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Quest Elemental Shaman D5

  • Last updated Apr 14, 2024 (Whizbang Paladin Changes)
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  • 34 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Elemental Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 13720
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/12/2024 (Whizbang Paladin Changes)
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Hello my fellow adventurers :D

Veteran player here, been playing since Naxxramas came out and mostly focused on wild ranked gameplay. I have reached Legend few times with Kingsbane Rogue and Discard Warlock. I have played Elemental Shaman ever since they released them in Journey to Un'Goro set but they weren't that special. Fast-forward to now, i decided to revive my long lost love for this deck and boy did I enjoy climbing the ranks with this deck. Went from bronze rank to diamond 10 relatively fast and then things started to get harder. This is currently my diamond 10 to diamond 5 rank climb deck. If I have time ill write the full guide but most you young whippersnappers know already how to play this type of Deck.

Why this playstyle?

I tried few variations and somehow through gameplay came to conclusion that this playstyle suits me the best. Most of the good elementals have battlecry effects so I thought why not.


This deck is probably suited for grinding up to Diamond 5. Further grind is probably not possible due to the fact that I don't run the necessary tech cards to win the harder matchups. You can use this deck and tweak it to your likening if you want to go to legend rank. I'm trying to find the optimal way to solve that issue myself but this will take time of course so please be patient or slap some suggestions if you know better.

Key cards: 

Skarr, the Catastrophe

This card is the bread and butter of this deck. The reason i started playing elementals again. "Slaps the roof this elemental" This baby can fit so many finishers. Won so many games, got so many lovely messages after the game (even managed to make new friends, they really loved it that much :) ). I can't tell you the amount of times I slapped this bad boy with double battle cry and watch the players slowly disappear(the best ones when you topdeck him and start laughing like a true evil villain you are). I managed one time to OTK a full HP with lots of armor Warrior player by bouncing him few times. He can truly be a menace if played correctly. 

Grumble, Worldshaker

You already know him, basic combo piece. Already famous for its infinite bounces where most of these new brainless metasheeps only play in that boring as fluff Shudderwock decks(thats right i said it).


Granite Forgeborn

Really good reduction card. The Thaurissan for Elementals and even better i might say. Can make potentially really nasty combos when double battlecry triggers. 


Anti Aggro cards:

Sandstorm Elemental,Earth Revenant, and Living Prairie

Good early drops in case you encounter those angry pirate warriors or odd paladins to slow them down a bit, mid or late game is also good with double battle cry effects for the extra sauce

Offensive cards:

GyrewormFire Elemental and Blazecaller

You can't be defending yourself all the time. You have to show them your teeth as well …or in this case rocks.... or fire? You know what I mean. Good cards for going face or removing certain threats on boards. In combination with Grumble, Worldshaker and double Battlecry effects you can actually do a massive amount of damage and most of them don't even expect that which secured me few wins.

Extra value:

Pebbly Page,Menacing Nimbus and Eroded Sediment

Feeling lonely? Don't be! These cards will get you some friends along the way to help you secure the win. Sometimes you can pick them, sometimes you get something unexpected, kind of like life...ill see myself out

Card draw:

Ancestral KnowledgeElementary Reaction and Windchill

Generic card draw, Pebbly Page can add one of them in case you are low on cards so that Skarr, the Catastrophe Elemental count doesn't fade out. Even more broken when you slap Electra Stormsurge in the mix for fast Hand refill(especially when double battlecry effects come in the mix).  

Early drops:

Wailing VaporKindling Elemental and Glacial Shard

Good early drops, a Mana wyrm for Shaman, early freeze for any targets and Mana reduction so that you can play the bigger cards even faster, in most cases you are happy when you see them early to mid game, maybe not so much late game.

Other Cards:

Kalimos, Primal Lord

Versatile card, pretty much the swiss army knife for elementals, can go face, can heal you or clean the board, extra broken when double battlecry effects come into the mix. Very rarely you will fill the board with earth elementals because you always need space for the next elemental to play so that you don't cuck yourself and lose that Skarr count.(or you can if you are into that)

Lilypad Lurker

Thicc booty and can turn something into a frog if they look in that thickness looong enough. Good for big threats or certain combo pieces to ruin for other players(Big Priest comes to my mind, even though i haven't met a lot of them recently) 

Azerite Giant

Pretty much every deck these days has a Giant, so its natural that elementals have a representative of their own, late game free drop or mid game can be slapped for like 2-3 mana in case you cant play anything else or saving elementals for a certain value combo

I'm currently building another variation of this deck, after a certain amount of games, ill slap the other list later on after i played a certain amount of games.