• 2

    posted a message on Abusive Sergeant

    This probably needed the nerf with the efficient trades it enabled.

    Posted in: Abusive Sergeant
  • 4

    posted a message on Majordomo Executus

    The upside of the random 8 damage hero power feels too inconsistent to compensate the crippling 8 health cap, barring armor boosts or Alexstraza, particularly when you factor in 2 mana being semi-permanently tied up to make this at all worth it.

    Unless you can keep the enemy board clear consistently, in which case why do you need the hero power?

    I'd buff the Ragnaros heroes' consistency a bit by giving the player this weapon when they transform:



    2 Attack 6 Durability.

    Also damages minions next to one you attack. (Complete with a fun fire splash effect.)


    This would be crazy overpowered if you didn't only have 8 health to work with, barring using cards to play with it, so any attack on a minion could leave you even more perilously open to a sudden surprise death next turn.

    It would make the transformation a bit less useless when the enemy has 2+ minions by letting you clear small targets that would otherwise nullify the hero power.

    Ragnaros would also be able to end the game a bit sooner when going face with it, which really needs to happen for this to work short of stabilizing with an improbable amount of armor/ Alexstraza.

    And all this would still be counterbalanced by non-kill removal skirting around activating Majordomo or, alternatively, the opponent's chance to instantly win the game if they can deal 8 damage to the face and remove Majordormo on the same turn.

    So it would still be risky, but just a bit more consistent and powerful.

    Posted in: Majordomo Executus
  • 10

    posted a message on Flamewaker

    This should really, really be a 2/3.

    It would still be a great card, but as of now it's just absurdly OP.

    While that may not sound like much, it would be far more reasonable to remove.

    Ofc that won't happen, because Blizzard's idea of a HS balance patch is to nerf a card out of play or ignore it until it rotates out...where it will continue to be a problem in wild.

    Still mind boggling that they never nerfed Dr. Boom.

    Posted in: Flamewaker
  • 4

    posted a message on Blood of The Ancient One

    One way to make this semi-playable without breaking it would be to actually buff the Ancient One a bit.

    Give it "Deathrattle: Summon a Blood of The Ancient One."

    Flavorful, and it makes it less likely your win will get flushed down the toilet by a massive two for one.

    There are still removal cards that would skirt around it, and you'd still be a very sad panda if a Priest Entombed or Mind Controlled it.

    Posted in: Blood of The Ancient One
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