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(extremely easy win) - 40+ OTK

  • Last updated Feb 26, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 28 Minions
  • 2 Spells
  • Deck Type: Tavern Brawl
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Brawl: Clash of the Minions
  • Crafting Cost: 5460
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 2/25/2016 (Explorers)
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This deck has so much synergy it's frightening, especially since everything has charge you can abuse several massive combos. Currently running at 56-0, brann + antique is there for a reason if the RNG gods do not run in your favor for the first few turns.

Update Edit:
- 2 Mortal Coil
+2 Nerubian Egg
Mortal Coil is extremely usefull for pinging off small x/1 in early game or mopping up for a free draw, but Egg has more value due to taunt and sure pop.

-1 Shadowflame
+1 Emperor Cobra
Shadowflame is very usefull in clearing it by dropping on something cheap like an Ancient Watcher but i've had more use with the insta kill from an Emperor Cobra on higher minions.

-1 Ironbeak Owl
+1 Spellbreaker

Running 2 owls works can also swap it for spellbreaker to have more oompf in turn 4+.

Board Clear: (if you leave 1x Shadow Flame the following are still viable).
Shadow Flame + Ancient Watcher (4 dmg)
Shadow Flame + Ancient Watcher (w/ Power Overwhelming) (8 dmg)
Shadow Flame + Sylvanas Windrunner (5 dmg + potential steal)
Shadow Flame + Sylvanas Windrunner + Power Overwhelming (9 dmg / no steal unless theres a very buff minion)
Explosive Sheep (1att + 2 AoE).

Battlecry Combo:

Brann Bronzebeard + Young Dragonhawk + Abusive Sergeant (2/4 + 5/1 (x2) + 2/1)
Brann Bronzebeard + Young Dragonhawk + Abusive Sergeant + Void Terror
(2/4 + 5/1 (x2) + 2/1) drop void between brann + Young Dragonhawk (10/5)
Brann Bronzebeard + Antique Healbot (16 heal)
Molten Giant + Void Terror (8/8 then void for 11/11)
Molten Giant + Youthful Brewmaster (reusable 8/8 charge)
The Black Knight + Youthful Brewmaster (reusable taunt kill + charge kill)
Young Dragonhawk + Power Overwhelming + Void Terror (5/5 (x2) + 8/8)

Fun Combo's (w/ Coin):
Mulligan for Ancient Watcher + Owl.
Turn 1 drop Ancien Watcher with Coin
Turn 2 drop Owl on Ancient Watcher (4/5 turn 2 is massive)

Mulligan for Eerie Statue + Owl
Turn 3 drop Eerie Statue with Coin (if your lucky and the board is clear free 7 damage)
Turn 4 drop Owl on Eerie Statue (free 7./7 to attack with)

Mulligan for (with great luck) Dragonhawk + Power Overwhelming
Turn 1 drop Hawk + PO coin for fast 10 damage pressure, or hold to rush his health later.

Overal Mulligan is  Owl / Ancient Watcher / Void Terror / Molten Giant and Eerie Statue.

Any small critter with power overwhelming gives huge momentum to a void terror, couple that with Brann and he absorbs it 2x, giving you potential damage combos into 100+ with molten giants.