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    posted a message on I thought this meta was more diverse?

    The diversity some are clamoring for has yet to actually arrive. What you are seeing now are balancing issues being resolved first. This is why there is no clear Tier 1 deck at the moment. The classes are still in a bubble with what is viable but the options have increased a bit. Even the idea of being able to ladder with more than one deck per class is a blessing after the last meta we suffered through. There has been an improvement.

    Contrary to what some might believe, being rid of the adventures and the two most suffocating neutral legendaries in the game has had enormous benefits. The next expansion will most likely split the option tree for classes even more. That is when we can have a discussion about diversity because that is when Hearthstone should have it. 


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    posted a message on Hero suicide - is it worth it?
    Sometimes when a player in Hearthstone knows that losing a match is unavoidable, they will do lethal damage to themselves instead of waiting for the opponent to finish the game. While this is the quick and easy way to end the match, in the long run it only hurts both the winner and the loser. All you're doing is sacrificing the opportunity to build upon your character, in order to save yourself a minute. That's not a fair trade. 
    Look...it is very, very crucial to understand that Hearthstone can bring out the worst in you if you let it. It can demolish your self-confidence and effect those around you if you stray off course. I always tell people that the best example of these situations is the the Super Bowl three months ago. It didn't matter to the Patriots what the score was, they won regardless. But the real story for the Hearthstone player was the Falcons. They might have made dumb mistakes and lost but they fought until the end. So if you can't be the Patriots, why not be the Falcons? You have still made it to the big stage and being second best is better than third.
    The focus here should be on never giving up, no matter the circumstances. And if your opponent wins anyway, so be it. You have done the right thing by not depriving him or her of a clean victory. That is something to take pride in as you are sending the right message and can walk away feeling better about the game and yourself. 
    So let's form the habit of good sportsmanship. The next time you feel the urge to use a Fireball on yourself or to tap for that last two mana, think about what you're really doing. To have a healthy community, we need healthy players. Hero suicide is not healthy and it just isn't worth it.
    I am qualified. IamCorrect.
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    posted a message on Hearthstone - How insanely fun is it?

    When a player first comes across Hearthstone on their mobile device (or preferably on a Windows desktop), they are greeted with a welcoming message that the game is "insanely fun". As an expert player, I caution the new player to understand that how fun Hearthstone is depends on them. They must approach the game with two very important fundamentals in place:

    1) You will lose some games regardless of any decision you make.

    2) You will win some games regardless of any decision you make.

    If a new player wishes to have fun playing Hearthstone, he or she must also avoid certain dialogue that can be seen on various forums. It is vital to keep in mind that information is skewed. This current meta for example, has already invited the suggestion of having "more viable" decks than the last. Do not take such drivel at face value. Instead, take note of the types of decks you have faced after 100 games. Look deeper into the number of options every player has for deck creation. Ask yourself how diverse this meta is and draw the inevitable conclusion that it really isn't. I cannot do this for you. It is up to each player to find out for him or herself.

    Another step in the right direction is to not fall into the skill/no skill argument when dealing with the discussion of constructed decks. As I have documented before, Rogue is the only class where skill comes into play. Every other class falls into the no skill trap and what you choose to play is up to you. Make the best out of it and do not dwell on how intelligent the game could or should be.

    Most importantly, avoid any meaningless debate contrary to my conviction. I stand by it as my goal is not to help myself but to help others. With over 10,000 wins, I have the experience to provide valuable information. I am dependable. IamCorrect.

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    posted a message on Do you like aggro meta?
    Quote from Skyi101 >>

    Funny considering the 3-4 strongest decks at the high rank meta are quest warrior, dragon priest, control mage and murloc Pali, of which non are agro.

    There's a light sprinkling or quest rogue in there but its almost a free win to the aforementioned decks unless it draws perfectly.

    I feel like every class is well represented at the moment. There's no one class not in rank ATM. That's a good sign. There'll always be easy to piloted face decks which is why during ladder climb we'll see lots of em but that's healthy and keep the game balanced.

    Although while on my priest seeing t5-6 concedes just feels good. Lol.

     To say Murloc paladin is not aggro is foolish. Of course it is. You are also not mentioning Miracle Rogue, which I have had great success with against Priest. 
    Never forget...
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    posted a message on The elephant in the room

    The growing vicious cycle in which players debate the state of Hearthstone to no end, seem to ignore for the most part on why such debates take place to begin with. It is ironically the reason they began playing: Hearthstone is the potential Magic the Gathering for mobile. The most featured hot topic is RNG with an increasingly aggressive playstyle as a close second. I'm confident the majority of players wish for less of both. If a more in-depth game where longer matches and more direct consequences for your actions were present, Hearthstone would most likely be praised by most.

    As a long-standing player, I can clearly understand the frustration. Blizzard has developed the one step forward, two steps back habit. For every nice card that gives us glimmers of MTG control hope, there are many more that make that card unplayable. Blizzard cannot make up its mind. It is as if clings to the thought of a big minion / control card game, while constantly flooding the metas with aggro. If you are a Druid, do you see any incentive to craft the quest? You are outweighed by the number of aggressive decks. So I then ask: What's the point of "printing" control style cards? 

    Now, please keep in mind this is not some random "salt" post and I am not a Druid player facing these troubles. I only use the above as an example. It is clear, however, that Blizzard has chipped away at the idea of a control style game with each passing meta. Perhaps it is time to accept that Hearthstone will never be what most seem to want: A game that doesn't insult the player's intelligence. For now, seeing it for what it is may alleviate the irritation of what the game has become but the thirst will always be there. It is a wish that will keep permeating the discussions without being discussed. You want Hearthstone to be a clone of MTG and it never will be.

    Accept it. It cannot be argued because...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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