• 6

    posted a message on Someone Didn't Get The Memo

    Weird since it's literally in front of you when the game starts now.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Funny Druid Players - Why don't you just give up ?
    Quote from Lybed >>

    So after the patch instead of seeing less amount of druids i can see all of the unskilled druid players fooling around and trying other alternative to their nerfed cards. i still think that in general druid is too OP And too easy to play. i think that those who play druid having some kind of personality issues. 

    You mean like you? Why are you opening a thread to demotivate people that can (finally) try sth else in the class?
    Also, I hate to break it to you but Ramp and Token Druid were never gone. Just overshadowed by the combo.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    One thing that won't change no matter how many expansions come and go is the F*ING SYSTEM.

    Always facing the counters, after the system determines that you're on a winstreak.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Rogue's future
    Quote from sampe >>

    Combo rogue will do absolutely fine against control/cthun/midrange decks. I think we might even do better than before becouse now that shredder and belcher is removed we can answer almost every threat played from turns 4-6 with a clean prep shadow strike or prep sap. Thats usally enough to win a game by itself. If u didnt mulligan for preps then now its even more important.

    Freezemage and agro decks will be problem, so lets look at those matchups.

    Freezemage: Back in the days when miracle was the thing people played freezemage. It was advantageous for freezemage, maybe something like 65-35 to 60-40(Im talking about times after they nerfed pyro and cone of cold+blizzard). I would think we get almost as good results nowadays, maybe a bit worse since at that time we had acces to burst earlier. Freezemages will also be a bit slower since they have to manually cast iceblock/barrier and also those secrets wont occur as often as before, so you don't have to go through them every game. Bladeflurry nerf wont matter against this matchup at all. There is also possible tech choices and deck construction ideas if you want to do better against them. Ask me about those if you are interested.

    Agro decks: I will talk about decks which I think will be most played agro decks.

    Face shaman: I think this deck will be really popular in ladder after the meta stabilizes. So what differences are in current face shaman and WoG face shaman. They lose cracle and leper gnome. This means they have only 2 1drops(if you dont count abusives), so their starts are a lot less explosive, which is a good thing for us. Also their reach from hand is not as ridiculous. They gain the 7/7 4-drop (trust me this card is so strong it will be in almost every shaman deck) and they gain the 3-2 remove overload guy. While the 7/7 is ridiculously strong it locks their turn 5 doomhammer and the best part is, if you sap the guy we will lock them from playing the guy again on top of doomhammer. The 3-2 guy is food for rogue, no more about that :D So all in all face shaman will be slower which is a good thing for us. Negatives are that we lose Belcher, Healbot(this isnt usually included in the best rogue lists anyway) and bladeflurry(which was pretty good against them). We might have to tech in Harrison and senjin. 

    Zoo lock(without deathrattlers they will be more agressive): The zoolock will be almost the same as it was in miracle's time. It was favored matchup for rogue and most lists included only one flurry and one fok. We dont have as much early burst as then but never was the case that we won becouse of that. We got the boardcontrol and never let their minions stick. I think this is good matchup for us. Also knife juggler nerfed and leper gnome nerfed so the most agressive lists arent as strong.

    Agro paladin: They lose leper gnome, spider, arcane golem, muster for battle, shielded minibot and coghammer. Also juggler is weaker and not as synergestic(muster). They gain two different agro archetypes (and 1 mana 1-2 buff card). The murloc one and divine shield one(maybe murloc + divine shield). Low cost divine shield minions are 1 hp minions which are easy to handle as a rogue. Low cost murlocs are also 1 or 2 hp which are easy to remove with hero power and/or fok. I dont think they will be a problem now that the most op minions rotate out or are nerfed.

    I like your analysis about Freeze Mage but not so much for Aggro. We still have to see about Leper Gnome and I dont think people will stop playing Knife Juggler, especially in Zoo and Face Hunter since they play it mostly for the effect.
    Also, you assume that we'll have removal each turn for their threats. If it is like that, then I agree that Blade Flurry is not needed. But the card was supposed to also help you recover, when your draws were inconsistent and you stayed behind on board. One way that we can maybe counter that is to play strong on-curve minions next to our removal for a higher chance to not lose the board (I'm not too optimistic though).
    Posted in: Rogue
  • 1

    posted a message on Rogue is dead
    Quote from ShadowDragonHS >>

    Lots of peoples being pessimist here but i got to point out a good new.





    The good new is i like to play hunter :P

    :D I'm with u man. If Rogue ends up like Shaman (unplayable), I think I'll play Druid or Hunter on ladder and keep playing Rogue in Arena (cant see it dropping from the top3 there). I still think that Rogue will survive on ladder though, maybe it wont be on top but wont be in the bottom either.
    Posted in: Rogue
  • 3

    posted a message on Thank you blizzard for killing Hunter
    Quote from LaviGod >>
    Quote from DoctorDen_ >>

    1. You should try new Deatrattle hunter! (only 9.99 if you craft now)
    2. Mad scientist gone do no mean secret is unplayable. I bet a lot of Freeze mages still be aroung with secrets for 3 mana, playing them from hand. What a problem to play a 2 mana secret?
    3. There a lot of secretless hunter builds

      But you cannot compare freeze mage secrets to those of the hunter, mad scientist just helped freeze mage getting those secrets while in Hunter drawing secrets usually is a bad thing
    sure, face hunter can probably be  without secrets but it's gone too
     Actually, it depends on how many secrets you have in deck. Before Mad Scientist, Hunters usually involved 2-3 secrets in the deck and depending on the type, they chose which secrets to put. Face Hunter had x2 Explosive Trap and Midrange had x2 Freezing Trap with some people including a Snake Trap. Before Naxx when Face Hunter became predictable with the Explosives, some people were even rotating one out for a Misdirection. Dont worry, Hunter will easily survive in standard and maybe even have a deck (the midrange my guess) in the top 2 tiers.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 23

    posted a message on Old Gods Gameboard Revealed!

    Having an old board corrupted is nice and within the concept but I'd also like to have another board that takes us to the Old God's realm.

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on Do you think Blizzard has spoiled this community?

    Unfortunately, I have to agree. What saddens me though is that you can see it in the reviews by "pros". People dont even experiment anymore, which ends up them losing one of the aspects of this game. One of the great things in standard is that it will bring back (I hope) "the benefit of the doubt". People will have to think before they include a card in the deck, instead of refine current OP decks with auto-includes. Ofc this will not happen in wild but I hope they could at least decrease the power level of the three usual suspects (Mad Scientist, Piloted Shredder and Dr. Boom). Now, we do have other cards that are strong for their mana cost (class and neutrals) but if they want to do it, it's better to take it slowly. Even if new OP cards rise from WoG, I doubt that they will fit in every deck, like with the current ones. As for the people getting spoiled by this, I don't care so much tbh. These people are just netdeckers that still have to explore the amazing concept of experimenting and building your own deck. Then, they will truly understand what it is to play a card game.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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