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Wall Mage (Grinder Mage Variant)

  • Last updated Jul 6, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 5580
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/8/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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**EDIT 2**
I modified the deck once again based on the prevalence of aggro as of late on the ladder and to improve cycling in order to fix some card draw issues.

I figured that usually, explosive sheep would not be played until turn 4 for a board clear leaving my board prior to turn 4 bare. In order to mend this problem, I cut explosive sheep entirely and put loot hoarders in their place. Loot hoarders improve the cycling and are a threat that your opponent is forced to deal with. Usually, they will have to forgo playing a minion turn 2 in order to remove it.

I took out Sunwalkers in order to improve the curve and the tech in the deck.
I cut Arcane Intellects because Acolyte of Pain is better against aggro and can draw removal. Card draw shouldn’t be an issue if you play your duplicates correctly and utilize your loot hoarders.

I removed a BGH and added a Mind Control Tech because two BGHs seemed a bit excessive. There are decks in the meta at the moment (certain ramp druids and control priest) that dodge BGH completely, so I decided to cut one for the versatile Mind Control Tech.

Acidic Swamp Ooze will win you matches vs Oil Rogue and Warrior. With the addition of Acidic Swamp Ooze I can guarantee a %70 win rate against those pesky Patron Warriors.

I put in Thaurissan because it synergizes well with the awesome hand this deck has. With a multitude of options to fill your hand (Acolyte, Loot Hoarder and especially Duplicate) you should have a sizeable hand most of the time and be able to get awesome value out of Thaurissan.

That’s it for my changes today, hope you all enjoy the deck. If you have any questions or concerns place them in the comments!

**End Edit 2**

**EDIT 1**

I made some changes to this deck based on meta changes and to improve it's effectiveness against control decks while still maintaining stability against aggro. Feel free to tweak the deck based on the meta, replaceable cards include:

1x Explosive Sheep, 1x BGH, 1x Arcane Intellect, 1x Ragnaros, 1x Sylvannas

These cards can be exchanged for tech cards (Mind Control Tech, Kezean Mystic, Baron Geddon etc. etc.) based on the meta you're playing in. I made changes based on the amount of handlocks, paladins and druids I have been facing lately.

Another thing I failed to address in my original guide which can be found below is substitutions which I will now list:

Ragnaros: Pyroblast; Sneeds; Chrommagus; Ysera

Sylvannas: Piloted Sky Golem; Cairne

Kel’Thuzad: Chrommagus; Ysera; Sneeds

Dr Boom is pretty essential and irreplaceable. Should be your top priority to craft, but if you cannot afford him, use my replacements listed for Ragnaros.

**End Edit 1**

Hello Everybody,

This deck is inspired my Strifeco's recent "Grinder Mage" decks.

Although this mage deck shares many similarities with Strifeco's deck, there are quite a few differences that differentiate the play styles between the two decks. This deck plays extremely similarly in the early game, forcing your opponent to remove your strong early game options (Chow and Scientist) and stall until mid-late game. During the mid game, try to duplicate your taunts such as Sludge Belcher and Sunwalker to keep afloat against aggro and tempo decks. During the midgame, use your healbots and ice barriers as necessary to keep out of burst range. The late game is where this deck varies from Strifeco's variant. Your win conditions are KT (if you have board).; Pyroblast, especially against those pesky handlocks that dominate the ladder and to get that extra push against agro; and last but not least, Ysera to simply outlast your opponent.

I took some liberties with modifying this deck based on my hatred for aggro decks. Early in it's creation, I had problems finishing the match out against control, so I took some liberties of contributing more win conditions into the decklist. With your many taunts and duplicate, you should be able to stop aggro in their tracks, and increase their value using Kel'Thuzad.

This deck is not necessarily better or worse than Strifeco's, it just shines in different situatuations. Because of the inclusion of Pyroblast you can finish the game against handlock; because of the copious amount of taunts and sustain it can stabilize and stop aggro; because of Ysera it can grind through long matches against Druid, Priest and Warrior while keeping out of combo range with your awesome sustain.

Hope you enjoy the deck, if you like it be sure to like the deck, and if you despise it or have any questions leave them in the comments please.