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Legend OozePaladin [Wild]

  • Last updated Jul 12, 2017 (Quest Rogue Nerf)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Aggro Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 8340
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/8/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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12/7 - updated with Khristophesaurus video

10/7 - updated with mulligan guide =)

Hi guys!

1st time posting here.

I have made this deck and reached legend in the beggining of this month (july). It is a fun deck and very different from the ones played in the meta right now. I hope you guys enjoy it.

The way you play this deck is usually trying to control the board (of course this depends the opponent deck), then you have good mid/lategame options with ooze combos, dr.boom, tirion, and hobgoblin to make your early drops usefull again. It is really more a board control deck than aggro.

I tracked all games from rank-6 to reach legend #4, and here are the results:

Renolock: 2-3
Quest Rogue: 5-3
Agro Shamman: 6-2
Control Shamman: 4-4
Agro Druid: 13-4
Secret Mage: 2-1
Freeze Mage: 1-3
Reno Mage: 2-4
Buff Priest: 2-1
Reno Priest: 2-4
Pirate Rogue: 2-0
Dude Paladin: 5-3
Anything Paladin: 5-1
Pirate Warrior: 5-2
Dragon warrior: 3-0
Other decks: 6-2

Total:  65-37 ~ 64% winrate



Cards and combos:

Echoing Ooze: This guy is the MVP and that is why I named the deck Ooze-Paladin. Echoing-Ooze + spiked steed is extremely strong. It is a total of 10/28 stats for 8 mana and very annoying to remove. Ooze + blessing of kings on turn 6 (two 5/6) is a good tempo play as well, and you can alway combo it with hobgoblin or even Sunkeeper Tarim and keeper of uldaman.

They can get BIG!

Hobgoblin: The main function of hobgoblin is to make some of your early game drops usefull again. You may have good tempo plays on turn 4/5/6 with it, and usually when you drop it the opponent will do everything to remove him as soon as possible.

Keeper of Uldaman: it is very usefull ofensively and defensively. It is your main big minion removal, so depending the match you need to keep it in hand and not buff your 1/1 minions.

Sunkeeper Tarim: it can win a lot of games and is a good way to deal with big minions as well.

Spikeridged Steed: Key card against agressive decks (pirate warrior and aggro druid). It works even better on echoing ooze.

Sir Finley Mrrgglton: Against some control decks the hunter hero power or the warlock can be very important to win games. Against midranged or aggro decks usually the mage (or some defensive one as the priest and warrior) can help. It can fight for the board in the early game and is buffed by hobgoblin.

Divine Favor: good card against reno decks, and sometimes the deck run out of steam. It is good to have one in the deck.

Abusive Sergeant: This card is very important to battle for board control in the early game. It is a key card to win against aggro decks. You usually have some tokens or weak minion on the board to buff and kill stronger minions. It can help on mid/late game as well and can be buffed to 3/3 with hobgoblin.

Tech choices / other options:

+ Pirate package (patches + 2 bloodsail corsair), - Spellbreaker - 2 argent squire

I was using the pirate package up to rank3. It works fine in the deck and it helps a lot against pirate warriors (and there are a LOT of pirate warriors before reaching rank-5). The downside is that people are using a lot Golakka crawler. Spellbreaker is good against some control decks and argent squire works well with buffs against them as well.

+1 Jeeves - 1 tirion

Jeeves is ok if you build a more agressive version (i used to have 1 jeeves and no tirion). It can be valueable vs control decks for the card draws and can be buffed by hobgoblin, but I think Tirion is a stronger late game option

+1/2 stonehill defender -1 spellbreaker/-1 muster : He is usefull as well, can get big if buffed (hobgoblin sinergy as well), helps agains aggro and a card draw is good vs control. The reason I keep spellbreaker is because it is very usefull in high lvl vs the good reno decks and control shaman.

Mulligan Guide:

Always look for: Abusive sergent, Argent Squire, Fire fly, Sir finley (unless u already have other good one drops), haunted creeper, shielded minibot, muster for battle.

Always mulligan: Tirion, dr. boom, Sunkeeper Tarim, echoing ooze (sometimes with hobgoblin and 2 early  drops is ok to keep).

Keep if you have a good curve (usually with coin):  hobgoblin (usually only if you have fire fly), Blessing of kings (usually with muster or haunted creeper) and spikedridged steed (only with good curve AND vs warrior).

Divine favor: Keep against reno decks (usually if you face mage/warlock is going to be reno), against priest is ok to keep if you have already a good curve.

Keeper of uldaman: keep against priest since a buffed deathlord can be painfull to deal. If he drops deathlord wait one turn to see if he is going to buff him before using uldaman.

SpellBreaker: keep vs mage if you expect a Rene or freeze mage.

Knife juggler: you usually keep it, specially playing with the pirate package, but since he is usually not a turn 2 drop u can mulligan if you are going first, i usually mulligan vs shaman since he usually can kill him easily and i need other good early game drops.


Khristophesaurus made a video playing with the deck:

(yeah, muster doesnt work with hobgoblin!)

I hope you guys enjoy the deck, cheers!