit not a lot).Now I also do not like autopilot deck(dragon priest), when half of your cards are useless you can think how bad the game is like decks have no innovation just face the place and win woohoo.Iam switching games for some time.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    How to tame aggro decks:

    Reactive options:

    1.Warrior: limit weapons(max 2).-logical since in a war you can carry like 2 or 3 weapons almost.

    2.Reduce available burn spells(jade lightning I am looking at you)-2 lava burst is run in aggro shaman,now they run 2 jade lightning as well think about it with little chip damage(12 atleast) you can kill your opponent.

    Proactive options:

    1.Give more anti aggro tools.(weapons-early game) that can hot minions only not face ,also aggro decks should be forced to trade into certain minions(immune to spells) can't hit face.



    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Jade Idol - NERF




    Before Msg control decks were of 2 forms fatigue control warrior(justice),Reno lock(less popular).The warrior vs warlock was favoured for warlock because of jaraxxus(infinite value).Druid did not have a control variant(ramp is not control by the way-btw).Shaman was dominant meta.What jade druid does is it destroys greedy control decks(control warrior) and goes toe to toe with midrange,Reno lock is a bad matchup for jade druid(play vs a friend and check it out) and that's not because of leeroyyyyy btw it's because of the tempo and premium removals and insane draw two cards mechanic(lifetap) and minions like mountain giant,twilight drake.Jade decks also get annihilated by aggro face decks.Dragon priest is a sort of tempo-control deck not exactly amazing matchup(curvestone,value),however jade druid does pull through(50-50).Mid shaman can be beaten by jade druid.Aggro shaman kills jade druid.Now think about it was control warrior ever a bad experience to play against(think about it).I have played a lot of combo decks(limited deck limited damage-freeze mage,worgen otk warrior),it was not fun for me while my opponent hero power and removed my minions and got 2 for 1 card advantage atleast(worgen otk pulls through with a lot of cycle though-nerfed).Now voila comes jade and ruins control warrior AGAINST DRUID ONLY now if you think a deck(greedy one at that) shouldn't have a bad matchup,then you are wrong.Midrange and control decks were destroyed by mill rogue(destroyed by combo and hyper aggro).Control warrior, Reno mage,reno priest(not dragon) gets destroyed by jade druid(especially warrior),what is wrong with that with jade druid having extremely bad matchups why shouldn't control warrior have a bad matchup against a deck?Most matchups were good for it before msg(hunter was bad,handlock and reno lock was a challenge,shaman was a challenge).Do think of jade idol like gangup( infinite version) which can screw you at about turn 10 to 20 if not addressed by effective tempo ,aggro or midrange like warriors hate priests(they play your deck as well as theirs-stealing cards...),Mill decks(annihilated warrior),now druid annhilates warrior(control not face) it hates druid now.Please evaluate my post objectively and reply and cast your vote above).Druid lacks removal(fat ones like brawl ,nether,shadowflame..) I use doomsayer(1 copy) and naturalise(1 copy) to compensate,its not a brain dead deck as some claim Mulligan is crucial and deciding plus you cannot use your aoe recklessly(against mid range,aggro or control for that matter(rag op)).Long post (T.T) ,had to explain myself.Have a good one :).

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New players nightmare

    Certain classes and certain minions outperform others in a certain meta.For eg in the current hyper aggro meta one should include ooze,taunts,freeze effects(mage) ,heal effects doomsayers and so on.Early game is crucial as most new players will start off with tempo decks or aggro decks ,my comment was addressed to the first comment on this post and the word meta has extreme significane as decks which were previously viable tend to underperform(Zoolock, mid hunter).Hence you'll need to tech against the meta to get a higher win rate(with whichever tech cards you can afford,For eg:When midshaman and aggroshaman was rampant I used 1x frostnova and used water eles imagine their frustration when they used room hammer.. Anyways peace out.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Tech card against jade golems and some other decks.

    Freeze effect is over-rated unless you have a clean-up eg:flames trike viz not good enough.Aggro decks and midrange decks crush it .

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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