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    posted a message on Is Knuckles worth keeping?

    I opened a Golden Knuckles as well. I kept it because midrange hunter is going to be insane next expansion. Hunters classic cards are so strong and all the other decks are losing so much but not hunter. Plus because they are so bad right now blizz will give them op cards next expansion.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on [Rank 5] N'Zoth Paladin

    Hey! So my reasoning for blessing of kings was basically it force a hard removal. So if you have a priest Shadow Word Death your buffed 4 or 5 drop, whatever it be, this opens up to play your Rag, Tirion, etc.

    BGH just like the surprise factor. He garuntees wins vs control decks like Priest and Warrior who only run a few big threats. Other clutch targets are Mountain Giants, a big Jade Golem, Rag, The Storm Gaurdian. 

    Definately a replaceable card.


    I would LOVE to put Harrison in the deck but I do not have him. I would run Harrison over ooze simply for the card draw. Also, Waraxe and Jade Claws aren't that scary, it's Reaper and Spirit Claws that you really want to remove.

    Posted in: [Rank 5] N'Zoth Paladin
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