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65% Win Rate Rank 10 to 5 - Wild Brann/Elementa...

  • Last updated Sep 25, 2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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  • 28 Minions
  • 2 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Tempo Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 11320
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/26/2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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Hi, with the Nerf of pirate warrior and aggro druid, and rise of prince rogues in standard, I tried to make Prince rogue working in wild.  I went from rank 10 to rank 5 with a 65% win rate shortly after I put this together.  I would love to see a better player with more time to play to try for legend!

As of this writing, the standard version of this deck is the highest win rate deck in all of wild accord to HSReplay, albeit with a tiny sample size, just someone messing around with the standard deck without a single wild card.  With wild tweaks, this deck generates so much tempo, and absolutely amazing to play.

Wild Specialties:

Brann - The wild specialty and just creates so many awesome combos for your opponent, especially when combined with shadowcaster in late game.  All it takes is your opponent leaving one powerful battle cry minion on board and you can pull off crazy combos. Loatheb effect for three turns in a row against frost mage?  Yes please!  Two more 1 mana Vilespine Slayer effects?  Bring it on!  20 face damage with Brann/Shadowcaster if they left Blazecaller on the board?  Something people just don't expect.  In the worst case scenario, you can use him and Swashburglar or Servant of Kalimos to generate 2x cards and force a removal. 

Loatheb - The superior version of Nerubian Unraveler in every way.  

Piloted Shredders - Originally I used Tol'vir Stoneshaper, but felt it is too weak without elemental on previous turn.  With nerf to pirate warrior and aggro druid, I prefer the more offensive, stickier on board, no elemental requirement piloted shredder.  Tar Creeper is already pretty strong against aggro.

General Strategies

It is tempo rogue at its best.  Mulligan for low cost cards like backstab, swashburglar etc. Hold the 1 cost elemental tokens as much as possible after turn 1 for combos and elemental activation.  

Solid tempo rogue early game with swashburglar + patches trigger, fire fly, weapon + southsea deckhand, backstab + SI Agent, backstab + coin + Edwin.  Tar Creeper is a great minion on turn 3 as well.

Mid-game you have good strength with fire plume phoenix, piloted shredder.  And you can set up bread and butter combos like:

Turn 6: Fire Fly trigger into Vilespine Slayer
Turn 7: Bonemare or Blaze Caller
Turn 8: Shadowcaster on Bonemare or Blaze Caller
Turn 9-10: Look for Brann + Shadowcaster type of combos

The deck doesn't have any draws, but you can produce more than enough cards with fire fly, shadowcaster, swashburglar, servant of kalimos, especially when combined with Brann. It has enough late game power to fight aggro as well as priest decks, as long as you are not up against a perfect draw big priest or turn 5 raza / turn 8 DK priest.


Prince - He is by no means a must have, one out of five games I get him on turn 2, and it makes that specific game much easier to win.  Net I would say he adds a 5% chance to deck's overall success.  He influences your result more than Bloodmage Thalnos for miracle rogues.  A great card to have, but does not define the deck by himself.  You can probably replace him with any good 2 drop (haunted creeper, undercity valiant, or even good old eviscerate) and not miss too much win rate.