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    posted a message on Blizzard: PLEASE GIVE SHAMAN AND HUNTER SOME PROPER AOE!!
    Quote from Connman28d >>

    I am going to assume that this reply is not actually directed at my comment.

     Of course. That's why I quoted you.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard: PLEASE GIVE SHAMAN AND HUNTER SOME PROPER AOE!!
    Quote from Connman28d >>

    Hey Blizzard.  I like to play aggro.  Please give priest more aggro tools. OK yup.  I was just checking to see if I could say something as ridiculous as you are saying.  Hunter is aggressive in its very nature.  Stop whining because the square peg won't fit in the round hole.  Why cant people understand...Homogenization is bad mmkay?

     So what exactly does that make cards like Explorer's Hat or Explosive Shot for? If those cards aren't meant for control I don't know what they are.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Skelesaurus is bullshit.

    Turn 1 he summoned Aviana and then played Gahz'rilla on me. Didn't even need to coin....

    Posted in: Adventures
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    posted a message on So uhm playtime is over?

    Things like a Freeze Mage pulling a Reno off on you at the last moment are still going to be very scary, and I certainly like using Reno in quite a few decks, but I think one overwhelming fact is simply that if you're looking to Rank, Aggro decks create faster games and playing games more often means you tend to rank up faster if the winrates are relatively similar between the Control and Aggro decks you're using.

    So yah, unless I'm playing for fun, I use Aggro more often than not when trying to Rank. Although there are plenty of moments where I switch just because I want a change of pace, even when I'm trying to rank.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Poll] Time to start saving gold for the next...?
    Quote from TheHoodedClaw >>
    Quote from Cardstone >>
    Quote from waTdamaTTer >>
    Quote from Cardstone >>

    ... because I'm not good at RNG ...

     These kind of comments are hilarious ... :D
    I regularly coach a friend that started playing in arena and we get 6-10 wins, sometimes 12,
    he get pretty decent choices on his draft and topdecks like a champion.
    When I draft with my gold I get the worse cards and the worst mulligans, he even makes fun of me about how bad my luck is, so yeah, hilarious.
    I don't know what other term I can use if I get decent results when coaching a new player but horribles ones when playing with my own account.

    Observation bias, perhaps?

    I don't believe in luck and I don't believe that Blizzard have hard-coded anything in to the game which gives your apprentice better cards than you.

    Alternatively, it may be that you are more strict with applying your knowledge of good drafting maxims to your friend's decision-making process than you are your own, which is why he ends up with better decks.

     Luck or not, it's completely possible to end up with many bad drafts consistently. It's statistically possible to have such things as 100 bad drafts in a row -- it's not likely, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. Blizzard doesn't have to hard-code any bias for this to happen, it's a natural possible outcome of an RNG system.
    Of course, it could also just be that whole thing where people tend to remember their bad luck more than their good luck. Hard to say without any hard data. But given that Cardstone is a decent enough player to coach someone else to a roughly 7-win average in Arena, I'd wager that he understands the nature of RNG to a fair enough degree to not have a long-running biased grudge against it.
    On topic, given that we don't know if Blizzard's going to change their current pattern, it's likely safe to assume we'll be seeing the expansion as the OP posted. However, if you're an F2P player and you're still missing a lot of the Classic cards, I'm not sure I would advise towards saving for the new expansion packs as opposed to simply buying Classic Packs -- even two expansions later, there's still a ton of core competitive cards in Classic.
    The RNG nature of buying packs, compared to buying Adventures, means that you're not much more likely (or maybe even less likely) to get competitive cards buying a new expansion's pack if you're missing a lot of Classic cards.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on A proposition to reduce the number of nerf-threads

    I think it's worth noting that people often create new topics because they either:

    A) Don't know an existing thread exists and can't find it/can't be bothered to find it

    B) Feel that creating a new thread with what they feel is their unique opinion will garner more attention than bumping an old thread.

    In the case of A, creating an all-encompassing thread would be counterproductive and messy, as Pandalicious pointed out. Instead, might I propose that there be a separate subsection of the forums dedicated to nerfs only, should the amount of threads get too overwhelming?

    In the case of B, while I don't think it is a very logical reason to create new threads, I think this is inevitable as there are often people who feel that the existing threads either don't reflect their personal opinions on the matter enough, and the fact of the matter is that it is actually quite true that more often than not, most readers only pay attention to the first couple posts, this is very obvious in multi-page discussions where multiple posters point out the same thing without acknowledging the other similar points, or while ignoring points that challenge their logic because it's buried in a sea of posts and they can't be bothered to read it all.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is this even real life? Aggro Shaman no:1 on Meta Snapshot!

    I don't understand how anyone can use a deck "a few times" and assume they know whether it is good or not. I have to play my own decks 50+ times normally to even remotely feel like I understand how to play it properly, let alone someone else's deck. Piloting even a well constructed deck is a deep process, that's why even when Grim Patron was a superpower budget deck, it still wasn't the most played because it was so difficult to use.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should Blizzurd make new anti-weapon card?
    Quote from Rhadan >>
    Quote from Powergamez >>

    Would be cool to see a card like this but probably a bit undercosted and OP and would get run in every deck. 5 mana cost maybe.

     The word "OR" ensures no one would play this. Sabotage (best comparison) doesn't see much play in Rogue and it's strictly better. 
     While I agree that no one would play this, I think it's always good to keep in mind that a card that's not played in one class may very well be played all the time in another class, due to how their class cards synergize.
    For example, Druids might play Sabotage, just due to the fact that they have very limited hard removal.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Deathrattle disruption card
    Quote from BaroqueAndMSTie >>
    Quote from Formaltide >>
     You mentioned Nerub'ar Weblord and Saboteur in your original post, which also don't see play, so I was going along the same line of discussion. If you're only using Loatheb as "good counter cards that are in the game" as your argument, I don't think that's exactly a large enough card pool to complain about not having alternate versions of it exist.
     I wasn't complaining at all. Like I said, it was more of a theme I wanted to see Blizzard explore some more. I also know those other cards don't see play right now, but they might if more cards came out that supported them.
     My apologies, I took your quote on "we need" as complaining, but I suppose I was getting ahead of myself.
    I think the main reason that they don't see play isn't because of lack of support -- compared to Loatheb, the Nerub'ar Weblord has horrible stats, and although Saboteur has stats, hero powers are just generally not that threatening unless your opponent has been busy setting up an extremely obvious Inspire combo. The Nerub'ar Weblord is effectively just as hard a counter as Lil' Exorcist -- its great when you're facing the right situation and complete crap when you're not.  Saboteur is okay since he's just an Injured Blademaster. Also, as Inspire decks become stronger over time he will undoubtedly be more useful.
    That said, I have no doubt that Blizzard will introduce more tech cards against all of these types eventually, so you'll probably get your wish somewhere down the line.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Deathrattle disruption card
    Quote from BaroqueAndMSTie >>

    Still, at most people only fit one silence in, two in the case of Druid. Overall, I was merely thinking along the same lines of the cards I have mentioned: spell delaying, battlecry delaying, hero power delaying, then deathrattle delaying. It was a theme I wanted to see more of rather than a "necessary counter" to deathrattle cards.

     You mentioned Nerub'ar Weblord and Saboteur in your original post, which also don't see play, so I was going along the same line of discussion. If you're only using Loatheb as "good counter cards that are in the game" as your argument, I don't think that's exactly a large enough card pool to complain about not having alternate versions of it exist.
    Quote from lseelba >>
     No one could seriously run Scarlet Purifiers with all the Haunted Creepers and Eggs around.  Now if there were an effect to remove all deathrattles on a 4 mana drop, that could see some real play.  It would be like half of a silence (would not remove buffs and taunts).
     It was a joke, sorry. That's why I said "if you're really salty". It'd be like running a deck full of healing minions and taunts just to kill a Face Hunter. (Which would work, I might add...against Face Hunter only.)
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Deathrattle disruption card
    Quote from BaroqueAndMSTie >>
    Quote from Formaltide >>

    Silence is a pretty solid counter as is, and if you're really salty you can always run Scarlet Purifiers with them.

     Yes, silence is fine and all, but you still lose some tempo playing an Owl as opposed to something else. We don't have many preemptive cards like Loatheb in the game; it's either heal up after you take damage or taunt up so you don't take more damage, etc. And Scarlet Purifier is about as effective at countering deathrattle cards as Chillmaw was at countering Patron Warrior.
    Silence, Keeper of the Grove, and Earth Shock lose no tempo and Mass Dispel against multiple deathrattle minions is likely to be worth it as well. In addition, Spellbreaker has a better stat to cost ratio than Owl.
    I was sort of joking with the Scarlet Purifier, that's why I suggested you could run a deck with all silences and two anti-deathrattle tech minions if you're salty -- because running 8 anti-deathrattle cards would probably be pretty overboard anyways.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Deathrattle disruption card

    Silence is a pretty solid counter as is, and if you're really salty you can always run Scarlet Purifiers and Lil' Exorcists with them.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Weird interactions: Mogor's Champion and Volcanic Drake
    Quote from JacquesDupont >>

    OMG, you're right! I guess I got confused because the discount wasn't instant when I dropped the Dragon Consort, it only showed it to me after his turn, so I somehow thought that his attacks had sth to do (I haven't realized Dragon Consort worked that way). Never mind.

     The battlecry's animation is slow, and it needs to completely finish before the discount is viewable on your cards, however if you can play the card due to the discount it will immediately glow as "playable" even if the animation hasn't finished and the discount hasn't shown yet(So that you can queue card actions, like when you're playing against the rope).
    It's likely you just ended your turn too quickly to notice it.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Don't play ladder until they fix this!! Unearthed Raptor+any deathrattle minion combo freezes the game for the opponent

    I lost an Arena game like this, but I was the Rogue who played the raptor onto a Haunted Creeper. It only happened once though, and I've played the combo many more times during the arena run, so maybe that's not the only condition to activate the bug.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Unearthed Raptor copies an Unearthed Raptor

    Thanks for letting us know. I was wondering if they could copy each other but haven't had a chance to test it yet. Of course, you're never going to get a chance to buff your minions that ridiculously in a real game, but it's still really handy if, say, Brann was out when the first raptor did a double copy but died when the second one came out, then you could still get a double copy by copying the first raptor. Or you could copy the deathrattle off of the raptor if the original deathrattle minion that was copied from already died.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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