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Control Buffaladin

  • Last updated Jan 17, 2017 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 5 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 5440
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/17/2017 (Gadgetzan)
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Hey dudes, this is a good deck that i used to climb in the early ranks in the standart laddder. Got from 20 to rank 9 , the deck have really good heals, and good clear board and control. 

Vs aggro decks, try to keep the 5 cost taunt, and try to buff it. He can really safe you, and the Horse really got some value sometimes. And try to get the Keeper of Uldaman,to buff your soldiers, she turns the Silver Hand recruits in really strong machine trades, the Doomsayer is perfect to keep, and if u buff him, he can be more difficult to remove. If u are against a PW , hold the Ooze, it get a lot of value sometimes (dont be scary of taking a 1/3 weapon, use it, u never know if he will buff it)

Vs control decks, try to take a good hand by buffing something like the Dopplegangers, and keep the Peacekeeper to get value from Renolock giants or maybe cards like the Water Elemental. 

I don't have such cards like Tyrion and Burnbristle, but if u have them , replace the Tyrion for the Grimstreet Protector and the Burnbristle for a Truesilver Champion. Ragnaros of the Light is a good add, replace it with one another Truesilver. Barnes really can have value here , with Grimstreet Enforcer, or Marshal with Uldaman, or maybe the taunts can safe you. I really use him because of it, but u can easily use another Senjin in his place, and if u have Tyrion or Burnbristle, than , he can be really good.

I made the deck by fun, and it really impress me, because i got 11 ranks with him, the really difficult to the deck is survive the intense wave of aggro decks, but he is really nice versus  tempo decks such Jade Druid and Miracle, some Reno decks like the Mage, he fights well with the Pirate decks but, he goes poorly with the Shaman.

If u want some fun and try to climb, try this deck, i had a lot of fun playing with this.