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From 5 to legend with Yogg priest!

  • Last updated Jun 8, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Combo Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 7320
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/8/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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Ahoy friends! This season I challenged myself to reach legend with the old gods. After testing some decks, this priest seemed ideal for the meta.

Videos of the climb: VOD 1 VOD 2 VOD3

Auchenai with the circle is one of the best board clears and is still performing great in Un'Goro meta. Circle of healing can give you a much needed clear much earlier than the Dragonfire Potion. Some of you may remember my previous priest decks that I have recently used to climb to legend or to top 100, in which I don't run the shadow word pain or death. I still don't use them because inner fire/divine spirit package performs much better IMO in this meta. If you don't like that package, check out the version of this deck that I used to climb to rank 5! Yogg without if/ds

**Match-ups and mulligans**

Aggro Druid - Favored match-up. We have enough board clears which are crucial for winning the game against them. Try to contest the early board or set up big board clears. Keep Potion of Madness, pw:shields, Northshire Clerics, Wild Pyros, Kabal Talonpriest, Tar Creeper, Circle of Healing, Auchenai Soulpriest, Radiant Elementals.

Jade Druid - Favorable match-up. Our goal is to set up big minions that they cannot react to. Don't be afraid to overcommit on the board as soon as the game starts, the more minions you have, the better. Keep pw:shields, Northshire Clerics, Wild Pyros, Kabal Talonpriest, Tar Creeper, Radiant Elementals.

Burn/Freeze Mage - Even match-up. Creating big minions during the early game is the ideal scenario. If we are able to pop their block before Alexstrasza arrives, we're in a good spot. Don't save Priest of the Feast in hand if you can play him on turn 4 and is your best play. Lyra can win this match-up if they can't remove her. Yogg is another win condition. Keep pw:shields, Northshire Clerics, Wild Pyro, Kabal Talonpriest, Tar Creeper, Radiant Elementals, Elise is fine too.

Secret Mage - Favored match-up. Try to get on the board before they do if possible. Play around counter spell and Mirror Entity. Lyra gives you a spell even if the one you casted is denied with Counterspell. You can easily clear their board with your spells and combos. Keep Potion of Madness, pw:shields, Northshire Clerics, Wild Pyros, Kabal Talonpriest, Tar Creeper, Circle of Healing, Auchenai Soulpriest, Radiant Elementals.

Murloc Paladin - Favored match-up. Circle of healing combos just devastate them! Pyros and potion of madness are very effective. As soon as you deal with their early board, start filling the board because their removal is not great and they are in a really bad spot when playing from behind. Keep Potion of Madness, pw:shields, Northshire Clerics, Wild Pyros, Kabal Talonpriest, Tar Creeper, Circle of Healing, Auchenai Soulpriest, Radiant Elementals.

Control Paladin - Even match-up. We can win with every possible win condition that this deck has, including Yogg. If you are able to buff your minion during the early/mid stage and apply pressure, go for it. Don't be too passive and if the game doesn't go in our favor, put your faith in Yogg. Keep pw:shields, Northshire Clerics, Wild Pyro, Kabal Talonpriest, Tar Creeper, Radiant Elementals.

Quest Rogue - Unfavored match-up. It's winnable but very tough. Be fast if possible, buff your minion and punch them in the face. You can get deny them the elementals from Igneous Elemental if it's at 1 hp and you do the Pyro with Potion of Madness combo on it. Keep pw:shields, Northshire Clerics, Wild Pyros, Kabal Talonpriest, Tar Creeper, Radiant Elementals, Divine Spirits, Inner Fire.

Miracle Rogue - Favored match-up? I haven't met many of them. We don't care about the AoE so play as many minions as possible and distribute your buffs evenly instead of buffing just one minion. Keep Potion of Madness, pw:shields, Northshire Clerics, Wild Pyros, Kabal Talonpriest, Tar Creeper, Radiant Elementals.

Purify Priest - Favored match-up. Circle of Healing performs much better than the shadow word death or pain. And that's what we need, remove their every early minion if possible, try to play around potion of madness and you will find them spending their turns with just healing their hero portrait during the mid-game until they concede. Keep Potion of Madness, pw:shields, Northshire Clerics, Wild Pyros, Kabal Talonpriest, Tar Creeper, Circle of Healing, Auchenai Soulpriest, Radiant Elementals.

Token Shaman - Favored match-up. Find a balance with being greedy with your removals and clearing the board. Get as much aoe as possible from the shadow visions. Don't overcommit on the board because of the devolve so try to bait it out first with two minions. Mana tide totem is the target that we want to get rid of as fast as possible. Keep Potion of Madness, pw:shields, Northshire Clerics, Wild Pyros, Kabal Talonpriest, Tar Creeper, Circle of Healing, Auchenai Soulpriest, Radiant Elementals.

Pirate Warrior - Favored match-up. Deal with their minions and heal your hero when you start to get low on health. Tar Creeper is game winning, so try to buff it as much as possible. Keep Potions of Madness, pw:shields, Northshire Clerics, Wild Pyros, Kabal Talonpriest, Tar Creeper, Circle of Healing, Radiant Elementals.

Taunt Warrior - Even match-up. I have a positive win rate against them but it can be tricky, it all depends on how fast they complete their quest and how your hand and board look like. Try to be fast and aggressive, develop a board and save some quality minions after they brawl your board, preferably Lyra. Keep pw:shields, Northshire Clerics, Wild Pyro, Kabal Talonpriest, Tar Creeper, Radiant Elementals.

Hunter - Favored match-up. They will most likely run out of resources until turn 5, so if you deal with their stuff until then, you win. Potion of Madness excels against them. Keep Potions of Madness, pw:shields, Northshire Clerics, Wild Pyros, Kabal Talonpriest, Tar Creepers, Circle of Healing, Radiant Elementals.

Thank you for reading, feel free to ask questions or post opinions. I wish you a fun and successful climb with the deck if you decide to try it!