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Resurrection of DeadFaith Tempo Priest Full Dec...

  • Last updated Jan 30, 2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6060
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/19/2015 (GvG Launch)
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Hey, im DeadFaith, a player on EU server specialising in priest.

Currently im rank 3 with this deck, and peaked at rank 2 with it.

Special thanks to a dear friend Icedge, for coming up with the deck name and the members of MoarHS group for helping refine the deck guide.

after just saving this deck here i decided to write a full matchup, mulligan and replacement guide, so here goes

Edit! Due to the incoming Undertaker nerf i removed him and completely revised the deck.

Class matchups and mulligans:

Favorable: Druid, Control Priest, Mech Mage, Zoolock, Mech Rogue, Shaman

Neutral: Hunter, Paladin, Tempo Priest, Warrior

Hard: Handlock, Miracle Rogue, Fatigue/Final boss Mage, 

Since this is the most common deck on my ranks, its first here. What you want to mulligan for are Wild Pyromancers, Holy Smite and Power Word: Shields, maybe even Deathlords, which i added to improve hunter matchup. as long as you can clear their board with a spell combo you are going to be stabilising in midgame, and push for win lategame. Time your Sludge Belcher right, so you can avoid damage to the face, slow the game down, build up your board a bit and stabilise. Be careful about Ironbeak Owls!!

this is the second most common class i encounter, and it has 2 archtypes, both of which are really easy for this deck
first you have taunter druid, which is really good vs hunters atm. no matter what hand you have you will eventually overrun them and win. save your Vol'jin to deal with their Ancient of War. other vital cards for this matchup are Sylvanas Windrunner and Shadow Word: Death. they will use their Swipes and the combo to try to clear your board, but they mostly fail miserably since your minions are sticky and hard to kill same usually happens with combo druids, but they arent that popular as far as i can tell

as far as mages go, its 99% mech mage these days. what you want to mullingan for here is Zombie Chows and Dark Cultists. you also want to try to save a weak minion like Zombie Chow that you can kill instantly and even profit from it in case they play Mirror Entity. if you dont get a good start or circle combo, you will get overrun fast, so time your cards well. Vital cards here are Auchenai Soulpriest, Circle of Healing and Sludge Belcher
the new mage archtype is the final boss mage and fatigue mage, which are really hard to beat, unles youre lucky to keep their board clean and they dont get to echo a good board... If they echo they will overrun you, and you wont be able to do anything about it

this is a really hard matchup. Your vital cards are Dark Cultists, Dr. Boom and Sylvanas Windrunner, since they will have to play around them a lot. They will eventually get overrun by a ton of creeps they cant Shield Slam since they wont be able to accumulate any armor. in this matchup you also want to time your Zombie Chows right, so you can combo them with Auchenai Soulpriest for more burst. also try to get him into awkward situations where he has to use Shield Slams and Executes on weak minions, saving your big dudes for finishing. If you force him to use them early you are on a very good track. Save your sylvanas when he already used his silence, ideally you want to trade ti into something, have it to die and take one of their legendaries (aim for Ragnaros the Firelord or Grommash Hellscream)


They are definitely hard to cope with, since they will screw up your tempo with Sap and Eviscerate, and eventually pull Gadgetzan Auctioneer and some kind of weird combo, and win... you want to deal with their Violet Teachers really fast, since they get out of hand rapidly. dont put too much faith into this matchup, since your odds of winning are low, unless its mech rogue, but i didnt see a single one since rank 7

this matchup is really a straight coinflip. whoever gets a stronger and faster start wins the game. Use your Wild Pyromancer combos when they coin out Muster for Battle. your Auchenai Soulpriest Circle of Healing combo will help you when they play Muster for Battle Quartermaster but try your best not to use it when they only play Muster for Battle since its really low value. auchenai dies to the 1/4 weapon, and you cleared 3 1/1's. souch bad value Trump just vomited. save your Holy Nova for full boards. but again, this is a coinflip, attempt to control the board as much as you can, try to get an early strong start, and you should be good

this is a matchup where you have to show skill and good timing. if you rush too early, you will get giants out in no time and you will die. if you take too long you will get a massive board you wont be able to clear and you will die. your key cards here are Dark Cultists, Vol'jin and Sylvanas Windrunner, since they are the best at clearing giants and packing massive punches to the face. Be careful about Siphon Soul!!


The game with zoo is still the same. You outplay them with better minions, a lot of boardclears and taunts. Now, with Imp-losion, they can get bigger boards than before and hurt it a lot in combo with Knife Juggler. you want to save your Holy Nova to clear those boards. your Auchenai Soulpriest will be saved for when they have their Doomguards and Dark Iron Dwarfs on the board. as long as you get a nice start and time your Sludge Belchers right, you will easily outplay them.

sadly shaman is a really rare occurance on the ladder atm. Your win conditions are Auchenai Soulpriest, Circle of Healing, and Wild Pyromancer combos. You want to steal their Manatide Totem or Flametongue Totem with your Cabal Shadow Priest, save your Shadow Word: Death for Fire Elementals and your Vol'jin for Neptulon. Their board may seem full, but the totems arent cards. Still try to clear the board when it starts to look worth it

this is usually an easy matchup, since a lot of priests play control, and when they dont get their auchenai circle combo they are dead right away... their Holy Novas are useless, since all your cards will be above 2 hp 99% of the time. restrain yourself from going full northshire, since they will do some crazy stuff to make you overdraw. also, dont use circle to make them overdraw, in my expirience, the person that gets overdrawn wins cause of more options... other tempo priests are also pretty easy if you are lucker than they are, and you use your removals wisely

all the Naxx cards in this deck are unreplacable, but the classic and gvg cards can be replaced, altho not really something you want to do...

  • firstly Sylvanas Windrunner cant be replaced, its just a staple in priest decks, and its unique at what it does... if you are a cheap bastard you can replace it with Mind Control but since its so slow you dont want to do that. other options are Ysera, second Cabal Shadow Priest or Loatheb
  • Vol'jin can be replaced with a second Shadow Word: Death, even tho i prefer a big body that works as a removal, than actual removal 
  • Dr. Boom can be replaced with Kel'Thuzad since it also provides a massive body that cant be easily removed. Probably will make that change myself once i unlock the last wing
  • Deathlords can be replaced with a second Shadow Word: Death and second Thoughtsteal or Mind Control if you are facing a lot of control decks. At the time i faced a lot of hunters, so i put Deathlords in there to help me with that matchup.

so thats it guys, i hope you love this deck, and it takes you to legend