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    posted a message on 40-16 71% winrate mage


    Quote from Lander44 >>

    i have actually played 2 times vs combination of book of spectre/arugal and big spells mage... i won both times and he even managed to copy 3 monsters

     Okay, dude.
    I was just trying to help a worse player rank up. Good luck at rank 10.
    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on The problem with odd mage in standard


    Quote from batanete >>

    Mage is definitely the sleeper class for this expansion. Anyone who disagrees is advised to try out Apxvoid's tempo elemental or aggro mage lists.

     Yeah, no.
    At top 100 Legend you could run any agro deck to top 10 easily. Nobody is playing serious decks at high legend right now.. except the three or four fucking tryhards like Apxvoid playing Smorc decks to make themselves feel special. 
    Let me know how that agro mage is looking when the last few days of April rolls around and the players get serious.
    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on 40-16 71% winrate mage

    Big Spell Mage
    Export to BBCode Export to Cockatrice Export to MarkDown Export to Html Clone this deck
    Minion (19) Ability (10) Playable Hero (1)
    Loading Collection

    I think this is the version I would run. Not 100% if I'd have the Arugal and Book in there, could replace with another Plated Beetle and 1x Phoenix or Pyros, but the upside with that package is pretty superb and the downside isn't too bad. I'd at least try it out before cutting it.

    Also getting to Jaina, your only win condition, faster seems really good.


    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on 40-16 71% winrate mage

    A couple things on this deck.

    1) This isn't a 71% win rate deck on competitive ladder. Anything above rank 5 is never competitive, you can hit Rank 5 with auto-complete decks easily, let alone the start of an expansion. This is a low tier 3 deck that can almost never beat a decent Cubelock or Aggro Paladin list and loses 100% to any sort of decent combo deck.

    With that said, advice for improving it.

    Drop 2x Water Elemental, 1x Alanna, 2x Servant of Kalimos.

    Add 2x Firefly, 1x Doomsayer, 2x Rotten Applebaum, 

    It still won't be a great deck but you'll gain a little more consistency and a little better viability against Aggro. 


    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on Genn Mage...?

    Hero power just isn't that great in Mage.

    Thijs' Genn Handmage idea was funny but realistically has to draw Book & Mountain giant by turn 2 and 3 respectively or it pretty much auto loses.

    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on Yeah, Mage will be unplayable.


    Quote from Infirc >>

    uhmm, well, mage did get efficient minions this time around, bonfire elemental is efficient and book of specters is massive card draw, the clas swil prolly be bottom tier duriing withcwood becaus eice block DID enable a lot of the mage decks, but it's not in the bottompit level of Un'goro/Frozen throe Warlock, Kobolds Warrior or Gadgetzan Paladin

    I actually can't find a single Mage minion worth playing aside from Arugal. I'd say Mage has the worst set of Minions in Hearthstone, currently. 
    It's the reason why it has Arugal and Book, two of the most powerful minion deck synergy cards ever released, but still can't drum up a good minion deck. I think if any other class had Arugal and Book people would be screaming for nerfs already.
    For example, I was just putting together a Handmage Grey deck based on what Thijs was doing and ended up with Arugal, Book, 2x Pyroblast and... that's it for Mage cards. I actually think if there was a touch more from Mage a deck like that could be viable. But you're not going to be high level competitive using 22+ Neutral cards. Just not how Hearthstone works.
    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on Yeah, Mage will be unplayable.

    First of all, ignore ALL winrates from the first 2 weeks of an expansion. They mean nothing. ESPECIALLY ****ESPECIALLY*** when it comes to Mage and Hunter. Those two classes specifically can always obtain absurd win rates early on.

    You can literally hit top 500 Legend with an auto-complete deck.

    Mage is playable, it's just bottom tier. If your goal is to ladder effectively once the Meta settles and you're facing 75% plus Aggro Paladin & Cubelock, it's just not a good choice.

    It does have some fun decks, though.

    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on Has anyone tried apxvoids new aggro mage? I need to know if it works

    The hell? LOL.

    Also, for the record, literally any aggressive deck can make top 10 Legend in the first week or two of expansion launch. People play weird shit, ESPECIALLY high legend players. You will see more competitively viable decks at rank 25 than the top 500 of Legend within 2 weeks of a new expansion.

    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on Odd mage seems really strong

    What's the point of running Jaina in a Baku deck?

    Might as well just make it a full control deck and lose Baku.

    For example you have voodoo doll but voodoo doll doesn't need Baku. So if the only time you're realistically going to get value off ping pre-jaina is pinging Voodoo, what does Baku do?

    Gaining an extra damage on ping + black cat, when you don't want to ping until you get Jaina as Mage, from turn 2 to 9 is kind of pointless. 

    If Baku stacked with Jaina I'd be all about that Baku life, but considering the entire point and goal of a Control Mage is to play Jaina on 9, thus destroying the Baku effect, ruins Baku.

    It is a cool deck, though. Maybe lose Jaina and try to take more advantage of the upgraded hero power? I'd lower the curve and add in some hero power minions to accomplish that.

    Also be wary of win rates in the first week of an expansion, especially with Mage and Hunter. Those two classes tend to do well against underdeveloped decks, so win rates aren't accurate early on.


    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on Casino Quest Mage -for the memes-

    This deck is really funny. Cauldron was the secret ingredient. You stall out with shitty elementals, draw through your whole deck by turn 10, then throw down a bunch of Sorcerer's and trollolol with crappy Shaman spells. Excellent.

    Not sure if I want Firefly over Glacial Shard. Wax Elemental stops a lot of damage, so seems good. 

    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on Worst Expansion Ever for Mage.. but there's hope.


    Quote from LardLad >>

    What do you think of Trump's Crow Mage deck?

     It's real, real bad.
    Vex Crow being 4 mana is just way too slow. At 3 mana it could maybe be playable? But 4 mana AND spend BAD spells to get 2 mana minions? Meh.
    Keep in mind it's a burn deck so it will do decently for the next week or so, because you can just burn through meme and test decks people are using. That has nothing to do with Vex Crow, though, just running a ton of burn.
    But for actual Viability? Nah. There is too much healing in the game right now to beat someone with just burn spells. Hence why Aggro Mage was SUPER reliant on getting minion chip damage in with cheated Runners and Valet.
    And Baku you give up a ton for an extra damage and no Jaina? In a class that historically doesn't want to hero power (unless they are in DK form?) I don't see it.
    There are lots of partially filled Archetypes for Mage, but they all are missing 2 or 3 cards to really work.
    Like I said, I don't mind Mage not being great this expansion. It has FUN cards and great potential for future expansions. I'm happy to meme with my Quest-Cauldron-Elemental Mage and play something else to ladder up. 
    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on Worst Expansion Ever for Mage.. but there's hope.


    he said, two hours after launch without having even ATTEMPTED to make a deck work. MAge got so much better tools than Druid or Warrior. Elemental Mage looks like an actual deck, Baku Mage could work and Vex Crow could still bring Tempo back, flamewaker style.

    How do you kill someone as Elemental Mage? What's your win condition? How do you recover a lost board, which you will lose because there are no great Elementals in Mage? How do you not die to Aggro? How do you beat Cubelock? How do you beat Inner Fire?
    Baku Mage, what? How do you win as Baku Mage? How does having a 2 damage hero power actually help you, when you can never play Jaina? What do you do with the 9 mana useless minion when you draw it? How do you interact with Cubelock with no polymorph? How do you beat divine spirit inner fire with no ice block?
    I'll pretend the Vex crow thing is a joke. Shaman couldn't win with random 8 drops around turn 5 or 6 and you think Mage will win with random 2 drops?
    If you have answers, please share them. But I explained my points so if you're going to disagree, you should give reasons why.
    2 hours, 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months; the cards will still be the same.
    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on Worst Expansion Ever for Mage.. but there's hope.

    Hey guys.

    Right off the bait, this isn't a QQ thread. Mage is one of the few classes that has consistently been competitive since launch. Whether with Ice Block control decks, Flamewaker decks, Secret decks, or Reno & now Jaina decks, Mage has always had options. Maybe not always tier 1, but always viable on ladder. 

    That will NOT be the case in Witchwood. All Mage players should be prepared for the class to be utterly unviable this expansion. The loss of Ice Block, along with the decks that are currently strong, renders Control Mage temporarily unplayable. Burn/Aggro Mage is dead due to just a ton of losses (and good frickin' riddance.) 

    This post is coming from a player that has consistently hit legend with Control Mage decks, even when they were tier 3, but legitimately doubts he can do it this expansion.

    Now, I'm not too upset about this. The fact is that Mage got some really GOOD cards and really FUN cards in this expansion.. just not enough to cover for really core losses. It's probably time for Mage to have a bad expansion. There's a lot of hope for the future as Mage still has some individually VERY powerful cards and mechanics. Jaina is one of the best DKs and only needs a little more support (and some core meta decks to be pushed out) to make Control Mage viable. Minion Mage doesn't feel TOO far off, maybe 2 or 3 really good cards, with Arugula & Book both being EXCELLENT cards.

    So there's hope for the future but be aware if you try to make Mage competitive, it won't work. Fun, sure, but a good ladder deck? Nope.

    Elemental/Minion Mage lacks impact and sweepers.

    Quest Mage lacks spell generation and Ice Block (although I actually think Quest Mage is the closest Archetype to being viable; if there was still a decent Giant around that version probably WOULD be playable.)

    Control Mage has horrific matchups against Control Lock and Big Minion Priest/Inner fire/whatever weird combo Priest deck ends up being good.

    I'd love to see someone come up with a deck that proves me wrong but this probably won't be the most competitive 3 months Mage has seen.



    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on New Hunter Spell - Dire Frenzy

    How does anyone think this card is good? It's proven not good..

    Rogue already has the better version of this card and that's tier 4. In Rogue. One of the two classes that can draw like batshit crazy.

    Yet somehow people think Hunter, the class that STILL has no draw, will make this work?

    It's one of the worst cards of the expansion and just shows how clueless a lot of players are.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Woeden's Elemage

    The deck doesn't actually accomplish anything. You're just playing out bad minions and hoping that works.

    I appreciate the concept but there just isn't enough support for it right now. 

    Dorian, for example, just summons generic 1/1s for you. No on board effects and 1 deathrattle minion (and a weak deathrattle at that) means you just don't get any impact.

    Elemental Mage needs a board clear and a way to buff Elementals significantly before it can work.

    Posted in: Mage
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