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Apocalypse of Anduin

  • Last updated Jun 18, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 12 Minions
  • 18 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 6040
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/9/2015 (Warsong Nerf)
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Apocalypse of Anduin

Version 5 - ready for Whispers of the Old Gods


In the deepest catacombs, there, where the light just reverberates shadows, the League of Explorers Excavated Evil, and there was a reason why it was Entombed by the ancient Doomsayers.... 

For those priests who love to be a Shadowfiend, this deck is for you, the darkest hour for all lovers of the Priest class - the Apocalypse of Anduin!

How to play this deck:
This deck is very difficult to play, it plays like a Freeze Mage but as a Priest you do not have the frozen effect, but you have a ridiculous amount of board clears. If you want to learn this deck, take your time, you will need a lot of games to be succesful with this deck.

The game plan is to stall the game until late game and win with fatigue damage for your opponent in addition to Mind Spike and Mind Shatter damage from your Shadowforms.

You have several cards for a lot of small, medium, big board wipes. With the Standard format a lot of board control cards faded out, so no more Explosive Sheep, Unstable Ghoul, Lightbomb and Vol'jin. They were replaced with the Circle of Healing, Auchenai Soulpriest, Flash Heal combos in addition with Shadow Word: Horror and Holy Fire. For some RNG value I added a Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, still testing with those cards though.

Single taget removals: Shadow Word: Pain, Shadow Word: Death, Entomb, Holy Fire.

Bloodmage Thalnos helps you to empower the board clear by one damage and draws you a card.

To be able to cast all those board clears you need time (mana/turns) and the cards. This is where Brann Bronzebeard and Coldlight Oracles come in handy. In combination with a Shadowfiend on board you will get 4 cards and each of it will be discounted by the Shadowfiend and as a nice side effect you might mill some cards from your opponent and provide a good piece to your game plan mentioned above. When you have a full hand then slam that Emperor Thaurissan to get even more discounted cards. You need those discounts so that you can squeeze in a hero power, meaning a Mind Spike or a Mind Shatter.

A small note here to the mechanic of Excavated Evil: Yes this card will be proactive for your mill plan to go faster into fatigue status, but your opponent will have one draw where he wants one of his cards and just draws that Excavated Evil and he needs to spend a half turn / 5 mana to play this card to get out of his hand. Most likely he will kill your minions with his own cards so he might not even get value out of this card. Moreover 2x Excavated Evil in your opponent's deck will deny Reno Jackson value. You will almost everytime have more benefit out of this card - except if you play a mirror match ;-)

Reno Jackson is also a nice card you can drop very late game, be sure to meet Reno Jackson's requirement. Most likely you will play him when you and your opponent are already in fatigue mode. Every fatigue damage will increase by one - be sure to do the math when you are in that state, take your time for these turns before you slam Reno Jackson to get maximum value out of him!


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