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    posted a message on Discard warlock - a lost cause?

    I main discolock (both agrro and aggro/quest) and I think it's highly misunderstood. First thing it's skill intensive. Even though you could argue any deck is skill intensive and that's true to a degree but people don't seem to understand this as much with dlock. For example sometimes the right play is to shoot for a 1/3 chance to get a succubus into silverware on turn 2 but often it's better to tap or wait until your guaranteed to make a high power play like imp>lakkari felhound>golem on t5. People often get very salty when they talk about discarding a doomguard instead of a golem the turn bfore they could play it and say discard is a stupid RNG mechanic and not realize they simply made a play mistake by running out a soulfire when they didn't have to. If your patient and don't just go for highrolls when it could burn you you can often sculpt your hand into situations where you will get giant tempo swings on turn 4 -6 guaranteed. If you use your resources effectively you will often either blow them out or remain even enough to where you can snowball them late game where you get 2 cards a turn vs their one and you have undercosted minions with no downside.

    If you are the type of person who either lacks the ability to deal with a lot of strategic decision making or lack the emotional fortitude to deal with the negatives that playing a deck with high variance then obviously don't play it but don't get upset that they make discard cards at all. When I look at some  the terrible cards alot of the other classes got in kft vs warlock I think lock fared  better than any class that's not priest or druid and even if you don't like or play dlock the game as a whole is better for having howlfiend and lanathiel in it than it is for having arrogant crusader moorabi cytostasis or alot of other filler running around.


    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Finding a place for "bad" legendaries

    A lot of these legendaries aren't bad per say but people generally pick more generally good cards to play like dr booms bonemares etc. So you just need decks that synergize with whatever effects they have for example alakir.would.synergize.with an element shammy deck.pretty well. But I made a complete list anyway (Sorry for formatting on mobile.)


    Moroes, quest rogue

    Baron Rivendare , Jade rogue, deathrattle hunter

    Prince Valanar , I use in control/giant lock and in ramp druid, useful in rogue too

    Prince Malchezaar , possible otk with cost reduction and malygos or prophet velen

    Gruul, ok beater in ramp or reanimate decks

    Arch-ThiefRafaam , I like him in ramp druid could be used in naga sea witch decks

    MajordomoExecutus , possible potential with treachery. Downside could be overridden in quest priest

    Nozdormu , fun in dragon priest reanimater priest or just something to screw with opponents in a control deck

    Onyxia ,ccan work ok with with bloodlust so maybe dragon shaman

    Deathwing, Dragonlord , dragon priest / reanimater priest, any dragon control deck

    Kel'Thuzad/Feugen / Stalagg (other than Reincarnate Shaman), - reanimater priest deathrattle hunter, quest priest

    Gahz'rilla, midrange or control hunter

    Hallazeal the Ascended , control shaman

    Al'Akir the Windlord elemental shaman

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Molten Pirates

    I actually built a very similar list and have been doing very well since the nerf. The one issue I ha ve with the molten is its a very bad topdeck since you have to wait a turn for it to be anything but a 1/1. I think a 1 of Forge of souls helps with this since it gets them in your hand so you get more rolls on them and are far less likely to topdeck them.

    Posted in: Molten Pirates
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    posted a message on Card predictions: Overhyped and Underdogs

    I think like bronn you need to play on the same turn as your deathrattles to gain value when you have high mana. The best application I see of this is jade rogue. Spiritsinger Umbra > Jade Swarmer > Jade Swarmer > Shadowstep could be a very big turn or even Spiritsinger Umbra > Aya Blackpaw would be pretty good.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Card predictions: Overhyped and Underdogs

    Overated: Mage quest, Druid quest, warlock quest

    Possibly underrated: Vicious Fledgling

    This little shit can get out of hand really fast if opponent is not able to kill on sight. Just hit and hope for windfury and if you miss grab stealth divine shield or something that might keep him alive. Even that would be annoying enough by itself but if you are able to hit windfury with it it will get out of hand very quickly continually smacking growing and going into stealth divine shield or cant be targeted. It can feasibly kill an opponent by itself over 3-5 turns while protecting itself.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Un'goro Disco Zoo

    I personally think Cruel Dinomancer is overrated. Most of the time your paying 6 for a 5/5 that will summon a low cost minion when it dies. Unless your running stronger minions like Sea Giant I think its a waste, Ravenous Pterrordax I think is probably better.

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Nether Portal / Seed board space & positioning (interaction with Mind Control Tech etc?)

    So A: does nether portal use a board space?

    and B: how does it position the imps?


    Positioning is very important in zoo and board space is actually relevent sometimes so I would like to know as I haven't seen this answered anywhere yet...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [JTO]Seeing this as the Zoo Direction

    I've played a lot of murlock zoo this last season and I can say seadevil is not a bad card it is usually an autokeep in opening hand. If you draw a second one and a coldlight oracle its such a crazy tempo play and just getting finja a turn early is often good enough.

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Should I invest in Wild format?

    Believe it or not wild is much more casual then standard and easier to ladder in. Also your main investments will be buying naxx and then commons and rares, in fact the only non standard legendary card I use in wild is old murk eye besides that the main differences with my wild decks are things like ships cannon antique healbot and deathrattle stuff from GvG and Naxx.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Seadevil Stinger

    Man people are stupid if they don't get how good this card can be. Drawing 2 of these and any 3+ cost murloc is nutty. Even 1 into a 3+ cost murloc makes it either like free since its not uncommon in dedicated murloc deck for a warleader or seer to be your turn 4 and usually those are what you want after filling the board turn 3/4anyway. Topdecking this is good as well since usually your in topdecking mode t6+ in murloc warlock and getting this means you can hero power cast this and whatever other murloc you draw which you could not do ordinarily unless you drew 1-2 drops which would be worse for you anyway.

    So lets look at the actual examples of how this plays out best to worst. Assume T1-2/3 you've just dropped a few cheap murlocs on the board since that is most of your games.

    1 Coin + Seadevil Stinger + Seadevil Stinger + Coldlight Seer

    2 Coin + Seadevil Stinger + Seadevil Stinger + Corrupted Oracle

    3 Coin + Seadevil Stinger + Seadevil Stinger + Finja

    4 Coin + Seadevil Stinger + Seadevil Stinger + Murloc Warleader

    5 -9 (all of the above minus coin on t4)

    10 Coin + Seadevil Stinger + Finja

    11 Coin + Seadevil Stinger + Corrupted Seer

    12 Coin + Seadevil Stinger + Coldlight Seer

    12 Coin + Seadevil Stinger + murloc warleader

    13 Coin + Seadevil Stinger + Seadevil Stinger + 1-2 drop murloc

    14 -17 (10 - 13 minus coin)

    18 Coin +  Seadevil Stinger + Seadevil Stinger 

    19 (18  minus coin)

    20 Seadevil Stinger + 1-2 drop murloc

    21 Seadevil Stinger and no other murloc

    22 Seadevil Stinger and empty hand


    So anyway the question isn't is this card good, This is a actually one of the best cards in a dedicated warlock murloc deck. The questions you need to ask are "is a dedicated murloc warlk good or just a fun deck?" and "is murloc just straight better in pally / shammy after the new cards"

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on 13th Ranked Mage FEEDBACKS ARE WELCOME!

    Take out   Boulderfist Ogre 

    Silver Hand Knight 

    Ice Barrier 

    Worgen Infiltrator 

    Gurubashi Berserker

     Raging Worgen

    Add  [card]Sorcerer's Apprentice[/card] x2

    Azure Drake x2

    Gadgetzan Auctioneer x2

    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on Upcoming balance changes and What it means for the META

    Maybe I’m missing something or am not as well versed on the game but couldn’t druid control just swap in an Ironbeak Owl in the tinkmaster  spot and be more or less fine. I know its not as op since it won’t polymorph stuff but still stops ysera n rag from being useful which seems to be the main complaints, and is slightly less risky against smaller aggro targets.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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