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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.13 - Discussion Topic

    @Tomerick: This is basically the exact same as my "Eviscerate" idea on page 11, only for Warrior instead of Rogue.

    So, I do like it, but...

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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.13 - Discussion Topic

    @Mewdrops: Thanks for the feedback. I did just realize I missed the "at once" stipulation on the rules, so a weapon that attacks multiple minions one by one, or a minion that kills a minion with battlecry and attacks another, won't work.

    The new addition to Tempest is a nice one. Though for that mana cost, I'd feel like an extra point or two of Durability would be justified, especially since it's also got an Overload.

    Here's my new idea:

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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.13 - Discussion Topic

    So here are my ideas. Art is a placeholder obvs, until I decide on what idea I'm actaully going with.

    I'm not sure if the first one technically satisfies the requirements of the contest (though I balanced it with Multi-Shot in mind and in practice would use it in that way much of the time). The third one might be a stretch, but I think it would fit. The second one, my only worry is that it's not interesting enough. Thoughts?

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.13 - Discussion Topic
    Quote from Mewdrops >>
    Quote from Mewdrops >>
    Quote from Zence93 >>
    Quote from Mewdrops >>

    Lemme see: This is going to be an interesting theme, for sure. I have't gotten around to designing stuff specifically for this competition yet, but I do have some AOE left over from previous design stuff.


    Note: Dragonflies are Beasts.


     I like the last one the best. The first one doesn't cut it for me because of the effect itself... I think it is ok for its cost, but the fact that this has to summon the dragonflies first creates a huge problem. I can see its supposed to have Beast synergy but this card only shines if you have max 2 minions on the board, if any more this card can only summon till the boards full :/
    2nd is OP in a big way... If Timepiece of Horror is 10 mana AND a token off of a legendary, then in no way should you be able to play this so cheap AND run 2 of them in a deck... even if Priest is having a bad year.  Maybe reduce it to 3 times? Makes it more similar to Flame Lance, which should be a better comparison.
    3rd one seems balanced, and taking into effect the overload, seems also very fair. I think it sits well at its cost
    The idea for Fairyfire to create a spell that could both be powerful single-target removal and a strong AOE, and I think it accomplishes the task. I'm just going to defend it in that, when compared to a simple 3-damage AOE (worth approximately 5.5 mana), it's not actually that much stronger, and Timepiece of Horror is not a good comparison, because the main reason its costed at 10 is that the damage can go to the face. Fairyfire can not go face. I do agree that it can probably be 7 mana, though. 
    I do also quite like the third one, and it's probably the one i'll submit unless I get an even better idea. Here's another version of it:
    Which version's art do you guys like better? Which wording is better? I added 'of its target' on the end of the effect because it's unclear what the 'instead' means, although I could be wrong. To clarify: you will still take damage if you swing this at a minion, so its best to swing it at face and take no damage. Could be comboed with Rockbiter Weapon maybe?


    Anybody got anything on these? 
     If Tempest deals its damage to all minions INSTEAD, then there's no reason to ever attack anything but the face. I think there should still be some advantage to attacking a minion directly and taking face damage in exchange for that advantage-- that's one of the great design aspects of weapons. What that advantage should be, I'm not sure, but this design just feels like there's no real reason for it to be a weapon.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Top 3 - Tavern Brawl #66

    I started out with Fiery War Axe, Upgrade!, and Heroic Strike. Not bad, but once you start Upgrading, any further War Axes drawn are dead. The Strike seemed a bit underwhelming as well. I considered running Bash instead, but then I got bored and wanted to try discardlock.

    Soulfire and Fist of Jaraxxus were fun last time, but too swingy. I thought Malchezaar's Imp might help smooth it out, and it worked okay but backfired against Mill Druid. Silverware Golem didn't work much better, since it was always just another Naturalize target.

    I'd been thinking of trying an Evolve deck as well, but wasn't sure what else to run. I thought maybe Bilefin Tidehunter and Maelstrom Portal, but someone upthread suggested Tuskarr Totemic and Thing from Below which sounds like fun. I'll try both and see which one I like.

    I can't believe I never thought of 10 Prince Malchezaars! Not sure what I'll run it in, and not sure I care!

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.09 [FINAL POLL]

    Congrats to everyone who made it to the finals!

    Sundering was probably my favorite out of the finalists. The idea of really looking at the game board in a new way intrigued me, and I like the strategic layer it adds to minion placement and distribution.

    Call to the Elements was another big favorite of mine. Upgrading the Shaman's totems into a damage spell or even Evolve seemed like a pretty awesome idea. The fact that Blizzard printed Charged Hammer suggests that they agree. ;)

    Tricks of the Trade was another clever idea (and a card name I've been wanting to use for a while), and operates along sort of the same lines as my submission: a card that goes with the Rogue's weapon synergies, and helps ameliorate the fact that the rogue's Hero Power replaces the current weapon. TotT has the advantage that it also benefits Combo Rogue, though, and might even be played in Rogue decks that care more about Combo than weapons as "just" a Hero Power improvement.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.09 - Discussion Topic

    My main concern with this idea is that after a certain point, a creature's Health just doesn't matter anymore. If you play Ysera, your opponent either kills it outright without caring about its health (Polymorph, Entomb, Mulch, etc.) or they just resign themselves to the fact that they can't kill it. Your primary value out of this is healing/buffing your big minions so that you can use them to kill enemy minions and get value that way, but Priest's removal is already strong enough that it doesn't need to do that.

    It would be solid in Arena, where every game is about board supremacy and a two-mana Power Word: Shield every turn would give you the edge in a battle of attrition, but in Constructed I just don't see it being relevant.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 3

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.09 [SUBMISSION]


    -The second weapon goes over (and replaces) your Hero Power.

    -Your hero's total Attack is the sum of both weapons. You still only get to attack once each turn, and each attack costs 1 Durability from both weapons.

    -Anything that affects "your weapon" (i.e. Deadly Poison) only counts your "main-hand" weapon (the one on the left). If that weapon is destroyed, your "off-hand" weapon moves to replace it (and you regain your Hero Power).

    -If you have two weapons and try to equip a third, your "main-hand" weapon is destroyed, your "off-hand" weapon moves into "your main hand", and the new weapon moves into "your off hand".

    -Artwork by Tamplierpainter.deviantart.com


    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Shadow Priest's Surrender to Madness

    So... do WoW priests not use mana anymore?

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    posted a message on Shadow Priest's Surrender to Madness

    Insanity? Voidform? I knew I hadn't played WoW in a while, but I have no idea what any of this is.

    My first thought is a 10-mana spell with "your cards cost (2) less, and you draw two cards a turn for the rest of the game. When you draw your last card, you lose. Horribly."

    If Voidform is like Shadowform, then this should also change your Hero Power in accordance.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.08 - Discussion Topic

    Alright, since BOTH of my previous ideas have been completely ignored, I guess I'll try one more time.

    The second ability would be a bonus to a Mage or Hunter, but as a Warlock card, it's a drawback. ;) That said, Warlock still has enough spell removal to want Spell Damage, even if they have to pay extra for it.

    Please, somebody give me some feedback here! Is this card balanced as-is? Should I tweak the stats? Is it even an interesting card?

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.08 - Discussion Topic

    Okay, since my first idea was completely ignored, here's my second idea.

    I was on the fence about whether to make it a Druid or Hunter spell. It doesn't quite provoke as much thought as my first submission, but maybe that's a good thing. It's much clearer about what it's trying to do.

    Any and all feedback is appreciated!

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.08 - Discussion Topic
    Quote from LarryMoments >>

    This is the idea I have planned to this competition, as a result of my impractifull 2 votes card. And please, I need feedback, at least of balance, because I wanna keep the concept

     My first thought is that the Beast should be of the same Cost as the spell, like Summoning Stone.
    My second thought is that I'm not sure if you mean "a spell that gained a benefit from some amount of spell damage" or "a spell that would have gained a benefit if you had any spell damage, regardless of whether or not you do". If you have no sources of spell damage, does the effect still trigger?
    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.08 - Discussion Topic

    Image is placeholder, obvs.

    I've been curious about a card like this for a while. On the one hand, I like the theme of an "anti-magic" warrior who eschews magic to the point where he practically nullifies it. Having this card also blanks Whirlwind and weakens things like Bash, but it interacts more interestingly with cards like Slam or Blood To Ichor.

    OTOH, you could always just not run cards like that. Then this could be argued to be OP since it has no functional downside, but can it really be called "no downside" if it locks you out of a subset of cards in your deck?

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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