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Doom-Cube/Void-Lock Hybrid.

  • Last updated Dec 22, 2017 (Kobolds Patch)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Warlock
  • Crafting Cost: 12880
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/15/2017 (Kobolds Patch)
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EDIT: Slight update. took out oakheart and 2 x tar creepers for 2 x stonehill's and another spellbreaker for testing purposes. 

EDIT: this deck is best when also running prince taldaram and maybe even a faceless manipulator to copy cubes that have ate targets like doomguards or voidlords, then you end up with 2 that are harder to silence. I would still run umbra though as well as we have space.

The 2nd part of the deck is a slightly less accurate voidlord factory, as if trying to pop a lackie, you could end up with a premature doomguard. the deck does run weapon to churn them out as well though.

Basically this deck containts both doomguard and voidlord factories, you use DK for bringing back DG's and N'zoth for bringing back VL's.

I do not have the faceless and prince cards to put them in myself, but trust me. They make the doomguard fun a lot better, and you can even use them for voidlords should you need. in this version of the deck you probably shouldn't cube any voidlords until you have popped DK though, as then you will maximise returns on your DG's with his rez.

N'zoth is there to Rez Voidlords if they game comes to that, it's an alternate win condition.

Master oakheart in this scenario is there as further contingency. He can bring out a voidlord, he's great if you get psychic screamed as we have tar creepers too (you can't run these in the prince version I don't think though as they conflict, so you would want to add 2 x doomsayers as further clearing options due to less early game... you still have the VL machine though, so you just have to stall long enough to start it up)

Here is a link to a version without the doomguard combo, which is more accurate at pulling voidlords. The deck works very well, but I think there is room for both a DG and VL machine within the same deck.

I win more with the pure voidlord one as it's pretty strong, but the hybrid is faster and a lot of fun.

I'd recommend both. http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1005562-cube-lord-endless-taunt-cntrl

Cube-Lord (endless taunt cntrl)
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