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Dragons and Kodos

  • Last updated Jul 7, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Dragon Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 7520
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/29/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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Today I opened an Alexstrasza, so i constucted immediatly somethin to play her.I wanted her to see in somethin unusual deck, thats why I decided myself for a paladin.

At first look i wondered if this construction will survive long enough to slam dragons on the board, without the wild pyromancer and a weapon. But in the tests (12:5 so far as i might be a lucky one) it seemed to be ok.

The Getaway Kodo gets the MVP, there are some minions in the deck, who love this little secret. Especially Stonehill Defender finds a lot stuff for creative combinations and the Hydrologist may grab more kodos.


ed.: The Faceless Shambler and the Defender of Argus are the first when I think about room for replacement, but the lot of taunt in the deck does a good job stopping aggressive opponents. In the testmatches i faced a questrogue, and yes i lost due to the many removals he used. Think this is one of the hardest matchups for this deck

Ideas for replacement:

Aldor Peacekeeper - if big hitters seem to be a problem (in OTKPriest, Van Cleef and some beasts used by hunters or druids). Because it protects our big taunters its a very defensive choice. + Synergy with the Book Wyrms.

Ironbeak Owl - more synergy with the curator, a silence to the right time can win the match and it's versatile. The Owl can also solve many problems, the Aldor Peacekeeper would handle. The Owl can clear the way from a taunting minion, it is a little more offensive choice.

Truesilver Champion - not much to say for this, the weapon dealls 2*4 dmg plus additional 2*2 health. If you need a touch more of removal, and it can do the job that consecration resp. primordial dragon didn`t finish.

Sunkeeper Tarim - usually a choice from the Stonehill Defender, it can help to clear the board an additional time, tricky to use. Synergizes with Nightbane Templar, Argentumtokens and the Book Wyrms.

Giant Wasp - synergy with the curator if a poisonous tool would help in your matches (removing a taunting or bighitting problem)



After a ton of matches with 50% success testing different substitutions this one made 8 wins in the last 10 matches. I took off the Faceless Shamblers and one Defender of Argus, brought in two Ironbeak Owl and one Ivory Knight.

The deck performed good against aggressive and midrange opponents and worse against  Questmages and Questwarriors. The reason was, It did take too long to deal deadly damage, so these controldecks weree able to set their combos. The substitutions did help to get better initiative. Especially the Ivory Knight did well, it brings a 4/4 body, a heal (i faced a lot of mages and getting out of the pyroblastzone is helpful) and an useful spell.

last 10 matches:

Questwarrior - win, Jaderogue - loss, Pyromage - win, Tokendruid - loss, C´Thunpriest - win, Hunter - win, Questwarrior - win, Handbuffpaladin - win, Hunter - win, (OTK?)Priest - win.

Play and mulligan:

Main target is to survive til the dragons will begin to rule the board. Concentrate on defense.

Generally Mulligan for Hydrologist, (Tarcreeper), Stonehill Defender. Keep one Getaway Kodo if it`s in the starting hand.  If you expect an opponent playing aggro a consecration (plus coin) might be useful to keep. If you expect a match versus control (Mage/Priest) look for Nightbane templar, early creatures for pressure.

Avoid that Tokens ride your Kodos. When you got a Kodo active, don't call Tokens. Don't forget to use your Tokens if there is no Kodo out.

The deck does not win fast. Dragons are cruel, even to their masters.



14 matches more showed success of 50% again. Seems i had a lucky hour when I got the winstreak after the last substitutions. I'm still surprised about the kind of opponent the deck works successful against:

hunter(beast) - loss, rogue(water) - win, warlock(zoo) - loss, hunter(beast) - win, shaman(jade) - loss, hunter(beast) - loss, hunter(beast) - win, rogue(miracle) - loss, rogue(quest) - win, warrior(quest) - win, warrior(pirate) - loss, shaman(aggro) - win, rogue(quest) - win, warrior(control) - loss.

The opponents with questdecks get their huge questreward, but then their ressources begin to exhaust and get down slowly by the control of the dragons. Due the Kodos this deck has a immense pool of tools.



Took out the Nightbane Templars and brought in two Truesilver Champion. The tokens from the Templar disturbed me sometimes when i wanted to bring a Kodo. Seems the weapon fits better either in struggling for boardcontrol or to increase the pressure on the opponent.

The record after this change was 8 win - 4 loss. Seems i made a solid deck, that can win and loose against everyone. That's Hearthstone

Note for gameplay: I often start with a Getaway Kodo on turn 1.



Gameplay: About the synergies with Getaway Kodo. There are 4 minions with the battlecryability to choose something. These minions are the preferred kodoriders, because of the cardadvantage you will get.

Hydrologist: If i got the choice of another Getaway Kodo, i grab it. If there is no Kodo to choose, i often take a Noble Sacrifice, Don't be mindless and play both secrets, in a second you find the defendertoken on your hand where it is crap to your game. Another Secret, Eye for an Eye may be a good choice to set up a trap for the OTK-attack from Priests, an huge VanCleef or Pyroblast. Usually these opponents are aware of this trap and will try to trigger it with something harmless, don't expect too much from it. In best cases it buys you another round time.

Netherspite Historian: Usually my choices are another Book Wyrm, Primordial Drake. Ysera is a solid choice, if you think you control the board good enough. Great synergy with the Kodo has Deathwing, Dragonlord, fascinating when this dragon triggers the ride.

Stonehill Defender: The Paladin has great taunting minions, Tirion Fordring, Sunkeeper Tarim, Wickerflame Burnbristle. I favorise Tarim if the situation allows it. And of course you can choose another Stonehill Defender for more cardadvantage. The Tarcreeper brings no extra, but it is better versus all these pesky aggrominions.

Ivory Knight: when it comes to that this one has to enter the board you often will choose the most expensive spell, fortunately they fit all very good. Lay on Hands,Avenging Wrath are preferred. Also great are Dinosize, Spikeridged Steed or damagespells.

All minions with battlecry in this deck do something in your favour and are worthy Kodoriders.