• 2

    posted a message on WITCHWOOD ELEMENTAL MAGE

    This deck is a copy of Kibler's deck and its an exact copy: https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1082535-kiblers-toki-arugal-elemental-mage

  • 3

    posted a message on Deathbringer Saurfang Boss Guide - The Lower Citadel

    This is so fucking stupid. He can destroy minions, heal himself, can only be damaged by weapons yet he does not take face dmg when he attacks. He plays taunt minions and I can't kill him because of shitty cards because of shitty rewards. I really dislike that blizz has this high requirement low reward stance. Think of it realistically, if you have a basic deck of either Rogue or Warrior and he starts spitting taunts out your weapon is useless. If you make a minion strong to taunt their minions he destroys that minion. You are class locked because at this stage you only have 2 classes that have weapons (with enough dmg to kill him) and he is not bound by the "2 clone cards only per deck" with his 6 blood shits.

    If you're a new player this deck would cost exactly: 1200 excluding Deadly Poison since it would be a standard deck level requirement.


    Posted in: Frozen Throne Adventure
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