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[Top legend EU] Miracle mage

  • Last updated Oct 10, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 14 Minions
  • 16 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 3260
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/10/2015 (TGT Launch)
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Disclaimer: This is not a deck that is overpowered nor invencible. However I think that this list can win many games if played properly and it surely makes for big memorable and fun moments. It's also effective to climb the ladder.

As a gadgetzan diehard fan (rip old miracle rogue) I have been trying to assemble this deck since I crafted my brand new arcane blasts. My intention was to make a trollish deck but I think the current list is solid enough to climb the ladder. 

I have played this deck during the 10th and 11th October, from mid rank 3 to top100 legend.

Although I have way more recorded games I'm showing the statistics for this particular list.

Imo, the list is pretty good in this metagame as it's really effective against common tournaments decks such as handlock (you can literally kill them by t6 with the nuts hand), patron (if you know how to use freezes and mirror images) and druid (they just can't keep up with the pressure nor remove gadgetzans).



The deck is a tempo mage variant that can do crazy combos when it gets to the mid-late game. The way you play it will vary depending on your opponent. 

If you are fighting aggresive decks (such as secret paladin) you will want to play like a tempo mage. Fight for board, deal damage to face and finish the game fast before the pala starts playing dr6 7 and 8.

However, if you are fighting slower decks (such as control warrior, patron, priest) you will want to be more greedy. Don't spend too many of your spells, as you will need them to finish the game. With the correct hand you can literally draw 15+ cards in a turn, get a mana wyrm to +10 attack or get 4-5 fireballs from antonidas. It won't happen too often, but it will definitely happen from time to time.

The combos will always feature Sorcerer's apprentice working with antonidas or gadgetzan auctioneer. A classic strat is to play apprentice+flamewaker the turn before. Clean as much as possible and taunt up/freeze to protect them. If your opponent can deal with any of the two, he will go for flamewaker. Next turn you will have an apprentice on board for the combos.

However, most of your wins won't come from combos. Play for tempo, use gadgetzans to cycle spells and to apply pressure (as they are must-remove targets).

It is also very important to know when to race. Stealing wins by going face/freezing/taunting when you can't deal with the board will gain you many extra stars.


Mulligans + explanations

Although this is a combo deck, your opponent will not know that until it's too late. You can punish really hard your opponent for leaving an apprentice on board.

If you are experienced with tempo mage, try to make similar mulligans. Cards that you almost always keep are Mana wyrm and sorcerer's apprentice.

Even if I don't specify it in the mulligan guide, keep flamewaker if it makes sense with your other cards.


You really want to deal with the early darnassus so look for any card combinations that help you.

- Apprentice. If you have a coin it can contest an incoming darnassus aspirant on t1.

- Always: frostbolt, flamecannon, mana wyrm

- If you suspect the druid is the new aggro-variant look for arcane blast/missiles.


This is a hard matchup, you will need to stop the initial aggression and then snowball with freezes/burst. I do think that the face hunter matchup is really hard tho, but if it's midrange a good icelance to the savannah can win you enough tempo to steal a win.

Look for wyrms, sorcerer's apprentice, missiles, arcane blast, frostbolt. Maybe flamewaker.

Tempo mage

It's sort of a mirror match where you have a slight disadvantage: no scientists on turn 2.

Look for mana wyrm, sorcerer's apprentice, frostbolt, flamecannon, unstable portal and arcane blast.

Secret paladin

This is a hard matchup. You really need to look for the nuts-tempo hand here. This means missiles, wyrms, apprentices, flamewakers and the cheap spells. Try to burst them before they can curve out 6 into 7 into 8. Most of my wins come from a flamewaker that snowballs thanks to the mirror images.


You want stuff to deal with the deathlords (if they call antonidas or gadgetzan you will just win) and the clerics. Look for cheap removal, and the classics: mana wyrm and apprentice.

Shoutouts to flamecannon as well. Dont forget that priests have trouble to deal with 4atk minions (hello gadgetzan auctioneer! - don't keep it tho)


So far I've come to the conclusion that this is a free win. Having a strong start will make the match an easy game, so look for mana wyrms, apprentice, cheap spells, (!)flamecannon and (!)frostbolt. As always, there is no need to keep icelances.

The goal is to deal enough damage early game to put him at 18-22HP. Then burst with your spells. If this plan fails and you go to the late game, you just need to play antonidas with 2-3 cheap/free spells.


 This encounter can be tricky. There are a ton of ways to play it.

Overall you want to apply pressure early (try to protect your minions with mirror images or freezes) and finish with a crazy combo when you assemble enough parts.

Look for: mana wyrm, frostbolt, mirror image, flamecannon, portal, water elemental.

Don't overvalue: arcane missiles & flamewakers.

> Against patron: Play agressively, you want them to waste their combo pieces as removal. If you can protect your wyrm behind mirror images they will be forced to waste their inner rages/executes/whirlwinds. Try to deny the death's bite deathrattle by freezing their face.

If you make them waste their removal, the game will go to topdecking where you are favored. An uncontested gadgetzan or water  elemental can snowball really hard.

> Against control warr: You need to be the agressor as well. Don't let them take the initiative of the match or you will have to deal with big guys that you can't probably kill. Mana wyrm and mirror images are the MVP's.


Well, that's it I hope you have fun!
I don't stream often but you might find me online twitch.tv/rerroll