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Boom Headshot! (27 win 6 lost rank 13 to 8)

  • Last updated May 12, 2014 (Live Patch 5314)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 4480
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/13/2014 (Live Patch 5314)
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  • xSnP
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Hi there, here's the shaman I used to get to rank 8 and still going up!

This shaman is basically a variant of the midrange shaman. I only expose my personal taste to you and give you some explanation for some of them. The classic cards are there : lightning, rock bitter, flame tongue, stormforged, fire elemental etc... What changes is this :

Windfury : to put on your fire elementals or leeroy or anyone who can give a big punch in the face. This card is the reason why you can comeback from almost every single game! Leeroy, flame tongue, rock bitter, rock bitter, windfury : 28 damage! Yeah, I know, pretty much impossible to get this up. But you'll most likely be doing some damage throughout the game and some cards won't be necessary. An active fire elemental can fill the same purpose. Anyway, this card is a big win condition and can work with pretty much anything, really. ++ value with rock bitters.

Al'akir : same as windfury, big final punch to the face, especially if you get your hands on those rockbiter! Can also work as a control card to destroy some cheap minions and still keep a nice taunt in play. That charge + windfury is really paying off.

Wild pyro : He's like a + spell damage but that activates AFTER the initial blast! So good to combo with hex to get rid of the taunt or to destroy those pesky golems. Lightning bolt + blast = ciao golem! Same goes with the divine shield minions. It's just a different way to get that + 1 damage that can work wonders! I tried bloodmage, which does pretty much the same thing but found more value out of wild pyro because of the AOE and the "after the spell" bonus effect. Too bad you can only do it twice while being too situational to add a second one.

Defender of Argus instead of senjin : You are a shaman. That's it. You are always gonna be full of totems or minions so that argus will always find at least one (most likely two) minion to receive boost + taunt. Also, it's a way to activate those totems and make them work a little bit, they are too passive in their little corners! Best is to put him on a yeti or drake but totems can do the job if in trouble and facing, let's say, a **** zoo! This can delay a little before unleashing the lightning storm!

Yeti instead of gadget or another manatide or anything from the other variants : That spot is my own preference, I tend to get more value out of those big fur balls because at my current rank (8) I see a lot of control match ups and miracle rogues. So, this big guy can take down the gadgetzan by himself and still survive (if the opponent is stupid enough to let it there without any protection), against a druid of the claw, you can flame tongue and still survive, it kills azure drake + survives etc. I just like the stats too much. With a defender of argus it's just perfect. That's the spot where you can put whatever you like, but yeti is definitely a good way to go! As a shaman, you won't miss that card draw. If you miss some, then you don't play enough totems! ;)

Leeroy : windfury rockbiter GG. That's it!

Why do I keep the unbound? You have so much overload cards that you most certainly will drop one with him or next turn. For a 3 drop, 5 health is a lot and will waste opponent's removal, that's more survivability for your fire elementals ;) If they don't remove him, then good for you and keep boosting him!

Mulligan : I really like to see lightning bolt or earthshock, the wolfs and unbound. Flametongue with wolfs is also a good choice! Turn 3 wolfs + turn 4 flame = 4/3 4/3 taunts!

Please comment if you have any question or suggestion for the deck, I really wanna know what you guys are thinking!