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Tonasharkman's Standard N'Zoth Secret Paladin

  • Last updated Sep 30, 2016 (Karazhan)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Secret Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 10620
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/1/2016 (Karazhan)
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Before Standard, Secret Paladin was a very popular deck in the meta. When Standard came into play the deck lost lots of its early game and it's strongest secret Avenge. When standard came into play most people tried to make the deck an aggro deck.  The problem with that type of deck is the minions have synergy with the secrets. Famous Streamer and Youtuber Kripparrian did remake the deck into a control deck as seen in the video below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etDg3un9gLs 

I myself tried his deck for a while and did have success with it, but as the meta got faster and faster the deck was starting to lose a lot more often because it was a slow control deck. I went back to and tried aggro but aggro performed even worse. So just as I was about to give up I gave it one last time. I thought about how Secret Paladin was originally a tempo/mid-range deck, and with Avenge being gone I thought about how deathrattle minions have big synergy with the secret Remdeption. With inspiration from Kripp's deck and the old secret Paladin deck, I made my own version. As I played more and more with my deck, I noticed I was winning lots of my matchups. With lots of healing, playing minions on curve, and N'Zoth as another Win condition my deck became an unstoppable force to be reckoned with on ladder. So without further ado I give you my version of Standard Secret Paladin. 


You always want to get your early game minions and weapons when doing the mulligan stage, but here's a more in depth guide.

Aggro/Tempo Decks

With Tunnel Trogg running lose on ladder you usually want to mulligan for Rallying Blade, Huge Toad, Argent Lance, Aldor Peacekeeper, or Consecration. When doing this matchup have a weapon is key to victory. 


Control matchups are usually always an easy victory with this deck. You basically want to Mulligan for Truesliver Champion or Rallying Blade,Huge Toad or Harvest Golem.


For combo decks, you usually want to kill the other player as fast as possible. Having a good curve is a key to victory here. You basically want to Mulligan for Truesliver Champion or Rallying Blade,Huge Toad or Harvest Golem. Basically the same Mulligan as control.


Deathrattle minions are extremely strong when Redemption is in play. Tirion Fordring, Twilight Summoner, and Infested Tauren are the strongest when played with Redemption. If you play a deathrattle minion with Redemption, don't hero power that turn so the Sliverhand recruit won't get revived. If playing against a secret class make sure to mulliagn for Eater of Secrets. Other than that that's about all I have to say. 


Sylvanas Windrunner or Cairne Bloodhoof

Eater of Secrets or Spellbreaker

Tuskarr Jouster or Azure Drake

Happy Laddering guys, lets bring back Secret Pally. 
