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    posted a message on Undirect nerf to Celestial Alignment?

    Before the nerfs, if you played CA and they had a WP, the NEW cards you drew would cost 2. Apparently, now all cards drawn before CA with increased cost will keep the cost increase

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What is your favorite META ever played in Hearthstone?

    Ungoro post-nerf was amazing. The ammount of burn mage I played back then hasn't been matched yet by any deck

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Possible winning combos

    Thanks to the buff to Wrath Weaver, demons are actually quite decent early game, and you can get to late tiers with a big chunk of health and a big Weaver. Then it can be transitioned quite smoothly into poison+divine shields if you managed to pick a bunch of selfless heroes, and weaver+watcher can stay in the comp (at least until you get enough actual poisons). In my experience, it is one of the best ways to transition into this comp

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on Menagerie RNG order

    Recently there was a debate in Savjz chat and I'd like to ask for the actual answer.

    The situation was the following: he had 1 pirate (nat), 1 elemental (molten rock), 2 beast (hydra and Kindly Grandmother) and 2 mech (sensei and micro mummy). He played menagerie mug and rock, grandmother and sensei got buffed. He said it was the worst outcome, since he really wanted nat, hydra and mummy. From a comment jockingly calling it "50%", chat actually started calculating the chances of it happening. There were two main results: 1/20 and 1/16.

    The difference comes from the order mug does the RNG. If it first checks trives and then minions, then the chances are 1/4(not picking pirates)*1/2(grandmother)*1/2(sensei). If it just picks minions and checks if its tribe was already chosen, then its just 3/6*2/5*1/4.

     Does anyone know how the RNG is coded in that card? I'm really intrigued now

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
  • 4

    posted a message on What Do You Wish For The Next Expansion?

    Double class game mode. Like Halloween Arena, but constructed

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on What counters pirate warrior, secret mage and SPECIALLY MECH PALA?

    Reno mage can be oriented ultra ant-aggro and you'll get a nice score against both mech pala and pirate warrior. If you really hate secret mage you can even include some anti-secret tech and increase the WR against that deck too. Your WR will extremely drop against other decks (basically auto-lose against any control/combo deck) but you'll be able to win consistently against the decks you menctioned.

    Otherwise, good old control shaman could do the trick

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Best option for Wild Reno Priest

    I don't think Galakron is good enough for Wild HL Priest, both deathrattle and dragons seem better synergies overall

    Posted in: General Deck Building
  • 1

    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Frizz Kindleroost

    It sounds like "Turn the incuvators to eleven". Not sure though

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Counter that card!

    I can now play the Cursed!  and you'll get it in your hand :)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Your biggest mistake in deck building

    Both Dire Frenzy and Master's Call in my first highlanter hunter. I was so confused first time brann wasn't active

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What beats the Spectral Cutlass deck in Standard?

    Steal rogue doesn't even run it, they use quest instead

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Its a matter of time to interact with your opponents hand.

    Also Chameleos gave hand insight before Lazul

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Teach me to Zephrys, please

    Also adding to everything said already:

    -For weapon removal, play on 3 for Bloodsail Corsair , on 4 for Acidic Swamp Ooze or on 7 for Harrison Jones

    -For silence, on 2 for Silence, on 3 for Earth Shock or on 6 for Mass Dispel

    -Specific techs: Hungry Crab if enemy has a murloc, Blood Knight for divine shields, Flare or SI:7 Infiltrator for secrets, The Black Knight for taunt removal

    -Usual removals are Backstab, Lightning Bolt and both power words

    -With a wide board, Soul of the Forest is usually given instead of pure damage cards (such as Savage Roar) unless there is lethal

    -Giants (mountains and sea) are usually suggested when they're cheap

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on craft highlander hunter????

    It really depends on what cards you already have and what style you want to play. Highlanter hunter is not cheap to craft and needs several legendaries (brann, zephrys, zul'jin,  subject 9)  and isn't either a top tier (still a pretty good deck, tho). I've been playing it a lot since the beginning of the expansion and I must say it is quite fun to play, so if you really like hunter style I recommend crafting it. If you are just looking for a good deck to climb, there are definitely cheaper and better decks out there

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on This is ridiculous
    Quote from Nohva >>
    Quote from Eg1 >>

    Quest Pally destroys warrior. You should try it

    Sure and Quest Paladin can be destroyed by Combo Pirest, which can be destroyed by Highlander Hunter, which can be destroyed by Tempo Rogue, which can be destroyed by... Give me like 100k dust and I'll deal with every threat on ladder!

    But serious, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I'm just trying to make people realize that "Play deck X" is not a proper solution, but rather flawed game design, that we should not support. It's important especially now, when "normal" meta decks (not weakened budget decks) starts from 10K of dust (yeah, "free to play" my ass Blizzard...).

    Judging by this very reply, you have the desire to have a deck that can beat all other archetypes[...].

     No, not at all. All I want is to make all decks follow the same rule: Do you want to win a game? You must do this via the board presence (like the old days of HS)!

    Why can Warrior win games without actually fighting for the board presence? Because he doesn't have to. His entire game plan is to remove all threats and stack armor. That's all, he doesn't even have to deal any damage to his opponent's face! Obviously the same applies to other heavy control or combo decks. Playing against them is like talking to someone who speaks a different language than yours. There is no dialogue, no interaction, no fun. That's why I think all decks should be forced to use a "common language" - board.

    How can we achieve this? We need to limit the number of removal, heal and gain armor cards (across all classes). This way, no deck would be able to build its entire strategy based on those cards alone. A limited amount of such tools would force all decks to fight "fair" for the board presence, and not relay only on immediate answers played from hand. Combo decks should also work via the board like Exodia Paladin did. Do you want to make instant kill combo? Fine, but at least give your opponent a chance (like at least 1 turn) to disrupt your plan (you guessed it, by interacting with your combo pieces present on board).

    This way, every deck - at least theoretically - would have a chance with any deck, because EVERY deck would be designed with one and the same principle in mind: Have a presence on the board, board is your king, board is your life! You don't have a board = you lost. This, of course, doesn't mean that we should favor fast and aggressive decks that can flood the board with minions. Aggro decks also should be toned down and slowed, giving opponent more time to answer.

    To achieve all this, I think that all cards that allow "cheating" should be thrown out of the game. No mana discounts (like playing 8/8 minion on turn 4), no cloning cards above limits (like getting many copies of powerful legendaries), no getting randm cards from other classes (like Rogue who should not theoretically be able to deal with a wide boards, that plays Flame Strike and destroys Zoo Lock entirely) etc.

    Vanilla HS was like that, and that was pretty good.

     Well, you know what happens when healing and removal get removed? Face decks begin appearing all over the place. And face decks are not just like aggro which tries to kill you fast, face decks just go always face, ignoring everything you do. If you feel like playing against control is like talking with someone in another language, face decks just don't talk. And imo new hs is much better than old hs bc face decks are not arround  anymore

    Posted in: General Discussion
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