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Dragon Hunter (Currently Rank 5)

  • Last updated Sep 20, 2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 5 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: N'Zoth Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 7460
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/21/2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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  • Bilbzy
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Playing this list has been a ton of fun to me. normally when I play Hearthstone I'm trying to build decks and have fun with them, for example I played quest pally for 3 months. But after playing this Dragon Hunter list I've made for about a week, I can say with pretty strong certainty that their is a actualy tier 2 version of this list I haven't figured out yet.

The main  goal of the deck; Win early game with traditional hunter non-sense like Alleycat, Razormaw, Grandmother stuff. some matchups you can just win like this. but in the more control heavy matchups the objective is to get as much value out of nzoth as possible. With cards like Stitched Tracker and Tracking making your deathrattles and even n'zoth more consistent. (worth noting with Stitched Tracker you can summon up to 3 n'zoths, but don't expect it.)


Against control, this deck feels unstoppable if you draw Rexxar, and even when you don't being able to Summon N'zoth more than one can be game winning.  


Card tech. When looking to tech this deck, I would recommend removing 1 houndmaster, or a historian. but probably not the historian due to her high flexibility. Remember tech cards are very strong in Hunter decks with Tracking, due to being able to discard the tech card in useless match ups, and being able to draw them with tracking when you need to.


faq: Why Barnes: Barnes Summons a 1/1 which already isn't the worst thing in the world unless you are REALLY behind, however. the upsides are pretty good in this deck, Bone Drake, Highmane, Cobalt Scalebound, Bearshark isn't even bad, grandmother, and any beast to trigger kill command or houndmaster.


Why 1 Highmane: Highmane is a REALLY powerful card, however because of the dragon synergy in this deck, we NEED to run Bone Drake. Trying to run 5, 6 drops is a little nuts, 4 is already pushing it. and we need more dragons in our hand for Netherspite. who can draw MORE dragons. I like dragons.


Why Cobalt: Dragons... also a 5/5 that gives +3 attack every turn, is a pretty solid midrange minion. 


Fun fact: Curator is good!