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Control mage 1.2

  • Last updated Mar 24, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6700
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/21/2016 (Explorers)
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Note: Sorry for not updating the guide, I didn't really have the time. I will jump straight to the even better guide!

~Table of contents~

1.0: About me

2.0: Intro

3.0: Card choises

4.0: Deck guide (Better guide coming soon)

5.0: F.A.Q.

6.0: Gameplay

7.0: Changes

8.0: Final words

9.0: My other decks 

~About me~

Hello guys, I am Murky, a player from the Netherlands. Sometimes I play ranked but most of the time I play fun decks. This time I am going to show you my control Mage!


This deck is very late-game heavy with some early control spells and minions. You have some fancy secrets to give you two Ysera's or a random 9-drop. You have some tools for almost every matchup. Deathlords for aggro, Water Elementals for midrange and Elise Starseeker for control to name a few. 

~Card choises~

Frostbolt: Very good for early game board control, doing the last bit of damage or freezing a minion

Explosive Sheep: Very annoying for aggro or just to do some extra board clear

Mad Scientist: Putting a decent body and a secret for 2 mana? Yes please!

Arcane Intellect: This deck doesn't really need card draw, but it helps finding the right card or the monkey

Duplicate: Almost every card in this deck is good with duplicate, and it can played for free!

Effigy: This deck has a lot of high cost minions, so why not put effigy?

Forgotten Torch: Early game board control and a late game finisher

Deathlord: The most hated card by aggro and control will waste removal for it

Polymorph: This deck had some problems with removing sticky minions like Tirion Fordring so I added this card. Also really good if your deathlord decides to screw up

Elise Starseeker: Control matchup

Water Elemental: Very good stats against aggro and good against weapon classes

Antique Healbot: The extra health is just to good to miss out

Ethereal Conjurer: Sometimes you need a spell that you don't have in your deck. This card will give you a minion and a spell

Sludge Belcher: Good against everything

Sylvanas Windrunner: I have no time for games!

Flamestrike: Can sometimes be really usefull after dropping a molten to get a strong board

Dr. Boom: No need to explain

Ysera: One of your win conditions, if it lives for a turn you win most of the time

Alexstrasza: Good against the slow matchup to deal damage, good against the fast matchup to heal! Awesome card!

~Short guide~

Aggro: Board control is the most important thing here. This should be pretty straight forward. duplicating a Sludge Belcher or Antique Healbot really helps.

Midrange: This is a hard matchup, but try to remove there threaths with your removal and overwelm them with your late game.

Control: Elise Starseeker.


Where can I replace X card with? Try finding a card that fits the same role, or something you think this deck needs. If you really don't know, ask in the comments

Why don't you include X card? I'm still testing this deck. If you have a suggestion, post in the comments

Do you have a standard version of this deck? I'm working on it and updating whenever a good card gets released. Ofcourse I don't know if it's good until the release of standard mode.

More questions will be added!


Gameplay by Khristophesaurus

Gameplay by Fur0 (No commentary)

Playing this video on HearthPwn doesn't work for some reason


~Deck changes~



-1x Molten Giant +1x Flamecannon

Molten Giant was bad for this deck since it had no synergy with this deck. Flamecannon helps you in the early/mid and maybe late-game.


-1x Ethereal Conjurer +1x Polymorph

The deck still needer single target removal and i felt like this was the card to remove


Updated main post


-Added the F.A.Q


-Fixed the bug that was causing to put weird things on the bottom of my posts, apperently I had chosen to show a signature


-Added card choises



--2x Zombie Chow, +1x Dr. Boom, +1x Alexstrasza

-The deck needed some finishing power, and zombie chows aren't going to help with that. They didn't give me the early board I wanted and this improves midrange and control matchup


--1x Molten Giant, +1x Polymorph

-I had problems removing some sticky minions so I added a Polymorph. I removed a Molten Giant beacause it's not good against control and midrange, and one is enough against aggro (If you are low enough to play two you are dead anyway, and with one you can play a Taunt or Remove a minion)



-Deck posted on HearthPwn! 

~Final words~

This deck is just very fun to play. I hope you give it a try and don't forget to upvote!

By the way: English is not my native language, please correct my spelling or grammar mistakes!

~My other decks~

Control mage 2.0: Coming soon!