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    posted a message on [Game] Find the mistake!

    Lost tallstrider is a 5/4 for 4, but does not have overload. Evil Heckler is a 5/4 for 4 but has taunt instead of overload


    1 mana Deathrattle 1/2 Summon an exact copy of this minion at the end of the turn. (2 changes.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Kezan Mystic good enough in Handlock?

    Kezan Mystic is one of those tech cards that a lot of people undervalue. Suddenly, as the meta shifts certain classes and cards become more popular, changing the meta. One day, if secret mages or trap hunters become a bigger threat in tournaments or higher ranks you will begin to see this card played to counter them.

    The strongest example is Ice block, which prevents them from stalling an extra turn and gives you lethal. A decent pick up would be their duplicate or ice barrier, and for hunters a freezing or an explosive trap never hurts to take away from them. It is a valuable card, but due to the niche role it plays, it will stay confined to tournament decks for the most part, unless secrets grow bigger than they are currently.

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on HearthPwn's BlizzCon Virtual Ticket Giveaway

    This year I am most looking forward to the Starcraft II tournament, always a pleasure to watch the insane macro the top end players have.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on cool idea for stoneskin gargoyle!

    This card works well for priests, druids, built with decks to buff things such as inner fire and divine spirit, or mark on nature / the wild. Enrage effects from warriors also seem like a viable route.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Card Treasure Hunt

    Light's Justice

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    posted a message on [Curse of Naxxramas] Spectral Knight Card Discussion

    The upside to it is that priests will not be able to heal it directly with their hero power, nor deal damage to it with auchenai + hero power. Conversely, It is going to be a major pain to deal with. Luckily, it is a Druid of the Claw without taunt, but in my opinion, a simple sunfury protector can make it vastly better. 

    I do not see this card getting too nerfed if a nerf does happen. At most a 1 hp drop to 4/5, basically a better yeti for 1 more mana. (No extra hp, just the effect is enough to make this card much stronger.)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [Curse of Naxxramas] Kel'Thuzad Card Discussion

    As far as the whole set of cards go, they will definitly shift the game in favor of control decks. This card in particular will help along big minion decks. 

    As it stands, Kel' will rez any friendly minion that dies, at the end of each round. This means you can be playing a druid and have an 8/8 ironbark protector out and he will rez it if you play and trade with a large minion such as molten giant or mountain giant etc. This works on ALL friendly minions, on YOUR turn. If you have a large board but need to trade with the opponent, this card makes those losses negligible. Deathrattle minions gain even MORE value, as they can die, proc their uses, and come back ( Cairne Bloodhoof, Sylvannus, and others) to be abused again and again. Silencing Kel leaves an 6/8 body, and he is out of BGH range. Mind Control on him would be good, or abusive sgt. into BGH. However, this card as it stands is GAME CHANGING!

    My prediction is that he will turn out too strong, and they will nerf him at least once. Possibly changing the effect to the start of your turn, giving the opponent some time to stop it. For example, Kel'thuzad is played, then you trade a ton of minions. Instead of rezzing instantly upon end turn, the opponent gets a turn to silence or kill him and prevent the Resurrection. Much like the Nat Pagle nerf. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Miracle still has more than half of the top 16 total spots
    Quote from irons182 »
    Quote from Flamedruid »

    Just as a note, a legendary is rewarded for beating a wing in Naxx as far as I have heard is it not? They are all from beating adventure mode and not crafting / packs.... so I mean rarity hardly matters aside from the fact you can only have one in the deck.

    wrong thread

    Was a reply to a person ( who seems to have either edited or deleted their post, as I cannot find it anymore) that a Loatheb would be a legendary from Naxx adventure release that would up the mana cost of minions with battlecrys, which while they claimed is unconfirmed, would indeed be a hindrance to the ability of miracle rogue in some situations or just making certain minions unplayable in spam with rogue mechanics of shadowstep *cough Leeroy cough*

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Miracle still has more than half of the top 16 total spots

    Just as a note, a legendary is rewarded for beating a wing in Naxx as far as I have heard is it not? They are all from beating adventure mode and not crafting / packs.... so I mean rarity hardly matters aside from the fact you can only have one in the deck.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Curse of Naxxramas] Naxxramas - Duplicate Discussion (Mage Secret)
    Quote from Dr_Smash »

    While an Interesting card, I actually think that it is plain average. Here's why:

    1. If any secret deck becomes a meta staple, it will quickly be hard-countered with a Hunter's Flare
    2. In control matchups, there are a few ways to play around such a Secret,  For example, Leeroy + Kill a Whelp, Hex + Kill the Frog,  Polymorph + ping Sheep, or possibly even Mukla + Kill whatever and watch them hit the hand size limit and discard a bunch of cards.    Moreover, the opponent could just 'go face' and let you trade.
    3. In control, if someone kills your Ragnaros, and Duplicate triggers then either those copies are going to be game winning or dead cards. Afterall, sometimes it is difficult to find the time to play just 1 rag while doing everything else you need to do.  Squeezing 3 rag drops in a game may prove difficult.  This principle is basically true of all 6+ drops. 
    4. In aggro, Yes, triple Leper Gnome sounds nasty, but if you plan on playing it on turn 3 then you are not making an (often critical) minion drop on that turn drop. 
    5. in aggro, if you play it much later in the game then the card functions a bit like Arcane Intellect.
    6. In aggro, Its also worth pointing out that since secrets are triggered by the opponent you may find yourself with those awkward turns that Paladin has (e.g If Redemption is up, you are actively encouraged to not play the hero power, or a trash mob).  In aggro Mage, playing this secret will typically make cards like Mirror Image a dead card.  Thus, not only are you losing tempo by playing duplicate, your subsequent turns may end up being weaker as well!  The reason being that squeezing value out of Duplicate to some extent requires that you don't play as efficiently as possible on the next few turns.   (e.g. Turn 4 is Leper Gnome + Knife Juggler,  not the more efficient:  Leper + Knife J + Mirror Image.)


    Okay, so thats the downsides,  what about the pluses?

    1. You can be a bit more wasteful/reckless with minions.  
    2. Potentially, you can set up powerful 'many-turn' combos.  As already mentions in this thread, playing Leeroy and getting two new copies enables a lot of burst.  Lets not overstate the power of Leeroy however, remember that this double Leeroy combo is still more mana and less damage than Leeroy + Windfury + Rockbitter Weapon.      In fact, its only marginally better than Leeroy + Faceless (in virtue of being 1 mana cheaper).   
    3. Since it fills the hand, it has some Synergy with cards Like Mountain Giant and Twilight Drake. 

    Counterspell and Spell bender could throw non hunters for a loop on the playing around the secret. I agree with a lot of these points though. In addition, what if it is mirror entity, and just copies your minion? The sheer number of possibilities the secret could be and how it could screw with you is becoming more in line what I think blizz intended with them, to be a this could steal the minion i place, or counter my spell, or etc. The power of the secret being not so much the power of the card, but in the "I have this much mana, these cards, and I do not know which I need to play to counter it."

    For example. Say the mage places an Ethereal Arcanist, and a mirror image. That is different than a counterspell or a duplicate, but any of those could be what the mage just used. It could even be ice block, and you cannot even trigger it until you "kill" them. You can play around the secrets to a certain degree, like playing 1 mana spells or dropping cheap minions, but if you have 7 mana, and need four for a polymorph, but have only one other spell in hand and it cost 4 mana and is fireball, then what are you to do? What if you have an argent commander and arcane missles, if it is counterspell then you are screwed, if it is mirror entity, then you hope that you kill the arcanist AND pop that divine shield, or else you could be in trouble. 

    That is why this card is going to be a great addition to the secret mage deck. It combos, it leaves people wondering which card it could be and can prevent brute forcing because a mistake could cost you the board and possibly the game.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [Curse of Naxxramas] Naxxramas - Duplicate Discussion (Mage Secret)

    Tripple Thanos, Kirin tor mage, and leper gnome seem to make this a really strong card. Any deathrattle minions will benefit well from this, as Flexr said.

    Using this card for sylvanas is pretty week compared to the shaman ancestral spirit + rebirth on turn 10 for a MC and 2 slyvanas in my opinion, since you can do all of it in one turn, and it takes few mana crystals.

    All of these new Naxx cards seem... incredibly OP, while having some weakness. I still think Avenge is going to cause more aggro pally's as they make 5/3 hp minions (loot hoarder, leper gnome, any 2/1 for cheap), and they can go on buffing it further or other minions. I can see silence becoming invariably mandatory in the new meta, as so much deathrattle and buffing is being added.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on How close to Legend are you guys? Are you trying to hit it this season?
    Quote from ryhart »

    This is the deck that I used to hit legend yesterday. I only used this deck and it roughly took about 21 hours. 

    UPDATED [Easy Legend] Balance of Force
    Export to BBCode Export to Cockatrice Export to MarkDown Export to Html Clone this deck
    Minion (18) Ability (12)
    Loading Collection

    May I ask, why the double blood knight with no minions that have bubble? Is it just to drop turn 3 or coin out if they argent squire early game?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on I haven't played a blizzard game in a long time.....

    The downtime is NOT normally 8 hours. This is due to patch 5.4.8 coming to WoW mainly, which means they are going to be closing down many of their sites and services, including battle-net, which means other games are affected.

    Usually across the board it is a 15 to 30 minute downtime. This is not the standard, and yes it is to be expected that at some points a company will bring down their websites and services for LESS THAN A DAY to update the system. Picture it like a road that needs a repair or improvement, it often shuts down a lane or the entire road for a section. You cannot claim that the road should never have to be repaired since this is the year 2014, so why claim that about a video game company which has to patch and update their systems to keep it free of bugs and vulnerabilities.  So please refrain from bashing blizzard for having its games down. You cannot claim this is the normal occurrence every week, so why whine about it? Just take a break from the game and come back when it is up. They try to keep the downtime as short as possible, and plan it at a time when a large portion of their player base is at work or school or similar, rather than times most people would raid or log on ( afternoon and evening rather than morning for the *majority* of people, of course there are going to be some affected who have free time at the time maintenance happens.)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New to Hearthstone question about Crafting

    There is no difference, only the other one is shinier. And earned by leveling the class. They both function the same, so enjoy your shiny card :D

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    posted a message on New to Hearthstone question about Crafting

    Some tips for you as a beginner

    *edit note* Also, you can earn ANY card from a pack you open, you do NOT need to craft it first before card packs begin to give them. So don't waste your dust in that way

    Disenchant a common card, it will give you 5 dust but there will be a 95 dust reward for the first time DE'ing something. That will let you craft a rare if you have not done this "achieve" yet. As others have mentioned save this dust for important cards to a deck. Legendaries and epics are much harder to come by, so make sure you research the usefulness of a card first.

    Level all the classes to 10, even if you have to do it in practice mode. This gets you familiar with the class, earns all the basic class cards, and rewards you when all 9 classes are level 10! The Value!

    Arena and you : there are a few decent guides you can find to help you choose a class and what card choices in arena, make sure you try these out if you do arena. The better you do the more value you get out of arena. At 3 wins you usually break even with about 50g and a card pack, but above that you start earning more than you put in, making it valuable. At 7 wins it pays for itself, gives a card pack, and whatever else it gives you ( sometimes a lame common, usually either a rare card or more gold / dust). I advise waiting on arena until you get familiar with card mechanics and how to trade efficiently and etc first. That means buying card packs could be more worth it for a while, or if you can't spend the time in arena anyways. 

    Also, as a final note, you cannot put in more than 2 of a card in a deck, and only one of a legendary. This means that ANY cards you have past that are to be dusted ( unless golden, then you may want to hold onto it for a bit). Do not try to craft, say, 4 harvest golems because they are good cards. The extra 2 will be worthless to you and waste 80 dust.

    Hope this helps a bit.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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