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!!LEGEND!! Non-Combo anti aggro reno warlock

  • Last updated Dec 23, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Renolock
  • Crafting Cost: 12800
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/23/2016 (Gadgetzan)
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This is one of the decks i first time got legend with yesterday.

http://prntscr.com/dmyssb prove for legend.

http://prntscr.com/dmysvx this are the stats against each class. This wasnt the only warlock deck though, i believe with this deck my winrate is about 60-65%. In the first few days of the month i tried out pirate zoo lock/another reno lock list with krul but they didnt go too well.

As you can see in the statistics, Dragon priest and aggro shaman are by far the best matchups. Against Dragon priest u obviously have jeraxxus and ofc the good old 4 attack drake. Aggro shaman ist the main reason i came up with this deck, bgh obviously destroys there meme 4 drop, so does the new potion as well as Siphon Soul. I didnt bring sunfury protector to this deck since there was simply no Slot, and i most of the time felt like i had enough taunts.

The worse matchups are mage since they have easy ways to deal with our Early powerhousees twilight drake and mountain giant, as well as easy 15 damage burst Combo against our jeraxxus (FIREBALL+roaring torch+frostbolt for example). And if they dont burst you in 1 turn they can easily do it in 2 turns.

Also rogue can be  problematic, especially the new pirate-miracle hybrid Version. The reason i got a positive winrate against this is probably because i faced some very bad rogue Players.

Jade druid you can smorc down with your early powerhouse minions. Try to get as aggresive of a potion as possible. (For example summon a 5/5 or 8/8 demon+give your minions that and that amount of health).

Reno lock with Combo is also pretty problematic since they obviously can pressure you down and burst you from 20 hp. Try to safe dirty rat for brann to get rid of a Combo Piece, in best case leeroy. The good Thing however is that we got bgh to deal with their mountain giant and the new potion to kill the twilight drake.

Aggro warrior should be pretty obvious. You either have reno by turn 6 or you just dont. Get doomsayer, mortal coil, ooze, demonwrath, second-rate bruiser, shadowbolt, and obviously misstress, reno Jackson and dirty rat. However you should not coin dirty rat if you have him by turn 1 and going secound since he can also just pull a leeroy/korkon/frothing. If you already have reno DONT tap till turn 6 since it just reduces the Chance that you surive till then. Coining a doomsayer into their turn 1 pirate bullshit is an excellent idea, however be Aware that a war axe+the new flame imp pirate can be enough to deal with your doomsayer. in this worst case he at least safed you 7 hp which can be enough to surive to your reno.

I enjoy you much time farming the aggro shamans and wish you a good and safe road to legend :)