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[S21][TOP 150] Aggro Shaman

  • Last updated Dec 23, 2015 (Explorers)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 2000
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/22/2015 (Explorers)
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You were the chosen one! You were supposed to defeat the Smorcs, not join them!


Greetings everyone! Zenmaster here with a guide about the aggro shaman i used to reach Legend Rank 139 on Europe.


Legend 2

Card Explanations:

Earth Shock: Our silence. We need it to bypass taunt, annoyances like Secret Keeper and 1 health BIG minions. One is enough in most games. Altough a second one might win you some games, it will lose you the games where you needed just a little more damage.


Lightning Bolt: Damage with Overload. Many times used to protect your early minions due to its low cost, other times used to reach lethal. Pretty amazing with Tunnel Trogg.


Rockbiter Weapon: Has the same use as Lightning Bolt many times. Worth keeping later for the most insane combo in the entire deck with Doomhammer. 10 damage in a turn is nothing to sniff at and wins you A LOT of games. Even tough that is the case, you should use it to defend your minions in the early game.


Tunnel Trogg: The single reason this deck came to be. If it lives for a few turns it can make a win certain due to it's snowballing effect. The most noticable combo is Turn 1 Trogg Turn 2 Totem Golem and Turn 1 Trogg Turn 2 Feral Spirit.


Ancestral Knowledge: Card draw. A lot of card draw. Topdecking it can win you the game in the lategame. It should be used over the hero pwoer in the late game since it can draw so much good damage, like Lava Burst, Crackle or Lightning Bolt. It can also fish out Rockbiter Weapon for Doomhammer.


Crackle: A lot of damage. Don't be afraid to use it to save your minions in the early game. Even tough it might seem that you lose damage, consistent minon pushes can add up to even more. Also, sometimes it will be just 3 damage for 2.


Lava Shock: Helps out a lot. It can sometimes award you lethal just by letting you play all the spells you got. It is amazing on turn 4 after you play Feral Spirit, letting you remove a threat to your minions and also play a 2 drop or 2 1 drops.


Totem Golem: Amazing 2 drop. Usually, your opponent will have nothing to do against it if you coin it out, or sometimes even when you play it on 2. It will be the minion that dishes out the most damage. You want to use it for trades if you have a growing trogg around or if a healing totem can give him some health. If you have the coin and 1 drops that are not troggs, coin the Totem Golem, THEN play a 1 drop. This way you apply more pressure.


Feral Spirit:  This card's role is to protect your minions so that they deal damage adn also your face so that you survive 1 more turn to finish your opponent off. Really good on turn 3 since you canLava Shock and deny its Overload.


Lava Burst: A huge burst of damage. The overload usually does not matter because of Lava Shock, but be careful with it. It is usually what you will use last as face damage, since the other damaging spells don't punish you so hard for killing minions.


Doomhammer: Main source of damage. Use it as soon as you can. Once equipped, it is basically a 4 damage hero power every turn. It's combo with Rockbiter Weapon is what wins a lot of games. It is a good strategy to try to not be overloaded on turn 5 if you have Doomhammer, since it disallows its play. Be careful with decks that might have Acidic Swamp Ooze or Harrison Jones. If you have the combo in your hand and it is all you need, and you suspect on of these cards being used, it is good to not equip Doomhammer until you can rockbitter it right away.


Abusive Sergeant: 2 free damage as long as you have a minion on board. Proritise using it over leper gnome or spells. It is amazing when you are overloaded to 1 usable crystal.


Leper Gnome: As long as there is Aggro, Face or Smorc anywhere, there will be leper gnome. It is the most efficient minion for


Sir Finley Mrrgglton: Amazing card. Usually totems are useless. Here is where Finley intervenes. The best hero powers that you can get are, in this order: Steady Shot, Life Tap, Shapeshift (Doomhammer synergy), Fireblast, Reinforce, Lesser Heal and Armor Up. Steady Shot usually wins games by itseld. It's the only way to go full SMorc. It is also a nice turn 1 play. It is able to stop tokens and is a certain target for Abusive Sergeant. Don't bother playing Totem before him for value, unless you are after turn 10.


Knife Juggler: Good since you can play a lot of 1 drops in a single turn. Why 2? Because it is seen as a huge threat. It has super taunt. It is even scarier than Whirlwing Zap-o-matic. People will kill it over you trogg plenty of times. It is also a great turn 2 play.


Argent Horserider: Probably the best charge to play. It can dish out lots of damage. It can be buffed by Abusive Sergent for sure. It is hard to remove and it can be removed pretty hard.


Tunnel Trogg - Always


Leper Gnome - Always


Totem Golem- Always


Sir Finley Mrrgglton - Always


Knife Juggler - If you got one of the first 4

Earth Shock - As long as you expect taunts and you got at least one of the first 4


Lightning Bolt - As long as you got Tunnel Trogg


Rockbiter Weapon - As long as you got one of the first three and know you wil have something to kill (Knife Juggler, Darnassus Asspirant)


Feral Spirit - As long as you have coin, Tunnel Troggor a good curve to turn 3


Secret Paladin (Hard) : His minions will always be better than yours, so priritise face. Play around his secrets all the time. Always count how many Noble Sacrifices he has used. Only one of those guys can ruin lethal since they block Doomhammer strikes. they are incredibly annoying if they have already. Losing 5 damage is devastating. Try to push with minions as much as you can before Mysterious Challenger and Tirion Fordring pop up. At that moment, you want to have as many spells as possible and push face.


Aggro Shaman (Even) : This matchup depends on who pushes the most damage. You want to be as efficient as you can with your removal and with your damage. Do not let a Tunnel Trogg live a single turn, even if you waste damage. It can alone deal more than 10 damage. Be careful with Feral Spirit. Aggro Shaman can kill them very efficiently. Drop them as long as he has nothing with 3 damage on his board if you have other options.


Midrange Druid (Easy) : You need to go full face here. The only thing that deserves you attention is certainly Darnassus Asspirant. It can completely ruin your plan and help the druid out tempo you. Keeping Rockbitter and Lightning Bolt is justified here. Earth Shock should be used on taunts, especially Sludge Belcher and Ancient of War. You need to push for damage as much as you can before he is able to get you via Force of Nature Savage Roar. Always try to calculate if he has lethal with Savage Roar. If so, and if you have extra damage (more than you can use to lethal in 2/3 turns), use a small removal on one of the minions, or trade with a small minion.


Renolock (Hard)  - Only go face, no matter what. Be as aggresive as you can possible be. Even if he gets Renolock, you might still win. Doomhammer can provide ridiculous damage. I have a story. I had a game once that defied everything about heals. I was going face with 3 minions on board. He was 4 health. He played reno. I still went face and got him to 15. then he played healbot. He plays belcher. I have Doomhammer double Rockbiter and i win. If you get the luck, you can still beat Renolock even if he heals a lot. Never give up. Once you loose all your minions on the board, you need to keep playing them so that you can keep pushing. 


Patron Warrior (Hard) - You need to keep going face as much as you can. Armorsmith HAD to be killed asap. It can alone generate more than 10 armor. The other things that can really scare you is Grim Patron. Once he starts getting more than 2 patrons on the board, just go face. I mean JUST FACE. Eliminating patrons is usually useless. It removes so much damage than you can no longer defeat him. If he does not get either of those 2 cards you might win easily.


Midrange Paladin (Hard) - He has enough minions to take the board, and unlike secret paladin, once he gets the board, it is hard to win by going full face. He has healbot and Lay in Hands that can really screw you. Still. do not give up. He sometimes lacks those heals and sometimes you get more damage than he can heal.


Oil Rogue (Even) - What makes you lose this matchup is Preparation. It can suddenly destroy your tempo and remove your minions constantly. If he doesn't out tempo you early, you can rush him easily since he takes damage by using his weapon. Many Oil Rogue have started to remove Antique Healbot from their decks for Sludge Belcher or Dr. Boom. This is really in your favor, since the face is all you're looking for.


Tempo Mage (Hard) - In this matchup you need a lot of removal to deal with Mana Wyrm, Sorcerer's Apprentice and especially Flamewaker. A single Flamewaker big turn can lose you the game. If he does that, it is usually over. If he doesn't you might win. Play around his secrets and it will be fine. You need to constantly push damage, since he also has a lot of reach and Archmage Antonidas to destroy you with lots of Fireballs.  


Freeze Mage (Very Easy) - He is very slow and as much as he tries, he has no way to deal with your minions in the early game and no way to deal with Doomhammer and spells in the late game. As long as you constantly apply pressure pressure he will fall quickly. Ice Block doesn't help him in any way and Doomsayer will get the Earth Shock. The only way he will beat you is if you have a really bad opening and he plays Alextraza and then bursts you down.

 Special thanks to SENPAI and the Hearthstone community.

I am going to finish this guide as soon as i can.

My battletag is Zenmaster#2490 for anyone who is interested. I play on the Europe server.