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    posted a message on C'Thun + N'Zoth Priest Standard 34-12 ranked.

    Update for the end of the night. Ended up going 34-12, which is just about 75% win rate. 

    I lost to multiple Evolve Shaman, A Death Rattle Rogue, a Pirate Warrior, and some random stuff I can't remember.

    I beat every Pally, Hunter, Mage, and Druid I faced. I did not face a single warlock.

    The deck does have problems with mid range decks. I ended up cutting the Darkshire Alchemists to test some other stuff, and I really didn't miss them. Against Mid Range/Control they just sat in my hand way longer then needed, and while they were nice against aggro decks, putting in cards that were also good against Aggro and quite a bit better against mid/control ended up being more efficient. 

    Currently, running OP deck:

    -1 Elise, -2 Darkshire Alchemists, -1 Cairne

    +1 Beckoner, +1 C'Thun's Chosen, +2 Cabal Shadow Priests.


    The Shadow Priests have been ok. Generally I end up having issues when I clear the board or trade off the board and they drop multiple small threats again. The Shadow Priests do help with this, but I wouldn't set any of that in stone. I intend on testing tomorrow with Doomsayers in the Shadow Priest spot. They should be good against aggro, and at least a small bump in the road against mid range, so they may end up being rather valuable.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on C'Thun + N'Zoth Priest Standard 34-12 ranked.

    Update: Currently 18-3. Went 4-2 before work. Deck does seem to have some weakness to strong mid-range decks. I cut Cairne and am tinkering with its replacement, but haven't settled on anything yet. I have not felt the loss of the card at all. Currently, it is the 4/2 divine shield C'Thun guy, but that is probably not final either. 

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on C'Thun + N'Zoth Priest Standard 34-12 ranked.

    I have been running this deck since launch with -1 Elise +1 Beckoner.

    I am currently 14-1 with the deck in ranked ( Ranks 18 - 12 ).

    The only game I lost was to a Evolve Shaman that ran pretty lucky with his evolves. I did beat 2 other Evolve Shaman in this run.

    @Steamcatcher: N'Zoth is the real powerhouse of the deck. C'Thun isn't so much a finisher here, since we aren't running a ton of pump. It is just a giant minion that basically clears the board. It is generally 12-16 in power by the time you play it. 

    N'Zoth recurs about 3 minions on average, and believe me when I say that you want to play him in this deck. Curator, Shiftings, even just loot hoarders makes his value pretty strong. I have on a number of occasions in the 15 games I have played so far recurred 3 Shifting Shades and a Loot hoarder. Curator gets Shades a high percentage of the time. 

    I do think Cairne can be cut. He really doesn't have that much of a impact, and you already get a ton of value from N'Zoth.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on C'Thun + N'Zoth Priest Standard 34-12 ranked.

    C'Thun + N'Zoth
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    Been tinkering with something like this for a while. Plenty of healing, some early game to trade, some clear, and both C'Thun and N'Zoth as finishers. 

    Elise is probably going to become something else, perhaps TBK if the meta goes where I think it will. Cairne may not be good enough, though it is worth trying out. 

    Also not sure it needs SW:P. Has some early game to make trades, Disciple is really good at that as well, and once you hit turn 5 you are basically out of danger.

    It doesn't feel like it is stretched too thin, or at least any more so then normal priest decks.... on paper anyway.

    Interested to hear your thoughts though. 

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Old , new and theorycraft decks

    Well, Rogue is most certainly not the only viable C'Thun class. If you are building a deck around playing a 10 mana minion ( and drawing him consistently ), you are going to need defensive cards. Given the power level of some of the C'Thun stuff, I am not sure that Priest or Warrior have so much better options that it is obvious. 

    Also Druid.

    Regardless,  Don't need backstab with access to SI7/Disciple. Not having Sinister strike seems downright criminal. Shadowstep has interesting interactions with C'Thun stuff. Anddddd, Shadowcaster. Tomb Pillager seems really out of place. 

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Post What Decks You Think Will Be Best In Standard Here!
    Quote from Serology >>

    I think there will be viable C'thun decks, viable aggro decks in Hunter and Paladin, theatre being divine shield heavy.

    Not sure what's going to happen to Druid and Rogue.

    Personally I think one of the top decks will be Frost Mage, ie. a combination of Freeze Mage and Grinder Mage using Demented Frostcaller. There are so many tools to freeze, remove, AoE and refill your hand with spells now that I think it's going t be a tough deck to beat when fully tuned. Here is my list:

    [WoG] Seraph's Frost Mage
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     Wouldn't Flamecaller be just better in every situation compared to Frostcaller? Freezing one or two things forever is really cool, but your deck looks like its built for the mid-late game with most of your win conditions. Flamecaller is just better at getting you to that point. I also really don't like Shatter. It is a conditional 1 for 1, that doesn't really work with any of your freeze effects. Blizzard and nova are already stopping them, and the freeze drops on your next turn. Frostcaller is ok, but you need to cast 2 spells. Things like Iceblock or Arcane Intellect into Frostcaller Freeze into Shatter is fine, but most of your other spells don't really work with that. Tome/Framstrike/Blizzard are too expensive and either already freeze or damage the minion. All your cheap spells are the same. 
    Also, what does Anomalus do for you? Yeah, he can blow up the board, but you already have ways to do that. He is like Sylvanus, where the opponent will just trade with nothing to steal ( or in Anomalus's case, nothing to blow up ), or he will ignore it entirely causing you to use other effects to stall, in which case you can replace Anomalus with literally anything else and it works out the same way. 
    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Reno C'thun Paladin (Standard)

    Eadric is probably worth fitting in here. Effect is powerful and rather underrated. Much better then Doomcaller for example. You also probably want to fit Solemn Vigil in somewhere. Card draw is prettttty good.

    I would cute Crowd Favorite, Spawn of N'Zoth, Doomcaller, and probably Shifter Zerus. The cards don't really do all that much for you. You can also probably afford to run 2x of one card, especially a early game card, and still reliably have reno on 99+% of the time. Disciple of C'Thun maybe. Can't think of any situation where I wouldn't want that in my opening hand, or mulligan for that against most matchups playing Reno.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Post What Decks You Think Will Be Best In Standard Here!
    Quote from Shadow_Dcord >>
     Doomcaller is garbage. If you don't win by playing C'Thun, putting him back in your deck isn't going to change anything. 95+% of the time. Skeram cultist is also really weak. You don't need all that much to activate C'Thun to begin with. The Priest Heal 10 C'thun card is really good. Emtombs are still some of the most powerful removal there is. C'Thun is a "Go Long" type of deck, and you don't have much of that.
    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Post your C'Thun Deck!
    Quote from BeastofNite >>

    C'thun Paladin that uses divine shields+taunts+heals to keep your hero, and key mobs alive till C'thun is ready to go.
    It can also summon C'thun twice, once at turn 6, and another time at turn 9 or 10 if it dies.

     So... No. You cannot summon C'Thun on turn 6. That is not what Ancient Harbinger does. Also, Doomcaller, is pretty garbage. It is only good if A: Your C'Thun is dead. B: You need to play C'Thun twice in a game to win and C: You haven't already lost terribly.
    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on psst. shhhh, keep your voice down. this is the whispers of the old gods set review. (now with Updated Info!)

    I think you are too low on N'Zoth and Shadowcaster.

    N'Zoth is a finisher you can play without really doing anything special. Tirion and Sylvanas are likely to be great plays in the new mid-range to control meta they seem to want by itself. It is also a huge counter to C'Thun decks, as all those bodies are gonna soak damage and deathrattle again.

    Shadowcaster is also quite a bit better then you seem to think. Forget the 2x Shadowcaster stuff.  Turn 4 Twilight Summoner? Opponent is probably going to leave it in play. Shadowcaster says hello. Disciple of C'Thun/SI7? Shadowstep? There are just tons of ways to get value out of Shadowcaster. Hell, even makes Patient Assassin pop back up on radars. 

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    posted a message on Why control will suck in WOG

    I don't understand the OP. Face aggro got weaker with removal of sticky minions. Mid Range got weaker ( with the exception being Shaman ). Those two things make Control stronger.

    C'thun Control is going to work just fine. It is pushed as all hell, and most of the C'Thun buffers are playable in their own right. A lot of the Activated cards are very good at stalling out the game. 10 Armor? 10 Heal? Twin Emp is the strongest card in the game.

    Most of the control elements are surviving the rotation. Most of the Tier 1 decks are control right now. Mid Range druid is the only Tier 1 Mid Range deck. Now Druid is neutered, and Mid Range Shaman takes its place, but that isn't going to change anywhere else. 

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on New Legendary Card - Shifter Zerus

    One thing I haven't seen covered is how this card interacts with reductions.

    Does the Emp tick transfer as it transforms ( as it is still Shifter Zerus )? Can you Far Sight this, transform into Chillwind Yeti, and play it for 1? etc.

    Not that it changes the overall playability of the card, just thought it was a interesting idea.

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    posted a message on New Druid Card - Dark Arakkoa

    My spider sense is tingling. 

    3 Classes get Forbidden Magic ( Mage, Priest, Pally )

    3 Classes get C'Thun activation cards ( Warrior, Druid, X )

    3 Classes get Madness Magic ( Warlock, X, X )


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    posted a message on New Legendary Card - Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
    Quote from SW3RVE713 >>
    Quote from DarthJaraxxus >>
    Quote from SW3RVE713 >>
    Quote from DarthJaraxxus >>

    I thought Blizzard could never outdo The Boogeymonster for worst card design, but Blizzard has outdone themselves again.  Why would anyone want to risk spells like Pyroblast going to one's own minions or face?  Truly, one of the most moronic RNG cards in history.

    Considering pyroblast to your face is, at best, a 1 in 600 chance, you probably don't have to worry
     Do you mind showing me your calculation for those odds?  Not to mention that one would not be happy getting hit by several other spells such as fireball and lava burst.  And I'm not 'worried' about pyroblast to face.  I just think it is terrible card design.
    200+ spells, so 1 in 200 to get pyroblast. Then, since you'll have Yogg-Saron on the board, there'll be at least 3 targets. 1 in 600. 
    People have done some good breakdowns that show the majority of spells will help you out. I do agree that we shouldn't have to debate whether the old gods are good tho
     It is actually even less then that. Even with on Yogg-Saron on the board, there are strings where summons happen before hand, such as the panther, the 5 1/1's, living roots, whatever the case may be. Chances are Yogg-Saron isn't the only thing on the board either. I would probably put it at like 1 in 900 or so on average chance to pyroblast your face when you play Yogg.
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    posted a message on New Legendary Card - Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
    Quote from asteroidm >>
    Quote from Ninjiitsu >>
    Quote from asteroidm >>
    Quote from Ninjiitsu >>
    Quote from asteroidm >>
    Quote from Ninjiitsu >>

    The RNG in competitive scene is and has always been a thing. Even MTG has/had it. Look at Patrick Chapin vs. Gabriel Nassif with his Ignite Memories. He had like a 99% chance to win, and it didn't fall his way. It ended up being basically the most talked about/exciting moment in competitive magic, even to this day. 

    Yogg-Saron will always be in your favor when you play it, but it does have a certain amount of risk.  It can lose you the game, it can win you the game, but more often then not it will end up putting you in a favorable position. There are just so many "You spells, like Cabalists Tome, Arcane Int, etc" or "Enemy Spells, like Flamestrike, Fist of Jaraxxus, Swipe, Fan of Knives, etc" or "Neutral spells, Like Twisting Nether, DOOM, Or my personal Favorite with Yogg-Saron, Vanish".

    The amount of any target spells are minimized with random targets on the board. Even just a Yogg-Saron is a 1/3 chance that "random target spell" hits your face.

    If the average spell costs 3 Mana, and you cast Yogg-Saron for 10 spells... He is probably worth the risk associated with him in just pure value over time.

     I can't say that I agree.  Yogg has an equally high chance of doing little to nothing.  Many of the spells may fizzle cause they have no target or he just casts a bunch of draw spells (which isnt' terrible unless you are close to fatigue but yogg being 10 mana you turn is now done).  He could mind games you a nearly useless minion etc etc.  The point is this, that there aren't just two outcomes of he kills you, he wins you the game.  The other outcome is he doesn't nothing that will win you the game and now  you have spend all your mana for that turn for little to no effect.  You can't COUNT on it.  I understand that RNG is a thing, it just that at a certain thresh holds of percentage have to be met.  I feel like Yogg's effect is TOO random to be relied upon.  Again, I really hope I am wrong cause the card is fun.
     The chance of Yogg doing nothing is extremely low. He is almost always going to do something, and that something is always in your favor. Being in your favor doesn't mean you win the game on the spot. It could draw you a few cards, it could heal you, it could clear the board for you, it could Mind Games you a 1/3 Northshire, it doesn't have to be extreme value. Value is value. 
    You can minimize potential negatives as well. Casting Yogg on a Empty board ( Say after a Nova + Doomsayer ) eliminates any buff problems. Being a Warrior with armor eliminates the "Fireball to my face" problem. Playing Shaman or Pally give you more targets for buffs, and more targets for stray Fireballs. There is plenty of ways to maximize his effect in your favor even more so. The more spells you cast also has this effect, by reducing variance. 
    You play this card in control decks, and you always have the option of not casting it. If you get to a point where you are behind and need to cast something to swing the game, there is no better card in the entire game then Yogg-Saron. It effects the board the most, whether for good or bad, but chances are no other card in the game could get you out of those situations as effectively. You were already behind, and if it does not go your way, you were probably still going to lose that game anyway. Plus, it is just damn good fun. I think this is something hearthstone has been missing for a while. Strategy and incremental advantage are all well and good, but when a Yogg-Saron comes down, BOTH players are going to be extremely interested in what happens.
     Here is the issue.  If you sacrifice a spot in your deck for an occasion where you are almost guaranteed a loss for a card that MIGHT save you then I think overall you are already playing fatalistically.  That same spot would be better to help your control deck actually control things instead.
    You are right however, in most cases Yogg will benefit you, but the cases where it will benefit you ENOUGH to justify spending all your mana on that turn I think will be too few for this card to see play.  I honestly don't see this card as a "hail mary" card.  It's just too iffy.  Could it turn things completely around?  Sure, but I think most times you are better off playing to your decks game plan rather than giving up a slot for a unreliable back up win condition.
    Believe you me, I will be thrilled to be wrong, I love fun cards like this.  The first deck I created post TGT was an Astral communion deck.  I love fun, I love it even more when fun is also effective.
     Reno Jackson to everything you just said.
     Well considering you didn't make an actual argument or statement I guess I'll take a stab at what I think you are getting at.  There is but one actually competitive reno deck and that is Reno lock.  Why is this?  Because reno is what the deck is literally built around.  Reno lock is basically hand lock with the added healing of Reno, so the decks very PURPOSE is to draw hard using it's hero power, drawing into Reno as well into it's other win conditions then to cast Reno to offset the life loss.  Reno's effect isn't a maybe.  In the one and only deck where he is competitive his effect is guarnteed.  Even in cases where it's not, you are able to control that outcome to an extent by simply holding on to Reno till you KNOW his effect is guaranteed.  So even if you make a deck that revolves around Yogg (casiono mage or something) and you draw him you still can't rely on his effect to save you and you never will regardless of how you build the deck.  If this isn't what you were getting at then please feel free to explain your point.
     Reno decks have been made in literally every flavor. They all do well on high ladder. So not sure what you mean by competitive. Kibler played Reno Shadow Mage. Whats his name plays Reno Frost mage. Etc. 
    Point was you were assuming that a slot in a deck that might save you/win you the game isn't viable, when in reality that is what has been going on for a while now, and I could make that argument for just about any single card slot you choose in a control based deck.
    Evaluate the card on its merits alone. 
    Against Aggro, if you can't stay alive until turn 9/10, it doesn't matter what is printed on the card. It could be any high mana cost legendary.
    Against Midrange/Control: It is a perfectly fine play when you are ahead. If you are ahead it isn't likely that it loses you the game, and is more likely that it favors you. Even in the situation where it doesn't do much, its still fine. When you are behind, it can turn a otherwise unwinnable game into a winnable one. There are not that many cards that have that effect, and traditionally they have all been played at some point in control.
    Any card that is reasonably ok/good when ahead AND when behind is bound to see play, especially one whose setup requires you to just play the game, as about any deck that would think of a 10 mana minion is going to have a good number of spells. C'Thun requires quite a bit of setup, for example. 
    Is the card absurdly overpowered? Not at all, but people are way to low on this card based on the thread responses. You will be seeing Yogg-Saron in Standard, and it will make a impact.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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