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Anti C'thun Dragon Priest Deck

  • Last updated Apr 29, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Reno Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 11820
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/30/2016 (Old Gods)
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This deck matches up pretty well against most c'thun decks

Explanation for cards:

1. Circle of Healing - Combination with Embrace the shadow or Northshire or just general healing.

2. Forbidden Shaping - For sticky situations when your hand has too many high mana cards.

3. Flash Heal - For healing taunts to maintain board presence, self healing or damage with embrace the shadows

4. Inner Fire - Use with some high health cards, optimally ysera or to reduce enemies attack to shave off some damage which could be combined with the shadow words pain or death.

5. Northshire Cleric - For draw, i wanted a card to draw as much as possible and the other card would be acolyte of pain but most c'thun decks have minions above 3 damage, with Northshire, I could at least plant it behind a taunt and heal for some draw as opposed to a 1-time draw with acolyte.

6. Twilight Whelp - Mostly early game presence or just for dragon synergy

7. Doomsayer - Makes it a priority target to stall for time or clearing the board when the enemy has gotten too many c'thun buffing minions on field.

8. Embrace the Shadow - To clear the board or take down that massive minion, has synergy with Justicar, circle of healing, flash heal.

9. Museum curator - Used for early board presence with a target for Northshire cleric to heal early game if it survives but most importantly for rolling good cards like sylvanas, chillmaw or even cairne.

10. Shadow Word: Pain - for that particular pesky 3/6 taunt minion which buff c'thun

11. Wyrmrest Agent - Early game taunt

12. Blackwing Technician - Tanky early game minion for trading

13. Mind Control Tech - Meant for sticky situations and where people rarely expect one.

14. Shadow Word: Death - Counter option 1 for c'thun or big minions which pose a greater threat earlier on

15. Shadow Madness - Reducing enemy board presence

16. Twilight Drake - Dragon synergy and a tanky minion, potential target for inner fire

17. Twilight Guardian - Dragon synergy 2nd best taunt in this deck for Northshire Cleric

18. Azure Drake - Presence, Spell damage for holy nova and draw

19. Blackwing Corruptor - Finishing off the trade after technician attacks something and for that body

20. Excavated Evil - Clearing the board if Embrace Circle of healing isn't enough

21. Holy Nova - Even more damage and general heals, has synergy with Northshire

22. Entomb - 2nd C'thun counter card or could use it to remove big taunts

23. Justicar Trueheart - Self healing or synergy with Embrace the Shadow, healing for 2 per turn isn't going to be enough to stop a C'thun nuke

24. Reno Jackson - When you're in C'thun's nuke range

25. Sylvanas Windrunner - If C'thun kills it and you survive, you've got a possible come back or for pesky taunts.

26. The Black Knight - Fantastic against those pesky taunts like the twin emperors.

27. Chillmaw - Your biggest taunt with a chance to clear the board for you

28. Confessor Paletress - Your backup if ysera dies to control the board or give your opponent something to worry about

29. Ysera - Your finishing blow after c'thun is dead

30. Mind Control - C'thun can't be revived if you use this :D