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[senti] C'Thun Miracle Rogue

  • Last updated May 2, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Miracle Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 5740
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/22/2016 (Explorers)
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In my opinion on curve minions like Beckoner of Evil,Twilight Elder and C'Thun's Chosen are just wrong in C'Thun Rogue. You want to have insane utility to fight either Aggro or Control. A Disciple of C'Thun and a Blade of C'Thun should be more than enough C'Thun synergy and saves room for better cards, especially the the Gadgetzan Auctioneer package to draw into your combo pieces fast.




With Backstabs, SI:7 Agents and Disciple of C'Thun and there should be enough early answers to Zoo-like decks. If necessary use Shadowsteps for even more early board control. In those matchups playing a 8/8 or 10/10 C'Thun should be enough to win. No need to be super greedy.

Equal matchup.



Against Control on the other hand you want to be super greedy. Use Shadowcaster to produce 2 mini-Brann Bronzebeards. Use Blade of C'Thun to destroy late game minions, preferably with Brann Bronzebeard of one of the mini-Brann Bronzebeards. Use Shadowstep to either get Blade of C'Thun of C'Thun itself back. Save one The Coin for mini-Brann Bronzebeard plus C'Thun. I can't point out how important this is. Because of this Tomb Pillager is kind of a sleeper mvp in this deck. Face damage during the game doesn't matter much, as Priests will completely heal back most of the time. Chip down Warrior's armor as much as possible, but 72 damage C'Thuns are not rare, so stay calm.

Very favorable matchup.


C'Thun Mirrors

I mostly faced C'Thun Druids so far, C'Thun Warrios and some rare C'Thun Priests.

Facing Priest and Warrior plays basically the same as Control Matchups. It's almost impossible to lose if played correctly. This matchup is "whoever blinks first loses". You have to take care of the following two things: Be a little more conservative with Blade of C'Thun and always Shadowstep it back to your hand. You need it if your opponent plays his C'Thun. The second thing is to have enough live to survive opponents C'Thun. Play minions on the board to "add" their health. Besides of that just keep opponents board clear and wait until you can finish him.

Very favorable matchup.

Facing C'Thun Druid is a little bit different as they play a lot more aggressive with their minions. At first glance this matchup seems horrible but it really isn't. It's also very favorable. But you need to be less greedy to contest board. Often you don't need that super big burst against Druid, therefore you can use C'Thun also as a board clear. But Shadowstep it back! C'Thun Druids play Mulch!

Very favorable matchup.


Face Decks

Pure face decks (Face Shaman) can be a problem. I added an Acidic Swamp Ooze to destroy Doomhammer (see Changelog).

Unfavorable Matchup.


Freeze Mage

 Against Freeze Mage save Shadowsteps, Shadowcaster and Brann Bronzebeard for Earthen Ring Farseer.

Haven't played this matchup so far, but it should be unfavorable.




I'm currently testing the following Reno Jackson variant to provide the needed heal against aggro. Reno Jackson also has insane synergy with Shadowcaster.

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I tried to replace the 2-ofs with cards that fit similar roles as much as possible:

- Backstab + Shiv
- Preparation + Reno Jackson (not really a replacement, but there is none and Reno Jackson has to go in somewhere)
- Shadowstep + Emperor Thaurissan
- Eviscerate + Assassinate
- Fan of Knives + Dark Iron Skulker
- SI:7 Agent + Perdition's Blade
- Tomb Pillager + Journey Below
- Azure Drake + Harrison Jones
- Gadgetzan Auctioneer + Sprint


- Perdition's Blade
- 1x Sap
- 1x Disciple of C'Thun
+ 1x Deadly Poison
+ 1x Shadow Strike
+ 1x Acidic Swamp Ooze

I wasn't sure if Perdition's Blade is 100% correct from the beginning, but it helped to split damage over several minions. It's basically the same as a Deadly Poison, but three times 2 damage which can be helpful against zoo/aggro. Deadly Poison on the other hand is another spell for Gadgetzan Auctioneer. I changed it.

Removing one Sap for one Shadow Strike helped to cleanly remove a 5 or 6 drop that would otherwise have to be Saped. The 5 damage are often enough. It's definitly worth the plus 1 mana. I'm really impressed by this card. It's so much better than it looks. It's definitly only a 1-of though. One Sap stays relevant for late game drops.

I removed one Disciple of C'Thun for another Earthen Ring Farseer first to help the aggro matchup. It didn't help much and i realized that it's just Doomhammer that destroys me every time. The early minions and even the spells aren't the major problem. So I added an Acidic Swamp Ooze (Harrison Joneswould be way to slow for this purpose). This is tech choice though. If Shaman leaves the meta (what will probably never happen), this card has to be replaced.


Original list.