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    posted a message on Psychic Scream

    I misread this card and thought that it shuffled all minions (as in, every single minion ever released) into your opponent's deck. Kinda wish it did.

    Posted in: Psychic Scream
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.09 - Submission Topic

    Dragon Soul

    Flavor Text: If Wisps can take down Archimonde, the force of a Dragon's will can do some damage,

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Let's play the quote game

    I! AM! READY!

    This is going to be amaaaazing!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 4.20 - Submission Topic

    Lil' Ragnaros

    Flavor Text: Please  do not call the miniature Firelord adorable.

    Please note, this minion would function like a Ragnaros the Firelord with 5 damage if you didn't attack, but it would then swap attack and health. That means that if this thing has 3 health, suddenly it will have 3 attack, and then next time it hurls a fireball the ball will only have 3 damage, but then it will swap again.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Getting discouraged...do any experienced plays have any advice?

    Also, if you make memes, PLEASE send me a friend request! I'll walk you through the process :)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Getting discouraged...do any experienced plays have any advice?

    It sounds as though you need some of my patented new...MEME DECKS!

    (infomercial music starts playing)

    Are you tired of the same old, boring decks? Do you hate Midrange Shamans with a passion, and you want to never see them again? WELL, NOW YOU CAN WITH OUR BRAND NEW STRATEGY OF HEARTHSTONE FOR FUN! Here's how it works:

    Step 1: Build a meme deck. These are decks that are super fun to play and to play against. Some samples include Majordomo Mage, Mill Rogue, Spells Only Hunter, Discardlock, Murloc Shaman, Silence Priest, Mill Druid, Wisp Druid, Pirate Control Warrior, and Zoo Paladin. The trick here is that these decks cannot be too effective- you can make a pretty crazy (and expensive) Zoo Paladin, Discardlock, or Murloc Shaman, but the trick here is to make them silly and hilarious. Try not to netdeck these: just take the basic ideas, then build your decks around them. PM me if you need meme suggestions!

    Step 2: Play it in casual play. Casual play is the place where people play their most fun decks, and the best games happen with meme decks vs meme decks. You will have so much fun it will blow your mind. There's a reason I'm Rank 20 even though I could hit Legend no problem with some Midrange Shaman. Casual play is just SO MUCH MORE FUN

    Step 3: Profit!

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Help a newer player

    I built you a budget Mage deck! I didn't include Antonidas, but there are instructions for it in the description.

    Good luck with it! 

    Standard Budget Mage
    Export to BBCode Export to Cockatrice Export to MarkDown Export to Html Clone this deck
    Minion (14) Ability (16)
    Loading Collection

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How to beat trap hunter at rank 18?

    Eater of Secrets, or just make sure to be able to predict traps based on what's on the board when he plays it. For instance, you can safely assume that it's not Explosive or Freeizng when it's played on Turn 1, but Cat Trick or Bear Trap is safe to assume.

    Also, maybe try the Hearthpwn Secrets Calculator!

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Pirate Coins Spotted on Instagram - Will Lots of Pirates be Seen in the Expansion?


    I shall sail the seven seas matey with a bottle of grog aND OH MY GOD Patches the Pirate IS SO CUTE

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Card - Mistress of Mixtures

    This card could potentially work, but has some weird ideas around it. In control decks, I could definitely see this being a thing. You play, opponent plays Animal Companion, goes face with the Huffer you know he just got, and you kill it off. All in all, it's garbage in Arena and can be ok if used in the right decks. All in all, though, I don't think we'll be seeing her very often.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Counter that card!

    Onyxia loves Deadly Shot!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on How can I improve this Druid Ramp-Draw deck?

    I'd suggest dropping some cards that don't fit in to the decklist in favor of other cards, as well as putting in some bigger minions so that your ramp isn't all for nothing. For instance:

    Drop Maiden of the Lake and the Polluted Hoarder for 2 Swipes. Those cards are very niche, and despite having decent value they can't old up to some good, old fashioned AOE.

    Drop the Novice Engineer in favor of another Acolyte of Pain, The Curator, or any other good draw. At its core, Novice Engineer is still a 1/1 and nothing can change that.

    Drop the Defender of Argus and the Gnomish Inventor for just about anything else. They don't fit at all in the deck. Again, I think The Curator is a good idea in this deck, since it will definitely at least draw an Azure Drake and possibly more depending on Prince Malchezaar. It's draw and a Taunt, which are both pretty important. My other recommendation would be Raven Idol. Good card!

    Other than those cards, this deck is 10/10. Hope I helped!

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on How good are the Priest cards that have been revealed?

    People do not realize how stupidly OP Pint-Size Potion is. It solves the only two problems facing Control Priest (and any other Priest deck that likes board control). It solves dealing with 4-attack minions, and it solves attacking. Let's take a closer look at this card and how it will affect Priest and the game in general.

    1: Spells and cards that do things based on Attack.

    This card is a huge buff to a lot of Priest cards, which I think is what they really need. Priest has a lot of good cards, just not cards that can form a cohesive deck that stands up to aggro. Shadow Word: Pain is finally much, much more viable, to the point where it's comparable to BGH. The wombo combo these cards can create with just 1 copy of Pint-Size Potion is insanity. Shadow Word: Pain can now target 6 or 9 attack minions, based on how many you cast at once. But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

    Let's talk about control. I don't mean board control, I mean controlling other people's minions. Priest has long been famous for having so many stealing cards that can be so ineffective. Let's think about Kabal Cabal Shadow Priest. It's great value, but not that good because it's a 6-drop, and can only target 2 attack or less minions. But now, with 1 or 2 Pint-Size Potions, you can yoink that Ysera, wrangle that Rag, and get poetic justice by snagging a Sylvanas. It's a bit ironic that this card comes out in an expansion about crime, because this is gonna work with theft.

    The exact same thing comes up with Potion of Madness or Shadow Madness. Ah, so your opponent played a big, bad Deathrattle minion and you don't know how to deal with the minion or the Deathrattle? Well, guess what? They're both yours for a turn, and it is way easier to kill your own minion than an enemy minion. Cast this once, steal a Cairne Bloodhoof, smack it into whatever minion your opponent still has, and enjoy your 4/5. OP.

    Also, Shadow Word: Horror is now viable! Cast two of these babies and watch your opponent concede when you play what was once a terrible card.

    2: Trading.

    Do I even need to talk about how much easier it is to trade with a zero-attack minion? No? ok

    I'll also be posting this review on the card's page-hope you enjoyed it!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.17 - Submission Topic

    ZOO EXPLOSION! This is a card that I would totally build a deck around. It's written so that it as extreme value if a Dragon, a Murloc, a Beast, and a Demon have died that game. I think it's especially fun because it's not limited to your minions and is thus very unpredictable!

    I've made a lot of cards, but this is my first HearthPwn submission! I was having a lot of trouble putting it in from imgur- does anyone know why? I didn't put in the dimensions because I didn't know them and I didn't want to break anything- could that have done it?


    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 2

    posted a message on Ragnaros the Firelord

    Posted in: Ragnaros the Firelord
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