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    posted a message on Warlock Low Mana Rush

    ya, I wasn't saying it was a variant of your deck, just a different warlock aggro deck.

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Warlock Low Mana Rush

    I have also been working on an aggro warlock deck for the last few days and figured I would share it here in case anyone is interested.

    decklist: imgur.com/h0tS4EH

    My build has a bit lower of a curve than yours, basically my plan is to play my hand so fast that I can take advantage of cards like succubus, soulfire and doomguard with little/no downside and then use life tap basically every turn after 4ish to draw and play 2 cards a turn.  All of my creatures that cost more than 2 have charge so I can make sure I get value out of them late in the game when I am trying to finish off the last few hitpoints of my opponents before they have a chance to kill them.  I don't really run much removal, just soulfire because it can go to the face, and demonfire because it can be used as a buff when (most of the time) you don't REALLY need to kill something.  Most of the time you are playing so aggressively that your opponent is forced to trade off with your creatures while you are free to attack making removal much less important.

    I usually mulligan any cards  any cards that cost more than 2 or are removal, giving me the best chance to have a turn 1/2 play. If I am on the draw and have either knife juggler or pint sized summoner (prefer pint sized), I like to coin them out turn 1 because if my opponent doesn't have an answer they can allow for some pretty amazing starts.

    If possible I like to use blood imps and young priestesses early to give my important creatures protection from active abilities in the first couple turns, when you have a blood imp or 2 and a young priestess it can become pretty difficult for your opponents to deal with your creatures in a cost effective way.

    I'm still tweaking the deck but I'm liking how its been performing lately quite a bit (masters 3 obviously) I think I might want a King Mukla but I'm not sure since he doesn't have charge and does give the opponent the bananas.


    Posted in: Warlock
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