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    posted a message on New Hero Card Revealed! - Malfurion the Pestilent

    Problem with druids: New druid hero and jades 

    This cards power creep is too ridiculous. Justicar is 6 mana make your hero power give you 2/2 stats. This card is a 7 mana, spawn 2 stupidly hard to remove taunts or 2 instant removals AND +3 atk or +3 armour and combined with fandral its give your hero 3/3 worth of stats every turn. How is this card balanced in any way? Not to mention already having ultimate infestation and so many other armour giving cards and draw cards to make jade so strong. This card can swing the game so hard just because of its ridiculous power creep. There is a difference between making a card the "best card of the set" and the most broken and unplayable against card in the set. You see druids doing things like turn 1 wild growth, turn 2 jade blossom and innervate this hero out and when that happens you just lose. Now that innervate is getting nerfed it doesn't make much of an impact on jade anyways. Basically, with druids ability to draw so much, this card usually comes out super early and when it does, you basically lose the game 90% of the time. I think blizzard ought to either nerf this to be justicar stats of just +2/+2 just because of its insane battlecry effect. Even with the innervate nerf, it isn't going to affect the meta much because jade druid can just use the coin to ramp up quickly also. The main problem is this heroes battlecry effect And/Or the jades. A nerf should hit one of these because reguardless, the meta game is stupid and it is going to continue to be stupid until blizzard does something about it. It is ridiculous to have all the tier 1 decks to be druid because as of right now, unless straight up the new hero is nerfed or jade golems are nerfed, the problem will still persist and this is definitely NOT educational or helpful to players with this deck being so ladder desstructive.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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