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[LEGEND] Who Am I... Jokes Just Standard Mid-ra...

  • Last updated Dec 31, 2015 (Explorers)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 6900
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/24/2015 (Explorers)
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I got to Legend from rank 5 right after my exams with a 70%+ win-rate. Although this mid-range paladin does look fairly standard, the subtle changes are what makes this deck so good and I will go over it with details below.

This is one of my most favorite decks since it is quite simple to play and very effective at the sametime, since the deck is all about just board control and making value trades.

PROOF: https://twitter.com/HermiesTV/status/678142272974680064


Midrange Paladin naturally wins match-ups from value trades and slowly whittles your opponent down with the minions on board. BOARD CONTROL IS EVERYTHING, SO DO IT


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Zombie Chow – two zombie chows are too good not to play at the moment since there are a lot of aggressive match-ups that require you to have an initial 1 drop to gain tempo with. In this meta, it is all about tempo if you want to compete against secret paladins, mech mage, tempo mage and also aggro shaman for instance.

Equality – A staple for any control-based paladin deck where it is an efficient removal and can be combo with Consecration for a full board clear. Equality is mainly used to get rid of sticky creatures you cannot handle efficiently, such as Ysera.

Ironbeak Owl – The occasional silence is definitely worth having, since there are a lot of silence targets that impact the board to the point that it can lose you the game, such as Tirion, Ysera and Sylvanas. SILENCE IS JUST GUD.

Knife Juggler – Needless to say, being able to produce 1/1 silver hand recruits at will allows this card to have constant value. You can combo this card with muster for battle for some missile action.

Shielded Minibot – Strongest 2 drop in the whole game in my opinion since it can trade into almost any early drop efficiently.

Coghammer – This card helps with efficient trading with the divine shield and also providing a taunt to fend off early aggression. This card, without a doubt, strengthens the board with the 2/3 weapon and the divine shield buff.

Muster for battle – this card provides too much value not to play. It helps with the early tempo and helps to gain back the board in certain points of the game.

Aldor Peacekeeper – a pseudo-removal that takes care of threats.

Truesilver Champion – A strong removal to simply gain board control

Blessing of Kings – I sometimes switch between this card and Ragnaros. I mainly use blessing of kings for board control and use it for early burst against aggro match-ups for the racing potential.

Consecration – AOE board clear used to gain back board when behind or using it for reach.

Keeper of the Uldaman – I believe this card is what made this deck climb so quickly. This card is capable of dealing almost any creature on board and when combo with truesilver champion, the tempo swing is just tremendously huge. You can also make your silver hand recruit a 3/3 to establish board.

Piloted Shredder – A sticky minion for board.

Loatheb – This is the MVP of the deck because if you used correctly, you can beat many of the decks running around, such as oil/miracle rogue, aggro shaman and also freeze mage for instance. This spot was originally for antique healbot, however due to the lack of face hunters on ladder, loatheb is a better choice due to many decks being spell heavy.

Quartermaster – A card to apply extra pressure onto the board. You can used the buffed silver hand recruits simply for trading or for reach.

Sludge Belchers – Since we don’t have antique healbots, sludge belcher becomes more essential in this deck since the taunt can help in a lot of aggressive match-ups and can also protect your minions.

Justicar Trueheart – Some people like to run Sylvanas as their 6 drop in midrange paladin, however I like to run Justicar Trueheart for the constant board the new hero power provides. This also allows you to increase your win-rate against grinder decks, such as control warrior since they have problems removing consistent swarms of silver hand recruits.


Big game hunter – The reason why I am not running this card is because there are so many pseudo-removal type cards such as keeper of uldaman and aldor peacekeeper to deal with threats.

Antique Healbot – I know some people might find it strange that I only run one heal card where the standard midrange paladin list runs at least 2. In a sense, Loatheb is a heal as it denies certain decks from using spells for reach against classes like oil/miracle rogue, freeze mage, and aggro shaman. The current Meta is more spell based than minion based, so in a sense, loatheb is the stronger “antique healbot” in this case.

Murlock Knight - I don't really like this card since this card is essentially a 6-drop to gain immense value out of it and I feel that with Keeper of Uldaman taking its place, the deck becomes a lot strong from having answers. 


Warlock – zombie chow, shielded minibot, muster for battle,or knife juggler. On coin, Piloted shredder, coghammer or truesilver. Usually on coin, I like to keep a four drop if I feel confident that I have a good curve to survive the early game.

Reno warlock (hard) – I usually like to play very aggressively in this match-up since most of the time after they play Reno Jackson, I would be out of steam, so beating this match-up before they play Reno is preferred.

Zoo Warlock (easy) – Midrange paladin is built to beat Zoo since you have so many cards to control the board like you weapons, aldor peacekeeper, keeper of uldaman and also consecration. Just maintain board control for the whole game and eventually the Zoo player will run out of steam, while you slowly whittle them down and win the game.

Rogue – zombie chow, shielded minibot, muster for battle, or knife juggler. On coin, Piloted shredder, coghammer, truesilver or loatheb. As said previously, I like to keep some of these heavier drops if I feel confident that I have a good curve to survive the early game.

Oil/miracle Rogue (hard) – I felt these two decks are fairly similar, so I will put them in the same category. This match-up really relies on when you play loatheb to win the game or putting enough pressure onto the board where the rogue needs to waste their resources onto your minions instead of the face. The rule of thumb is to never leave a minion alive so that they can’t potentially burst you down with their tinker sharpsword oil or cold blood.

Paladin – zombie chow, shielded minibot, muster for battle, or knife juggler. On coin, Piloted Shredder, cog hammer or consecration.  I like to keep some of these heavier drops if I feel confident that I have a good curve to survive the early game.

Midrange Paladin (medium) – this match-up is pretty much 50/50, but I feel you have the upper hand since you have more answers than your opponent with the extra two keeper of uldaman. Just keep up with tempo and value trades and you should win the game.

Secret Paladin (medium) – this match-up is pretty easy with the inclusion of the double keeper of uldaman. When your opponent plays mysterious challenger, all you need to do is activate all their secrets and use either aldor or uldaman to answer the buffed mysterious challenger and the game should already be in your favour.  Rule of thumb is to consistently keep the board clear so that mysterious challenger does not get value off the secrets.

Murloc Paladin (hard) – Playing aggressively against this match-up is the key to this match-up since the murloc paladin does want to stall until late game to pull off the combo, so beat them down before they play anyfin can happen. Loatheb helps with this match-up a lot.

Druid - zombie chow, shielded minibot, muster for battle, or knife juggler. On coin, Piloted Shredder, cog hammer or truesilver champion. I like to keep some of these heavier drops if I feel confident that I have a good curve to survive the early game.

Fast Druid/ Midrange Druid (medium) – I feel that paladin is strongly favoured in this match-up since there is so many ways that paladin can gain tempo with their cards and especially when druids rely solely on their healthy minions and swipe to gain back the board, the inclusion of the two uldaman helps this match-up a lot. The only way you would lose this match-up is if you do not play around swipe.

Shaman - zombie chow, shielded minibot, muster for battle, or knife juggler. On coin, cog hammer or truesilver champion.

Aggro Shaman (Hard) – this match-up is so damn hard since you don’t have the life gain in the early mid-game to stabilize. In this match-up you would want to play aggressively as possible while doing efficient trades and hope that you draw into loatheb in time to deny lethal. Keep track of your health and use truesilver to heal if needed.  Doomhammer plus rockbiter is what hurts you.

Warrior - zombie chow, shielded minibot, muster for battle, or knife juggler. On coin, Piloted shredder, cog hammer or truesilver champion. I like to keep a four drop if I feel confident that I have a good curve to survive the early game.

Control Warrior (easy) – The deck itself naturally beats control warrior. Even though control warrior is capable of answering the board most of the time, the consistent pressure of the silver hand recruits in the early game (with muster) and late game (with justicar) causes the control warrior to deal with them inefficiently while also forcing them to exhaust their removals so we can play bigger creatures without being answered.

Mage - zombie chow, shielded minibot, muster for battle, knife juggler or loatheb (for freeze mage). On coin, Piloted shredder, cog hammer or truesilver champion. I like to keep a four drop if I feel confident that I have a good curve to survive the early game.

Tempo/Mech Mage (easy) – This match-up is similar to zoo where your deck is built to control the board better than these two decks and especially now that you have more answers for bigger or stickier creatures that these decks can put out. The only way you lose this game is having a heavy opening hand where you are set behind too much that the tempo/mech mage just snowballs the game or they have a god-like opening. Rule of thumb is to keep board control and save answers for Dr. Boom and Antonidas should win you the game.

Freeze Mage (hard) – This match-up is really 50/50 in my opinion since you do have the tools to beat this match-up. You can deal with the doomsayer plus frost nova combo with uldaman plus truesilver in order to retain board and push for damage. Also, use lay on hands if you need it and preferably use it after alexstraza for more healz. Lastly, use loatheb to buy you another turn so you can pressure for lethal.

Hunter - zombie chow, shielded minibot, muster for battle, or knife juggler. 

Face Hunter (Hard) - I rarely faced this match-up in the current meta, but because you only have one source of heal, it makes this match-up a lot harder. If you are consistently playing against this deck, I recommend subbing out loatheb for an antique healbot. The reason why I have loatheb is because I was playing against aggro shaman and freeze mage on ladder, but because your meta is more minion based, I would recommend antique healbot to better the match-up. You will definitely lose this match-up if you do not play around unleash the hound since paladin can swarm quite easily, which makes unleash the hound a huge source of damage.

Midrange Hunter (Medium) - This match-up should be a lot easier than face hunter since they play slow enough for you to establish board, which is also what mid-range hunter needs. I recommend to not give them the Houndmaster value. For instance, if you see a haunted creeper on board and heading into turn 4, I would pop it just so they do not get the value out of it, which makes it easier for you to establish board. Always have some sort of answer for a savannah highmane like aldor peacekeepr, Keeper of uldaman, equality or prepare for it with a strong board. Lastly, play around unleash the hound since it is a good board clear against you, especially when combo with knife juggler.

 Priest - zombie chow, shielded minibot, muster for battle, knife juggler. On coin, Piloted shredder, cog hammer or truesilver champion. I like to keep a four drop if I feel confident that I have a good curve to survive the early game.

Control Priest (hard) - Although I never lost to control priest, I believe this is still a hard match-up due to entomb removing tirion easily. What I like to do against this match-up is play around certain AOE, such as holy nova and lightbomb. If you don't over-extend, you can restock the board and reapply the pressure. I never hesitate on putting down a big threat like tirion or dr. boom just because they might have entomb. If they do use entomb, then they literally spent a turn doing nothing for a future investment, so within that time-frame, I usually put out as much pressure as possible for that loss turn, while also being aware of certain removals that the priest still has. I usually play until fatigue with this match-up and end up winning due to the enhanced hero power from justicar, although the games are always tight.

Dragon Priest (medium) - This match-up is a lot easier than the control priest, since you are just playing a tempo game. I believe in your arsenal, you have enough answers for there more threatening creatures, such as twilight guardian, blackwing corruptor, sometimes blackwing technician, chillmaw and ysera. Just play a value game with efficient trades and always saving either uldaman or equality for ysera when it hits the board. In my opinion, you are already in the a good spot when ysera is out of the game. You can easily lose this match-up if you do not play around holy nova or lightbomb, since these two cards are huge tempo gainers.

This is the guide and I hope you guys have as much success as I did with this deck and if you have any questions, definitely let me know in the comments below!

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Stay gold and hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!