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    posted a message on What Do You Wish For The Next Expansion?

    At the moment you can't transfer gold, but if the "prize money" is the entrance fee, and if you are the only one in the tourney with free accounts, you can guarantee who the ultimate winner is, and thus transfer that way.

    I daresay that Blizzard could put some form of monitoring in to tackle the abuse, but it is likely to be such a development headache that they will just decide that benefits don't outweigh the potential abuse.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on What Do You Wish For The Next Expansion?

    I quite like the idea, but wouldn't it be open to abuse?  I could make a bunch of free accounts, do the daily quests to acquire gold, and then enter the tourney with just my free accounts, and transfer 70% of the gold to my main account by throwing the matches.

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    posted a message on New Card - Hecklebot

    I really hope that this and Toggwaggle's Scheme don't lead to a return of Mill Rogue.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Someone needs to stop kiwiinbacon

    And this is bad because...?

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Disenchanting every wild card - A good idea or not?

    I was convinced that I wasn't ever going to play wild, but I decided against D/E my wild cards, and I'm so glad that I didn't, because as a F2Per, I can't compete in standard against pirates, jades and the brutal meta decks.  Wild cards are also really useful for the tavern brawl, but ultimately it's up to you.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The problem with buffs-how did Blizzard not think of this?

    Both Jades and Hand buffing are somewhat vulnerable to being blown out by aggro, however hand buffing is weaker than Jades because Hand buffs are defeated by hard removal, damaging spells (if they are powerful enough), and silence; where as Jades are only vulnerable to Hard removal and spells; that said Jades tend to be a lot slower than Hand buffing, unless you are playing ramp druid with lots of draw.

    The worst part of Handbuffing is when you buff up a load of minions, play them and then watch your board get wiped, and you are stuck in top deck mode.

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    posted a message on A free, weekly rotating deck recipe to help new players. (ephemeralentity)
    Quote from JMAP94 >>
    Quote from Besmal >>

    It sounds like a reasonably fun idea.
    I just don't see it happening. Here is why...
    There is no way for Blizzard to make any money from it, even with the tavern brawl, there is a possibility that you will buy a few packs so that you can get the cards (or dust) to make a particularly strong deck, this doesn't have this option, unless you have to pay entry fee to play for the week (be that cash or gold), that said, if you ended up with a pre-constructed deck in a style you hated, or were very bad at, you might feel pretty sore at wasting money/gold on it, particularly since that cash/gold doesn't do much to improve your card collection (you would need to be extremely lucky to have your pre-constructed deck line up with whatever quests you had for that week).

     I have to disagree here. Its "advertising" for the new cards and can be another way Blizzard can highlight a new expansion.  And very, very much in line with what Blizzard has already done.  Consider these points:
    A) that prior to the release of The Grand Tournament and during the release of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, that the Tavern Brawl had players using decks built from cards using that expansion
    B) That for both the release day of Whispers of the Old Gods and MSoG, there were quests to give players a few packs (i think it was like 9 for WotOG and 6 for MSoG) from the new expansion
    C) That players were given C'thun for free, along with Beckoner of Evil
    It gives players a chance to try new cards and newly introduced combos that were not apparent to them, much like the deck recipies.  
     I get what you are saying, but you have to remember, if Blizzard go ahead with this, they are giving people a play mode where they never have to buy a single card...ever.  They would have to limit the format considerably, like only on certain days (e.g. weekends) or only for the first month or two after the expansion, otherwise it will divert paying customers away from their primary income generating game into an entirely F2P mode.  Blizzard needs the F2P players to feel the bitter sting of being whipped by others with better collections, so that they are tempted to spend money, because the servers and staff don't pay for themselves.  If they put adverts into the game during this format it might be a different story, as this would generate some revenue, but would you really want this?
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on A free, weekly rotating deck recipe to help new players. (ephemeralentity)

    It sounds like a reasonably fun idea.
    I just don't see it happening. Here is why...
    There is no way for Blizzard to make any money from it, even with the tavern brawl, there is a possibility that you will buy a few packs so that you can get the cards (or dust) to make a particularly strong deck, this doesn't have this option, unless you have to pay entry fee to play for the week (be that cash or gold), that said, if you ended up with a pre-constructed deck in a style you hated, or were very bad at, you might feel pretty sore at wasting money/gold on it, particularly since that cash/gold doesn't do much to improve your card collection (you would need to be extremely lucky to have your pre-constructed deck line up with whatever quests you had for that week).

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Charge, the mechanic, should be nerfed.

    No, no, no.  Taunts help stop rampant aggression, and lets face it, a WHOLE lot of decks (while they may not be face decks) do just smash your face in so quickly that there is nothing you can do other than pray to RNGJesus for a counter.  Taunts are already weak because there are so many cards which buff attack, but hardly anything which restores minions to health or increases their defence.

    I do agree however that cards which stop face spells are needed, something like Bolf (only that is only affected by spells) would have been perfect (particularly if it had spell shield itself, to make it difficult to heal, buff or spot remove)

    Charge could do with being split into two abilities, Charge and Skirmish.  Charge would continue to work as it always had, while Skirmish only allows you to attack minions (on the first turn), cards which give charge to other minions, would instead only ever give skirmish, while charge would only ever be found on minions "printed" on minions, so it's value can always be accounted for.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Divine Shield: Most Broken Keyword?

    To be honest all keywords are just situational.  Is Windfury broken?  On a 1/x, not particularly, but on say a 6/x minion yes, it can really wreck face.  Divine shield is the same, if you can deal with it, it's trivial, if you can't, it's a royal pain in the ass.  The trouble is that when cards are designed, there is an assumption that that a divine shield is worth only a small increase in mana or a slight decrease in stats, compare wolf rider with argent horse rider; a mage (with an empty board, and 0 cards) takes 3 damage from the wolf rider (from the initial strike) and then kills it with a ping, but takes 4 damage from horse rider (ping & ping again), a rogue on the other hand, would take 6 from the wolf rider, but only 4 from the argent, a druid would take 5 or 3, all other classes are screwed (shaman could be okay if they manage to get their 1/1 totem), with that much variance you just can't hope to get the balance right; and things just get worse when buffing cards come into play...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Will Reno be changed to a classic card?

    I personally doubt it.

    Brann is way too powerful to be evergreen, Justicar Trueheart is barely used outside of control warrior (and maybe control priest), Reno is a possibility, but since it's a tool to screw over mega-aggro decks, I would expect it to fade into wild, since the meta appears (at least for the moment) to have gone a little more midrange/controlly

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    posted a message on Your top three hate classes? Rant topic!

    Most of the problems I have with the game are an over abundance of similar mechanics, for instance Mages have the ability to generate huge numbers of random spells, when it was just the ethereal conjurer, it wasn't too bad, you could just get two extra spells, which was useful but not over powered, but then they added Cabalist's Tome, which adds three more spells to your hand, since you can have two that adds at least 6 more spells to your hand, with the potential to get another Cabalist's Tome, then there is the babbling book, which adds yet more spells.  Mage spells are generally extremely powerful, and short of being a mage, there is no defence against spells. 

    Going forward, Blizzard need to really think carefully about the cost of spells, particularly when those spells do something else in addition to their main purpose, the portal spells are particularly bad offenders in this regard, with Firelands being far and away the worst (although Moonglade comes a close second), and again this stacking similar mechanics, because you also have Faceless Summoner, which gives you a 5/5 for 6 (which isn't great value), but can be insane when you score lucky on the summon and get something like an Injured Blademaster or King Mukla.  Randomness can be good, but it really could do with being semi-random, rather than absolutely random, the Elite Tauren Chiefs (while not a good card) is a good example of how randomness should be done, it can then be appropriately costed so that it isn't either absolutely OP or absolutely garbage.

    TL/DR, Priest, Mage, Shaman

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Keeping Hearthstone "Fresh"

    I can honestly say that usually a month before the new set is revealed, I'm sick to the back teeth of the same old decks, ONiK has been particularly bad because it promoted the casino style mage to even higher heights of bullshitery, and brought on the hideous Arcane Giant.  Giants have always been pretty loathsome cards, but with all the cards which create spells out of thin air, they are particularly annoying.

    I would love to see the meta shift far more quickly than it currently does.

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    posted a message on Keeping Hearthstone "Fresh"

    It would be very harsh on people who don't have full collections.  Loatheb is a pretty impactful card, but if you don't have it, you would need 1600 dust to make it, then what happens at the end of the month when the card goes away?  If you dust it again to make the "card of the month" you have a net loss of 1200 dust, or if you keep it then that 1600 dust that doesn't go towards getting the evergreen or standard cards that you really need.  Not everyone can afford to drop the cash for a full set, never mind the F2P players.

    You could just allow everyone to use the card of the month regardless of if it's in your collection or not, but I'm not sure it would help that much.  There are only a handful of meta-defining neutrals, but that are the sort which were horribly over played, and people were glad to see the back of.  Would you really want to see Doc Boom everywhere?  I have a golden one but I wouldn't particularly want to see the return of this card.  If it was a class card, then it would only effect 1 deck in 9, which could be massive if it's flavour of the month, or it could do absolutely nothing, what old shaman card would change the shaman meta?

    If Blizzard wants to shake up the meta more, they would be better to move from the "year of the <whatever>" format, to a rolling program of sets, so when One Night is Karazhan (ONiK) came out Blackrock Mountain (BRM) would have been kicked into the long grass, when the next expansion comes out, sayonara TGT.  The changes would be less calamitous, but more frequent, which at least has the benefit of getting rid of some of the more abusive meta defining cards more quickly.


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    posted a message on 4x IceBlock

    The value that can be extracted from flamewakers is utterly disgusting, this card should have been nerfed into oblivion long ago.  Yes, yes, I know it's going to wild soon (TM) but that is just kicking the problem into the long grass, not getting rid of it.

    There is no way that card should have 4 health, it just makes it nearly impossible to deal with unless you have a big charge minion, as very few spells deal 4 damage in a single blast, and getting minions to stick in the face of a flamewaker + all the cheap spells mages run these days.  It sickens me.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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